Films with Oleg Dal: "Sannikov Land", "Old, Old Tale", "The Adventures of Prince Florizel" and others

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Films with Oleg Dal: "Sannikov Land", "Old, Old Tale", "The Adventures of Prince Florizel" and others
Films with Oleg Dal: "Sannikov Land", "Old, Old Tale", "The Adventures of Prince Florizel" and others

Video: Films with Oleg Dal: "Sannikov Land", "Old, Old Tale", "The Adventures of Prince Florizel" and others

Video: Films with Oleg Dal:
Video: Cheating Wife's Husband Makes All Her Multiple Lovers Disappear 2024, September

Talking about this famous Soviet actor and favorite of millions of viewers is quite a challenge. As his friends and contemporaries recalled, Oleg Dal was the artist who did not play any roles at all. Instead, he continued to exist all the time in his own, inherent only to him, the only and unchanged image, which he changed from time to time only a little, directing him to embody this or that new role.

It's much easier to talk about films with Oleg Dal, among which there were practically no passing ones. And today we will remember the best of them.

Short biography

Oleg Ivanovich was born in the small town of Lyublino near Moscow, where he was born on May 25, 1941 in the family of an engineer and a teacher. Creative inclinations were instilled in him by his father, who was fond of music all his life, IvanZinovievich loved music, he himself learned to play the mandolin, had outstanding singing abilities, and in his youth he played in an amateur theater.

Despite the heart problems that Oleg Ivanovich discovered in early childhood, and the opinion of parents who dreamed that their son would have a more mundane and calm profession, after graduating from school, Dal became a student at the Higher Theater School named after M. S. Shchepkina.

Acquaintance with the cinema took place in 1962, when he was still a third-year student. The entire filmography of Oleg Dal for his, unfortunately, short life, amounted to 29 works in the cinema, among which the most beloved by the audience were roles in such films as The Chronicle of a Dive Bomber, King Lear, Shadow, Bad Good man”, “Star of captivating happiness”, “It can’t be!”, “Omega option”, “How Ivan the Fool went for a miracle”, “On Thursday and never again”, “Schedule for the day after tomorrow”, “We are deaths looked in the face" and his latest film "The Uninvited Friend".

Each of the characters he played was endowed with his sad charm, which is one of the characteristic features of this wonderful actor who died at the age of thirty-nine from cardiac arrest…

Debut role in the film "My little brother"
Debut role in the film "My little brother"

First roles

The first of the films with Oleg Dal, his film debut, which began immediately with the title role, waspicture "My little brother", released on screens in 1962. The novice actor got the role of Alik Kramer, an aspiring poet with inflated self-esteem, but nevertheless charming and sweet. After going through all the difficulties, in the end, Alik discovered a new and wonderful world filled with real friends, work and romance.

Image"The first trolleybus" (1963)
Image"The first trolleybus" (1963)

A year later, two more films were released, in which the actor's creative talent manifested itself even more. In the melodrama "The First Trolleybus" Dal played the image of Senya, one of the main characters of the picture, helping a pretty girl-trolleybus driver Svetlana to return to her favorite job, which she quit because of her parents' reproaches.

Oleg Dal in the film "The Man Who Doubts" (1963)
Oleg Dal in the film "The Man Who Doubts" (1963)

The next of the first films with Oleg Dal was the wonderful detective story "The Man Who Doubts", quite atypical for Soviet cinema of the 60s. In this picture, the actor again played the main role of the convicted Boris Dulenko, who was hung over a terrible accusation of raping and murdering a girl, brilliantly embodying on the screen all the dramatic state of mind of his hero, who confessed to a crime under torture, which he did not commit.

These were the first steps of Oleg Dal in the cinema. However, millions of Soviet and then Russian viewers first of all remember the actor for his roles in the films, which we will discuss in detail below.

“Zhenya, Zhenya and Katyusha”

This, today already considered oneof the undisputed masterpieces of Soviet cinema, the military melodrama was released on the screens of the country on August 21, 1967. The protagonist of the picture, Private Zhenya Kolyshkin, played by Dal, fell in love with junior sergeant Zhenechka Zemlyanikina, the most beautiful girl in his squad. However, the charming signalman, accustomed to increased male attention, did not take the advances of Private Kolyshkin seriously.

Oleg Dal in the film "Zhenya, Zhenechka and Katyusha"
Oleg Dal in the film "Zhenya, Zhenechka and Katyusha"

When the girl finally pays attention to the funny intelligent Zhenya and eventually falls in love with him, by the will of fate, the couple in love is separated from each other and meets again only in the last days of the Great Patriotic War. But the film will not have a happy ending - Zhenya Zemlyanikina is killed by a fascist in front of Zhenya Kolyshkin…

It is noteworthy that they did not want to take Oleg Dal for the main role in this film for a long time. However, the image of yesterday's romantic and funny schoolboy, who is made a real man by his grief, has been loved by several generations of our country for more than half a century.

