Nylon strings. Which ones to choose?

Nylon strings. Which ones to choose?
Nylon strings. Which ones to choose?

Many musicians think that nylon strings are only strings for beginners who don't want to get blisters on their fingers while learning. This is a fairly common misconception that we intend to dispel in this article.

Features of nylon strings

The first three strings are calibrated nylon line. Now they are made from various copolymers and polymers, which are based on nylon. The rest of the bass strings are made from a multifilament synthetic twist warp. Sometimes it is called filament nylon. Silver-plated copper wire is usually used as a winding. Such a coating improves the sound of dull copper and looks beautiful, but after a while it wears off. In some cases, various alloys of copper and silver with the obligatory presence of zinc act as a winding. However, it is not as practical and also more expensive. In some cases, other alloys can be used as windings, which are inferior in sound to silver-plated copper, but surpass it in durability.

nylon strings
nylon strings

What tension can they havenylon strings

String tension can be set to Normal/Regular, High/Hard or Extra High. In some cases, the manufacturer indicates the packaging and the thickness of the strings. Moreover, the stronger the tension and the thicker the string, the louder and richer it will sound. A thinner string will sound thinner and louder.

So all the same what to put? Nylon or metal strings?

nylon or metal strings
nylon or metal strings

Nylon strings are originally designed for classical guitars. Moreover, the instrument must have a glued neck, since the neck on the screw significantly worsens the sound of the instrument. This is one of the reasons why metal strings are most often used on cheap instruments. Also, many masters do not recommend putting nylon strings on western guitars (otherwise they are also called folk guitars) and dreadnought. These instruments are rated for higher tension and are unlikely to sound good with nylons.

How to choose nylon strings?

Typically, professional guitarists choose high tension, silver wound strings. But for beginners, teachers advise using medium tension nylon strings, as they are easier to play. But it is worth considering that in this case, a novice musician will not be able to apply some sound extraction techniques. Particular attention must be paid to the frets. If they are poorly ground, copper wound strings are the best choice. They will last longer, but the sound will not be as bright.

nylon strings
nylon strings

The determining factor when choosing "votes" is the quality and the way they are processed. There is a matte (polished) and polished surface. Each of them has its own nuances. Polished strings are now the most common, as they create less overtones on fast passages.

As for brands, the most famous are Martin Strings (American) and Savarez (French), as well as Pyramid, La Bella, D'Addario and many others. The choice of brand of nylon strings is a personal matter for each musician.
