What are the most popular Christmas movies?

What are the most popular Christmas movies?
What are the most popular Christmas movies?

On New Year's Eve, we all love to watch movies. Especially those that embody all the delights of this wonderful holiday. There are a lot of foreign films of this type, but Russian New Year's films warm the soul and cheer up better.

New Year films
New Year films

There are more than enough domestic films on the theme of the New Year. The most popular without any doubt is "The Irony of Fate, or Enjoy Your Bath!". Everyone knows his funny story, when friends, having taken a steam bath, mistakenly sent one of their comrades to seek adventure in the great city of Leningrad. You can watch it endlessly, because the humor there is light, and the plot is worldly.

Also, no one can imagine life without the beautiful masterpiece "Carnival Night". Lots of songs, a great cast and a great idea keep us laughing louder and louder at this movie year after year.

New Year is a holiday of miracles and dreams come true. Each person makes a wish and hopes for its fulfillment. New Year's films carry a lot of humor, love and understanding. By the way, about the dream. Rememberthis is a wonderful fortune-telling when you need to write a wish on a piece of paper, burn it, throw it into a glass of champagne and drink it to the bottom? And all these actions must be done during the chiming clock! Who didn't do that? It is about this wonderful fortune-telling that the new film of Russian cinema "Yolki" is being discussed. To date, the second part of it has also been filmed, which turned out to be an equally interesting story with a happy ending.

Russian New Year films
Russian New Year films

There has not yet been such a person on my life path who would not watch New Year's films. By the way, everyone likes Russian ones much more than overseas ones. Indeed, in our, domestic films, the Russian soul is revealed, and this is very close to us.

An adaptation of N. V. Gogol "The Night Before Christmas" under the title "Evenings on a farm near Dikanka". This is a mystical story about how a blacksmith named Vakula saved the entire village from hell.

For children, it will be great to watch a wonderful cartoon with a happy ending "Twelve Months".

The domestic fairy tale "Magicians" tells its viewer that love can work incredible miracles. The beautiful girl Alena is going to marry her lover named Ivan, but her director is in love with her and freezes her feelings. To put everything in its place, Ivan needs to kiss Alena before the chimes strike.

Also a very good movie about love "New Year's fare". amazingmiracles happen here due to the fact that technological progress is constantly moving forward.

New Year's films Russian
New Year's films Russian

The list is endless, and in any case, each person will find New Year's films that he will like. Films of such a plot always cheer up and make you believe in a miracle. Miracles happen quite often. We just do not pay attention to it because of our constant employment. You should look around more often, and then faith in the unusual will definitely return to our impregnable and closed from all wonderful hearts.
