Actor Yuri Belyaev: wife, children, personal life

Actor Yuri Belyaev: wife, children, personal life
Actor Yuri Belyaev: wife, children, personal life

Actor Yuri Belyaev is a very interesting person. Many enjoy watching feature films with his participation. In this article you will find brief information about his life, about the beginning of his career and various achievements. And also learn a lot from his personal life.

Actor Yuri Belyaev. Biography. Pursuing a dream

The life of this amazing temperamental person and character actor began in 1947, far from the current generation. In the small village of Poltavka, not far from the city of Omsk, the future magnificent film and theater actor, Yuri Viktorovich Belyaev, was born. None of the parents and people close to him at that moment even thought that after some 16 years their beloved baby would first appear on the stage of the Stupino Folk Theater. It was here that he was destined to play his first, at that time episodic role not only in the play, but also in his life, under the close supervision of the theater director, O. A. Livaeva. And the most important thing today is that Yuri Belyaev is an actor, wife, whose children fully support him on a sometimes very difficult life path.

Childhood and youth

actor Yuri Belyaev personal life
actor Yuri Belyaev personal life

From childhood, the actor Yuri Belyaev was completely embraced by the world of art.

In 1954, his family moved to the city of Stupino, where, with the permission of his parents, he began to attend the ballet theater. This theater, namely the opportunity to dance, he likes so much that over time the boy begins to study there, and after a while he shows himself as a promising dancer in the ballet theater. Yuri is very much absorbed in this art, he begins to forget that he is only 12 years old and at this stage of his life he needs to get a basic, school education. The boy starts skipping school and eventually stays for 2 years in the 8th grade. Yuri Belyaev's parents are beginning to think about this. As a result, they decide that their boy will have a difficult life without a basic education and forbid him to even think about music, dance and art in general.

Yuri returns to the world of material values, where the basis is not the desire for "high", but monotony and practicality.

Overcoming difficulties on the way to the goal

Actor Yuri Belyaev biography
Actor Yuri Belyaev biography

After all these events in the life of Yuri, a new stage of development begins.

A young, handsome and full of vitality young man falls into depression, from which he manages to get himself out of it by making the only right decision for that moment - to forget about everything and move only forward, towards life and the future. Having tied his life and his dream together, he did not regret it a bit throughout his life. The future actor Yuri Belyaev perfectly manifests himself in a completely opposite occupation to art - in sports, namely in athletics, where he achieves great results in pole vaulting. He gradually begins to think about whether it is possible to connect his life with this profession and build a serious career … But the unexpected happens - an accident. As a result, a leg injury (the future actor was hit by a motorcycle). After such an event, you have to forget about professional sports forever.

Career start

actor Yuri Belyaev biography
actor Yuri Belyaev biography

Like all young people, Yuri Belyaev joined the army at the age of 18. Having served the due term, he applied to the Shchukin school 4 times and only in 1978 became a student of this educational institution. During his studies, he was considered one of the best students among those who studied with him at that time.

After graduating from college at the age of 28, he began working at the Ostrovsky Theater by invitation. After working there for several years, the actor continued his career in the comedy and drama theater on Taganka. This theater became his main place of work for 35 years. The best years of his life were devoted to the Moscow theater. "Boris Godunov", "Hamlet", "Alive", "Feast during the Plague", "The Master and Margarita", "The House on the Embankment" - these performances, as well as many others, brought him fame and universal recognition.

For 15 years, Yuri Belyaev was one of the most sought-after actors of that time, but gradually he became disillusioned with the theatrical life. He comes to the conclusion that it is time for him to take a break from thisfuss and constant workload, and leaves the theater. After a break, he returns to Taganka again, but already without the joy that arose earlier only at the mere mention of the stage.

That's when he starts to try himself as a movie actor.

Cinema career

Love of the public, Yuri Belyaev, nevertheless, to a greater extent, acquired after his roles in the cinema. The films “Gunpowder”, “This Woman in the Window”, “The Case of Sukhovo-Kobylin”, “Regicide”, “A Play for the Passenger” made the audience quickly see all the advantages (and disadvantages) of this person.

For example, in the film "This Woman in the Window", in which actor Yuri Belyaev played an acrobat and power juggler-circus performer Valerian, he had to try hard, because this role is absolutely impossible without special sports training. All this once again proves that people performing on stage are not only a beautiful cover, but also strength, skills and abilities, as well as diversity, which are the virtues of any person.

Thanks to these comparisons, many understand that in the course of life each person is capable of much. Yuri Belyaev, the biography of this man emphasizes this, is an excellent example that makes you understand that it is worth spending your life on overcoming difficulties, joy, love and a dream, and not just forget about everything and “go with the flow.”

Awards and public recognition

In 1995, at the age of 48, he was an Honored Artist of Russia and a laureate of the Foreign Intelligence Prize. At the age of 50, he played the lead role in the television series La Comtesse de Monsoro.

yuri belyaev actor children
yuri belyaev actor children

After this role, he became one of the most desired actors. In total, Belyaev's filmography includes more than 57 films and television series. The most famous of his latest works are "Teacher in Law", "Kandahar", "Taras Bulba", "Cook", "Bros 2", "Homeless 2" and many others. Thanks to these films, the actor Yuri Belyaev is becoming popular among young people.

Filming in movies and TV shows, as well as constant acting in the theater took almost all of his time. Unfortunately, all actors admit that this is the other side of success. Among these people is Yuri Belyaev, an actor whose personal life, after universal recognition, fades into the background. As, however, happens very often. As Yuri Belyaev says: “Wife, children are the most important thing in life, but success on stage makes personal life difficult to access.” Let's talk about this aspect in more detail.

Actor Yuri Belyaev: personal life

actor Yuri Belyaev wife
actor Yuri Belyaev wife

Although Yuri Belyaev was married and had two children, at the age of 69 he gets divorced and marries actress Tatyana Abramova. With his second wife, actor Yuri Belyaev, whose personal life is almost always under the cameras of cameras, secretly married in June 2014. Many believe that public people do not have the right to divorce, and Yuri Belyaev is no exception. The actor, wife, whose children also constantly fall under the sights of television cameras, has a completely different opinion on this matter. This purposeful person believes that everything in life happens for a reason, and there comes a moment when love passes andsincerity in relationships. And don't be afraid of change. Actor Yuri Belyaev, his wife Tatyana Abramova are absolutely happy in marriage and look only to the future.

Yuri Belyaev actor wife, children
Yuri Belyaev actor wife, children

Attitude towards children

Today, their marriage does not last long (since May 2014), and the spouses, in turn, try to spend as much time together as possible. As actress Tatyana Abramova admits, Yuri is great with her children, whom she has two. They, in turn, sincerely try to fall in love with Yuri.

Yuri Belyaev is an actor whose children have already grown up and found their place in art. His eldest daughter Olga found her calling in organizing exhibitions and cultural projects. Another pride of his father, son Alexei, became a photojournalist. Thanks to their knowledge and upbringing, the children of Yuri Belyaev received a higher education and stand firmly on their feet, doing what they love.
