Krylov's Fables: heroes and their characteristics

Krylov's Fables: heroes and their characteristics
Krylov's Fables: heroes and their characteristics

Fables usually ridicule our actions, which we do not attach importance to. And it turns out it is not insulting, but somehow kindly, with animals and plants. Since when reading a fable, you first see animals, and then you imagine people, and only after that you compare with yourself. It originated four thousand years ago, is a legacy of poetry, and exists to this day.


A fable is a short narrative depicting, revealing a certain human flaw, such as cowardice, greed, malice, hypocrisy. If at the conclusion of the work the vice is written openly, then in this case it is called the moral of the fable, the instruction.

heroes of Krylov's fable
heroes of Krylov's fable

The difference between a fairy tale, which also teaches us good deeds, and a fable is as short and clear as possible. Often it is not a person who acts in it, but animals that think and act like people. A fable is a short instructive story that is written in verse or prose. It has an allegorical form and exposes human vices.

Each author brings something of his own to the work. The brilliant fabulist Krylov wrote in Russia.


Ivan Andreevich was born in Moscow in a captain's family. ATIn 1774 they moved to Tver, as the young writer's father retired. After the death of his father, mother, who fell into begging and worked as a servant for we althy people, begged the local authorities to take her son, who was only 9 years old and who received a home education, into the service - to rewrite important papers. He read a lot, as a result of self-education, Krylov began to be considered an extremely enlightened representative of that period.

a Crow and a fox
a Crow and a fox

The fable genre in Krylov's work

He composed his first work when he was 11. Books were scattered by gigantic editions at that time, reprinted stably once every 4 years. There were 20 fables in the first collection, about 200 in the final one.

The originality of Krylov's fables lies in the fact that he discovered not just human shortcomings, but directly those that a Russian person has. His characters are typical of their period.

Most fables tell about a specific real event from history, in particular, there are works about the war of 1812.

frog and ox
frog and ox

A characteristic feature of the style of the poet's fables is the use of colloquial vocabulary. Sentences of varying length to help show conversational language.

Heroes of Krylov's fable

Even as a child, we met a dim-witted crow and a crafty cheat from the poet's fable called "The Crow and the Fox". The ingratiating words of the red fox are stored in memory for a long time. Why are such figures, sinking into the soul almostnot from infancy, walk with us along the path of life?

Even during the life of Ivan Andreevich, his works were called fairy tales. And not only small ones, but also big ones begged to tell a new one. Everyone saw a personal meaning in the fable: a child - a moralizing story, adults - a hidden irony. This was also helped by the writer's preference to use animals for the role of heroes who arrived in the work from fairy tales. What is magical about such images?

monkey and glasses
monkey and glasses


Even in childhood, we know from fairy tales that the fox is cunning, the donkey is stubborn, the wolf is greedy and gluttonous, the bear is clumsy. Such images were formed by the people for many centuries, honed from time to time, and eventually turned into specific prototype characters.

The use in the future of these types to depict not only a specific situation, but also people instantly conveyed a clear assessment of the situation. It turns out that such images were made colorful and visual details for any fable. And just such types were taken by Krylov from folk tales that protected the precious experience of their ancestors.

Figures from fairy tales are noted by young readers. Animals and objects are the prism for understanding the text of the poet's fables. The works contain images invented by Krylov himself. Like a restless ("Mirror and Monkey") and inquisitive ("Monkey and Glasses") monkey, a vicious snake ("Slanderer and Snake"). They were formed by the writer according to the type of magical heroes, for which the most typical features were assigned, both in actions and in figurative assessment.

Such newly minted animal prototypes, created similarly to fantastic characters, and have gained distribution among the people in the future.

fable titmouse
fable titmouse

Both the types created by the author and the characters from fairy tales have another "fabulous" sign: they instruct, but not a burden. The curious cases in which animals find themselves unobtrusively present the reader with a certain way out. But he sometimes has a contradictory interpretation, this is due to those who read the fable. For example, in the work "The Dragonfly and the Ant" the child sympathizes with the restless dragonfly and condemns the ruthless ant, and the adult scolds the dragonfly's frivolity and understands the reaction of the hard-working ant.

Take also the fable "The Frog and the Ox". Her moral is that envy is a negative feeling. It is necessary to soberly assess your own potential. A person must have justified ambitions, set possible goals for himself and achieve them. The heroes of Krylov's fable are not negative.

Such inconsistency, done intentionally or accidentally, then helps to perceive every life circumstance in a dual way. This teaches a person to constantly and in everything look for the other side of the object.

Yes, and the heroes of Krylov's fables are rarely bad. It's just that there are two antagonistic temperaments, and the truth remains debatable.

Popular works

Practically any poet's fable is elementary and clear to a person of any age. It acts as a true moralizing lesson. Among the most famous worksthe author in question are:

  • "Crow and Fox".
  • "The Frog and the Ox".
  • "Swan, crayfish and pike".
  • Fable "Tit".
  • "Dragonfly and Ant".

Krylov put an individual secret meaning into his works, revealing questions that are significant for a person about lies and hypocrisy, stupidity and obstinacy. The poet was inspired to work by a variety of events in society: an act of tsarist domination and the facts of the Patriotic War, pressure on serfs and policy innovations.

The magical images adopted by the author and created by him are clear to a wide circle of people in all epochs. The heroes of Krylov's fables were taken from the native language, national heritage, aphorisms and sayings.
