Natural and fictional shades of green

Natural and fictional shades of green
Natural and fictional shades of green

There are an innumerable number of colors in the world, and among them there are both primary and secondary, formed by mixing certain tones. There are also so-called transitional tones, which are now considered basic, but still they can be formed from two others, and among them is green.

shades of green
shades of green

Formed by mixing blue and yellow, it still remains the main one. Another thing is the shades of green, of which there are a lot, and all of them are obtained thanks to other colors that are added to it. The easiest way to see this unique interaction is with the help of paints - gouache or watercolor. These structures blend perfectly and form a new color or shade that gives a painting or other piece of fine art its own unique charm and aura.

Shades of green are most often used by master landscape painters. Among the domestic geniuses of the brush, who often used this color in their work, one can name Shishkin. Only this artist could so accurately and harmoniously, using green paint, conveyforest atmosphere. Stunning landscapes in soothing green tones were created by Theodore Rousseau. Subdued shades of green often appear in the work of Jean-Francois Millet.

shades of green photo
shades of green photo

Modern art has long crossed the boundaries of painting, stained glass and sculpture. Modern creators are often considered architects, designers and landscapers, who also have all the colors inherent in this world. Therefore, these days, shades of green are often used in the interior, in the design of the garden plot, in small details that create comfort, and, of course, in clothes.

Therefore, everyone should know what effect this color can have on a person. If we are talking about decorating a room in the house, it is advisable to use green for painting the walls of the living room, bedroom or lounge. It is also suitable for terraces, porches and gazebos. And all because the green color has a relaxing effect on the psyche, allows you to forget about problems, dream and relax. Therefore, if you paste over the walls of your office with green wallpaper, then you definitely won’t be able to work there.

shades of green name
shades of green name

In the garden, on the summer cottage or even on the city balcony where your plants stand, shades of green are inevitable. Photos of such places with their possible design are presented in the article, which can become for you a kind of food for design fantasies. In such places it is always easy to relax and draw new strength and energy. Green is the color of nature, which gives us everything we need,fills with life. And if you feel a lack of such inclinations in yourself, add natural colors to life.

Flowers on the balcony
Flowers on the balcony

In fact, shades of green are very diverse and multifaceted. Their names are given below, and everyone who is related to art needs to navigate them. After all, it is not so important whether you paint pictures or decorate apartments, the main thing is to choose the right color combination. So, let's look at the main varieties of green: Persian, brown, light green, forest, swamp, lake green, olive, jade, pear, chartreuse, camouflage.
