Artistic culture of the peoples of the Ancient World

Artistic culture of the peoples of the Ancient World
Artistic culture of the peoples of the Ancient World

As any ancient society developed, there was a need to systematize the accumulated knowledge and transfer experience to future generations. The first attempts were reflected in the rock paintings. This is how art culture was born. This is the result of the transformation of human life and, as a result, the creation of historical values of fine art by imprinting thoughts, emotions and knowledge on objects. The first improvised means on which images were applied were stones, bones and skins of animals, tree bark.

artistic culture is
artistic culture is

The origin of artistic creativity in the development of human society, according to historians, dates back to the Upper Paleolithic (Stone Age). The first discovered rock paintings belonging to that time are collective images of people or a particular species of animal. This indicates that the first artistic culture of antiquity was based on emotions, life sensations and impressions were collected in mental images and were reflected in drawings.

Primitive man did not separate himself from the outside world, so the first images of that time were notcopies of a particular animal, but were generalized ideas about the object. This is a form of artistic and imaginative thinking, formed at this stage of human development. Mythology is based on the unity of man with nature. Therefore, the ancient scriptures that have come down to us so accurately and transparently convey the existence of our ancestors.

art culture
art culture

In the process of human evolution, abstract-logical thinking was formed, contributing to objective knowledge of the surrounding world and the transition from collective images to specific objects endowed with their inherent properties and qualities. As a result, the artistic culture of a later period brought to light works created as a result of abstract thinking.

The art of ancient peoples was formed as a result of military campaigns and migrations. The artistic culture of ancient Greece is based on the use of the experience of the Aegean art and originates in the 11th-1st centuries. BC. after the Dorian migration.

artistic culture of ancient greece
artistic culture of ancient greece

The first samples of ancient Greek art, scientists refer to the history of vase painting. The geographical position of the country left its mark on the works of art of that period and explains the predominance of the marine theme in the painting of vases. The artistic culture of the Greek people was widespread on many islands of the Black and Mediterranean Seas, and also covered part of Asia Minor. And as a result of the campaigns of A. Macedonian, it turned around on the territory of the entire MiddleEast. In ancient Russia, artistic culture developed under the influence of Byzantine art. It arose after being baptized. This is the period of the reign of Prince Vladimir Svyatoslavovich. At that time, Byzantine masters took part in the painting of ancient Russian churches. And the first icons were brought to the territory of Ancient Russia from Byzantium.
