The best detective series - they argue about tastes

The best detective series - they argue about tastes
The best detective series - they argue about tastes

The founder of the detective genre in literature is the American Edgar Allan Poe. His Dupin became the forerunner of the famous pastor Brown and Sherlock Holmes - real Englishmen! By the way, these characters reincarnated as the heroes of the best detective films created at different times. So, Gilbert Chesterton (Pastor Brown) appeared in the BBC series, as well as in numerous film adaptations. But, perhaps, the pastor failed to keep up with Sherlock Holmes. The famous detective became a cult figure largely thanks to the screen.

For the Soviet viewer to the question: "Name the best detective series", - the answer was one: "Our" Sherlock Holmes ", created by director Maslennikov and embodied on the screen by Vasily Livanov!". The success of the picture was shared by Dr. Watson - Vitaly Solomin. Until now, our filmmakers are proud that "our" Sherlock is recognized by the British as the best foreign Holmes.

best detective series
best detective series

Famous detective films were shot not only at the BBC. In terms of creating a special atmosphere, proximity to a literary source, the British have no equal. But it would be unfair, when evaluating detective series, not to nameproduction of the American film industry. It also has its own cult characters. Here he is, a ridiculous little man in a rumpled raincoat, who, nevertheless, manages to solve all tricky riddles, waving his arms and annoying his interlocutors. Lieutenant Colombo is a famous person in the world of cinema.

By the way, in the field of the genre under consideration, the future hero of the big screen, Bruce Willis, started at one time. The agency "Moonlight" opened the way to the screens and to the hearts of the audience for the then young "hard nut". And for Willis fans, the best detective shows are the ones starring Bruce.

But back to the UK.

detective series
detective series

Adherents of the classic English film are convinced that the best detective series are those based on the novels of the great Agatha Christie. Two great adaptations made by the BBC based on the writer's novel cycles are "Poirot" and "Miss Marple". Moreover, experts note precisely these multi-part films, although films were also made based on Christie's books, including Soviet cinema. But the specificity of the writer's books is such that it is the genre of the series that fits perfectly into the measured course of events, the unfolding of the plot, and the BBC recreates this world step by step, slowly and scrupulously.

Would like to point out a couple more BBC products that have millions of fans. These are "Morse" and "Purely English Murders". This list can be continued, English directors do not change their favorite style.

the best detectivemovies
the best detectivemovies

Surprisingly, it seems that not a cinematic country "shot" in this genre. The Austrian multi-part film about a smart shepherd - "Commissioner Rex" - can rightfully be included in the top list when researching the topic "best detective series". Why a list? Because how many people, so many opinions.

The American detective "Law and Order" has been filmed for a long time. Moreover, this successful series moved around different countries, there is also its Russian version. The French version starred the actor and director of the "first row" - Vincent Perez, so the quality of the work is beyond doubt.

As long as there are mysteries, crimes and people's desire for the criminal to be found and punished, the best detective films will be popular all over the world.
