Film "Pyramid": reviews of movie lovers

Film "Pyramid": reviews of movie lovers
Film "Pyramid": reviews of movie lovers

On the fourth of December, the horror film "Pyramid" (2014) was released on Russian screens. Reviews of movie lovers about this picture have already flooded the forums.

movie pyramid reviews
movie pyramid reviews

Direction and cast

The film is worth talking about. And even disputes flare up about whether the "Pyramid" is really horror? Viewer reviews are varied. But the scales are leaning towards the fact that the film is worth watching at least once.

The film is directed by Gregory Levasseur and written by Alexandre Azha. This tandem was successful long before the horror film "Pyramid" was shot. Reviews about their creations are the most admirable. Many films produced by Azha according to the script by Levasseur still excite the blood of a sophisticated viewer. In this picture, Levasseur acted as a director for the first time. Azha became a co-producer. But nevertheless, this did not save the picture from the devastating assessment of critics.

Among the actors there are no stars of the first magnitude. The only one who actually plays is Ashley Hinshaw. At some points, her behavior becomes more affected, and fear and horror seem artificial. Despite her studies in archeology and her father, a professor, the heroine Ashleyturns out to be a typical blonde. But even stupid actions do not detract from her beauty. For fans of Ashley, the film is a chance to see her in a new quality.

Young actor Amir Kamiab, who starred as the lover of the main character, did not particularly excel on the set. In big cinema, his debut was the film "Pyramid". There are almost no reviews about the actor's game, since he died at the very beginning of the film. Amir diligently depicted pain and suffering, but even this did not move the audience.

The role of the journalist went to Krista Nicola, who until recently flaunted on the covers of glossy magazines in a swimsuit, seducing with her blond curls. In the "Pyramid" it is not recognized. New hairstyle to match a serious look, there are no bikinis. The viewer will not be disappointed, the actress's game is one of the most successful. The moment when she is taken off the stakes while still alive is especially impressive.

pyramid movie 2014 reviews
pyramid movie 2014 reviews

Perhaps the most memorable was the role of actor James Buckley, who played the cameraman. At first he pretends to be frivolous, but not everything is as simple as it seems. In addition, Buckley appears in a more brutal than usual way. Perhaps his best work can be considered "Pyramid" (film 2014). Reviews of the fair sex about this actor are contradictory, but if someone speaks negatively about him, then most likely they simply did not watch the picture to the end.


The plot of the thriller takes place in Egypt. A team of archaeologists discovers a previously unknown pyramid. Ancient tomb buriedunder a layer of sand. The secret of the oldest of the pyramids is to be revealed to its heroes.

pyramid reviews on imhonet
pyramid reviews on imhonet

The beginning of the picture describes the unrest in Cairo during the recent change of power. At first, everything looks very natural. As if the participants are filming the running crowd from the inside. Then the excavation and a journalist trying to interview the archaeologists come into the frame. A piece of a trihedral pyramid, covered with sand, also falls there. Scientists are trying to find the entrance to the tomb, but they are prevented by stray dogs, who have come running to the excavations in huge numbers.

Finally, the entrance to the pyramid has been dug up. When you try to open the tomb, a cloud of blue smoke escapes from it, which hits one of the participants - Holden. But he does not lose heart. He easily explains this phenomenon by the mold accumulated in the pyramid. The archaeologist strongly denies the existence of the curse of the pyramids and does not believe in mysticism.

Soon, Holden and his daughter Nora receive a notice that they must urgently leave the dig site for safety. Nora's father and she herself are unable to leave the antiquity shrouded in secrets. Hoping to learn at least something about the pyramid, they launch a moon rover inside. Only in this way they will be able to get information about the underground passage in a few hours. At his first steps, it turns out that one of the stray dogs climbed into the underground passage. Ultimately, the rover hits some kind of obstacle, the signal disappears. Expensive instrument leased from NASA must be returned at all costs.

A team of scientists descends to look for his footprints. However, theyfind only fragments. Suddenly, the whole group falls into an underground labyrinth. Soon everyone realizes that someone is hunting them. Nora's companion, Zakir, is hit by a huge boulder. The immobilized young man is trapped, and the rest are forced to continue on their way. Scientists start dying one by one. Corporal Shadid, who hastened to the rescue, also falls into the trap. Everyone understands that it is impossible to get out of the maze.

pyramid movie reviews
pyramid movie reviews

The heroes manage to decipher the hieroglyphs. The pyramid is the dungeon of Anubis, the god of the underworld. His awakening has already happened and a painful death awaits the heroes. Freemasons are everywhere, robbing tombs.

About the ancient Egyptian Book of the Dead and the prediction, as a result of which Anubis will be resurrected, says "Pyramid" (film 2014). Reviews of real Egyptologists about the picture are not found. It has not yet been possible to find out their opinion about this interpretation of Egyptian history.