Old, old fairy tale

1968 brought the image of a storyteller from a poor and gray world into the treasury of Oleg Dal's most striking roles, trying to get out of which he came up with a fairy tale, in which he himself appeared as an ordinary soldier whose service life had ended, and he went in search of his simple happiness.

Oleg Dal in the film "Old, old fairy tale", 1968
Oleg Dal in the film "Old, old fairy tale", 1968

On his way he meets an evil witch, a good wizard, and many other fabulousheroes and adventures. But when a soldier ends up in a kingdom with a poor king, meets a beautiful wayward princess and falls in love with her, his former life ends completely. Now he needs to win her heart by all means.

Of all the films with Oleg Dal, this picture is in a special place. After its premiere, real fame came to the actor, and the most sad tale about a brave, cheerful soldier and a wayward princess is still remembered and loved by viewers of all ages.

“Sannikov Land”

In this film, based on the novel by the Soviet science fiction writer V. Obruchev and released in 1973, Oleg Dal played the role of adventurer Yevgeny Krestovsky.

Shot from the film "Sannikov Land"
Shot from the film "Sannikov Land"

The plot of the picture is the existence of a legend about some mysterious and warm Sannikov Land, stretching somewhere far beyond the Arctic Circle, in search of which an expedition sets out, expecting to find gold and riches. After many adventures, this uncharted land was found. However, due to disagreements with the tribe of local residents, all travelers are on the verge of death.

In addition to Oleg Dal, the actors of the film "Sannikov Land", the leader of the box office in 1973, were such stars of Soviet cinema as Vladislav Dvorzhetsky, Georgy Vitsin, Makhmud Esambaev and Yuri Nazarov.

“Gold Mine”

The premiere of this two-part detective TV movie, in which the actor got the role of a particularly dangerous recidivist criminal Boris Brunov, took place inJune 1978.

Oleg Dal in the movie "Golden Mine"
Oleg Dal in the movie "Golden Mine"

According to the plot, the hero of Oleg Dal in the "Golden Mine" escaped from the colony, and all attempts by the police to detain him were in vain. The image of a criminal and the main negative character of the film, quite rare for an actor, which in itself is not particularly remarkable, thanks to the filigree play of the actor under study, has become one of the most striking and memorable in the film. Without even trying to find at least some positive trait in his hero, the actor turned Boris Brunov into a real hardened wolf, insidious, merciless and even capable of killing, while leaving him his famous charm.

Thanks to the brilliant performance of Oleg Dal, the ordinary Soviet detective turned into a real event, becoming one of the films that viewers can return to all the time.

“The Adventures of Prince Florizel”

It is important to mention one more interesting painting. Filmed back in 1979, the adventure three-part film "The Suicide Club, or the Adventures of a Titled Person" was released on television under the title "The Adventures of Prince Florizel" only in January 1981, shortly before the death of Oleg Dal, who played the main role of the prince himself in it.

Oleg Dal in the film "The Adventures of Prince Florizel", 1979
Oleg Dal in the film "The Adventures of Prince Florizel", 1979

In this graceful and beautiful tape filled with exciting adventures, there is neither a comedic component nor a detective line as such. However, the entire film is literally permeated with subtle humor and the spirit of adventurism. Tall, handsome andthe aristocratic Florizel, who is a titled person and prince of a distant fictional country of Bacardia, is investigating and solving crimes committed by members of a certain secret club.

The actor did a great job with his role. The elegant and thoroughly ironic Prince Florizel performed by Oleg Dal aroused the sympathy of millions of viewers and was remembered by them for many years.

“Vacation in September”

In the same 1979, the two-part psychological drama “Vacation in September” was released, one of the most depressing and last films in Oleg Dal’s life, based on the play “Duck Hunt” by A. Vampilov.

His hero, engineer Viktor Zilov, finally received the keys to the long-awaited new apartment, but he is not at all happy with them. He is a talented engineer, immensely tired not only from work, but also from his whole meaningless life. He drinks a lot, is not faithful to his wife or mistress, and even managed to quarrel with all his friends, with each episode getting closer and closer to the border between life and death.

Oleg Dal in the film "Vacation in September"
Oleg Dal in the film "Vacation in September"

Oleg Dal, who is familiar with the play, dreamed of this role for a long time. Director Vitaly Melnikov, the only one who dared to film this gloomy work, later recalled that during the filming it seemed that Dahl was not playing his hero at all, and was trying not to even tell, but to shout to others about himself and his condition, similar to growing inside him abyss.

The role of Viktor Zilov was the best work of Oleg Dal. However, to see the film itself onhe did not have time to screen, because soon “Vacation in September” was “put on the shelf” and was shown on television only in 1987, six years after the death of the great actor…
