World famous group "Europe"

World famous group "Europe"
World famous group "Europe"

This article will touch on the group "Europe". Undoubtedly, many have heard of it. Europe's most famous single is The final countdown, released in 1986 and included in the album of the same name. But if someone is not familiar with the work of this group, this article will tell you all about it.


General information

Europe Group was founded in 1979 in Upplands-Väsby, Sweden. The album The final countdown brought worldwide fame. The leader of the group is Joey Tempest. It would be nice to go over his biography, right?

Founder biography

Joey's real name is Rolf Magnus Joakim Larsson. A talented musician was born on August 19, 1963 near Stockholm. Before becoming famous all over the world, he mastered playing the guitar and piano, was a member of various groups, until he met John Norum in 1979.

Together they organized the Force group, whose name changed in 1982 to the well-known Europe. In the same year, they became the winners of the Rock-SM competition, the main prize of which was the recording of the album.

This is how their path to glory began. They arequickly became popular. Many dreamed of getting to the Europe concert. Joey was not only an unsurpassed vocalist, but also a talented composer. He scored worldwide hits like Rock the night, Superstitious and The final countdown.

Europe disbanded in 1992, but Joey continued his career as a solo artist. Even working alone, he achieved incredible success. Fortunately, in 2004 the band was resurrected, bringing their fans into indescribable delight. She pleases the world with her creativity to this day.

Joey Tempest
Joey Tempest


Let's move on to the discography. Below are the albums of Europe.

  • Europe - 1983. Europe's debut album. It included 16 songs. Immediately upon entering, it won the hearts of many and reached number 8 on the Swedish charts. With this album, they went on a tour of Scandinavia. The most popular single from this album was the single Seven Doors Hotel. It was she who took 10th place in the music top in Japan.
  • Album cover "Europe"
    Album cover "Europe"
  • Wings of Tomorrow - 1984. 17 songs. From this album, such singles as Scream of anger, Open your heart and Stormwind became instant hits, and the second even attracted the attention of the famous CBS Records, with which they later signed an international contract in 1985.
  • Cover of the album "Wings of tomorrow"
    Cover of the album "Wings of tomorrow"
  • The Final Countdown - 1986. 17 songs. This album brought Europe fame not only within their country, it became famous all over the world. Triple platinum in the United States, number 8 on the Billboard 200 chart, dominating the charts in 25 countries. It was an incredible breakthrough for the band. But they didn't want to stop there.
  • Album cover of "The final countdown"
    Album cover of "The final countdown"
  • Out of This World - 1988. 17 songs. Not as successful, but no less pleased with the fans, the album included the single Superstitious, which at that time occupied the first lines of the world charts, which went platinum in their homeland in 24 hours.
  • Album cover "Out of this world"
    Album cover "Out of this world"
  • Prisoners in Paradise - 1991. 16 songs. The success of this album was eclipsed by such bands as the world famous Nirvana, Soundgarden and Pearl Jam due to the growing popularity of the grunge genre.
  • Album cover of "Prisoners in Paradise"
    Album cover of "Prisoners in Paradise"
  • Start from the Dark- 2004. 17 songs. This album helped the band to return to the world scenes again. The title was described as "dark but promising". However, after a silence of 13 years, it was a real breakthrough. The songs were getting heavier, which surprised the fans.
  • Album cover "Start from the dark"
    Album cover "Start from the dark"
  • Secret Society - 2006. 17 songs. After long performances, the next album was released. The severity of the singles subsided a little, but still did not disappear. The guys chose a course and they had no plans to stray from it.
  • Cover of the album "Secret Society"
    Cover of the album "Secret Society"
  • Last Look at Eden - 2009. 17 songs. Albumkept the fans from lowering their heads and feeling sad about the long absence of new singles after subsequent, no less long performances.
  • Album cover of "Last look at Eden"
    Album cover of "Last look at Eden"
  • Bag of Bones - 2012. 16 songs. The cover of the album caused a lot of emotions among the fans. And no wonder, after all, they have been waiting for its release for almost 3 years.
  • Album cover "Bag of bones"
    Album cover "Bag of bones"
  • War of Kings - 2015. 16 songs. This album was not pure hard rock. Whatever one may say, the fans cannot be held by one "heavy weight". The songs were diluted in their own way with other notes, which added novelty to their work.
  • Album cover "War of kings"
    Album cover "War of kings"
  • Walk the Earth - 2017. 16 songs. In the latest album, references to Joey's older colleagues can be very clearly seen. He borrowed their playing style and used it in episodes of his creations.

    "Walk the Earth" album cover
    "Walk the Earth" album cover

Group status these days

Musicians are working to this day, in the process of creating new singles and new albums. The current members of the band are Ian Hoagland, Mic Michaeli, John Lavan, John Norum and, of course, the unrivaled Joey Tempest. With this line-up in 2018 they won the Grammis award - the Swedish analogue of the Grammy, there were 5 participants in the nomination.

Time passes, everything changes. Unfortunately, the Europe group is no longer as popular as it was many years ago. New generations are born, tastes and preferences change, favorites become history,place new stars are coming.

Despite their waning popularity, all the world fame and fame of the group "Europe" was honestly deserved by unsurpassed talent and hard work. And the single, which was already mentioned earlier, will certainly leave a bright mark in history.