The only way out of the labyrinth is the hall in which stands the tomb of the ancient god. The heroes have only one chance - to pass through it. According to Egyptian mythology, Anubis must weigh the heart of the deceased on the scales in order to pass it to the stars, or devour it. The ending has become the most vulnerable point of many films shot by novice directors. The originality of the idea did not save the "Pyramid". Critics and viewers in unison repeat about the unsuccessful part of the film. The main monster, Anubis, deserved special censure. Not only does he not cause fear, but he is not even able to properly destroyheroes. The dog-headed monster is not at all drawn to the title of the god of the underworld.

A deadly virus does not give the main character the right to life at the very end. But worst of all, the prediction, deciphered in hieroglyphs, comes true. It looks like we are waiting for the continuation of the story.

Shooting method

horror movie pyramid 2014 reviews
horror movie pyramid 2014 reviews

The budget of the picture is kept in the strictest confidence. It was shot in the technique of "found films" But later the creators of the picture are moving away from this feature. It remains not entirely clear why archaeologists are hung with cameras from head to toe and who is filming the group from the side?

Another movie title is "The Hills Have Eyes". The slogan of the film is "You can't leave alive." Many critics consider the film a failure. They unanimously call the main mistake of the creators the abundance of external plans in the complete absence of special effects. The sense of presence is lost. It turns out that the heroes took cameras with them only to take pictures of each other, and continue to do this even with a threat to their lives. At the same time, someone else is shooting them from the outside, which is completely contrary to logic. The only plus noted by the fans of the film is that all the characters can be clearly seen. Even in the darkness.

Settings and visual effects

A few words should be said about the scenery. There are very few of them. The labyrinth does not contain any interesting clues. Even monsters don't inspire fear. They look like bald cats and are only disgusting. Modest visual effects are hardly compensated by the performance of the actors, who diligentlyportray fear and panic.

In fact, the exceptionally violent reaction of the characters completely lubricates the huge number of dangers and obstacles set by the director. An endless series of monsters and traps makes it impossible to focus on a specific storyline. It remains unclear where and why this army of horror appeared. Bloodthirsty hairless cats, a deadly virus, blue gas, wild dogs - do not cause mortal horror. Finally, Anubis himself, who looks like a toy from Happy Meal, does not frighten the viewer.

horror movie pyramid reviews
horror movie pyramid reviews


The film is a parody of documentaries, which makes the music inappropriate in it. Maximum - a random soundtrack from the player or the old raucous radio. At the same time, the theme of the love relationship between Nora and her friend Zakir slips through the picture. Feelings, as you know, require appropriate accompaniment. The presence of music in the picture should not be embarrassing. The director nevertheless made the transition to a standard horror film, where every movement of the characters is accompanied by disturbing notes.

Similar films

Adventures in the maze are reminiscent of Neil Marshall's acclaimed film The Descent. Unlike the horror-filled thriller, after 20 minutes of viewing, the new film "Pyramid" ceases to be taken seriously. Reviews of the audience are filled with irony towards the young director. In a similar style, the film "Paris: City of the Dead" was shot. Its plot is also identical with the "Pyramid": archaeologists, love adventures, underground catacombs and the search for ancient evil. Despite this, the filmGregory Levasseur has something to surprise - in the picture there are still unexplored images and phenomena. The tightness of the labyrinth, ancient hieroglyphs, mythological riddles add charm to the picture. Of course, it will be interesting as part of the popularization of ancient history.

Film "Pyramid": negative reviews

pyramid horror reviews
pyramid horror reviews

Such a complex topic as Ancient Egypt has been revealed more than once by other filmmakers. A series of all kinds of mummies and tombs was generated by the indefatigable imagination of the directors. One of the most remarkable films on this subject is Sommers' The Mummy. In the "Pyramid" the theme of archeology slips furtively. Heroes treat artifacts and hieroglyphs extremely casually. The plot is not even close to the mythology. The only thing that fits a horror movie is the pyramid itself. The cramped and dark labyrinth immediately causes an attack of claustrophobia. Everyone has their own unpleasant moments, but without watching it to the end, it is difficult to judge whether the Pyramid is a quality movie. Reviews from critics are sometimes too uncompromising.

Film "Pyramid": positive reviews

For a debut, the film is not bad at all. In comparison with the film "Paris: City of the Dead", there are much fewer corpses in the picture, and this somehow keeps the viewer to the very end. It is impossible not to note the external beauty and naturalness of the heroines, which makes the film enjoyable even with poor acting.

Heroes sacrifice their lives for each other, they finally manage to find a way out by using their wits. The fearless Egyptian corporal, who rushed toloophole to protect negligent scientists. If you haven't seen the movie "Pyramid" yet, the reviews on Imhonet won't give the full picture, the perception will be complete only after watching.
