Mark Twain "The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn". Summary of the famous book

Mark Twain "The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn". Summary of the famous book
Mark Twain "The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn". Summary of the famous book

The novel begins with the introduction of the hero and the author to the readers. For those who have not read The Adventures of Tom Sawyer, the author, and in this capacity Huck himself, provides an opportunity to learn about what the main characters are like, as well as a summary of their adventures described in the previous book.

"The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn" summary
"The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn" summary

Of course, this thing needs to be read in its entirety, as the book "The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn", the summary of which we will try to outline, is written in such a fascinating way that it is simply a sin not to have it in your reader's luggage. No wonder the adventures of Tom and Huck are among the top most popular novels in the world, and both adults and children read these books with pleasure. And among the many novels, short stories and feuilletons that Mark Twain wrote, The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn occupies the top spot in the popularity parade. Even Tom is a little inferior to his friend.

If you haven't read The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn yet, the plot summary will surely inspire you to purchase the volumeMark Twain. And for sure, then the work will take pride of place on your bookshelf.

"The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn", summary. First part

Huck Finn goes for re-education to the widow Douglas, who firmly decided to make a useful and exemplary member of society out of a young pariah and tomboy. The boy is forced to dress "decently", they try to instill in him high society manners and force him to go to school. Sincerely believing that he really needs all this, Huck tries his best, but he does not succeed in overcoming his freedom-loving nature and becoming “like everyone else”. And then it turns out that his father, a poor tramp and an alcoholic, has returned to the town, who, having heard that Huck had become rich, inflamed with parental feelings for his offspring. You can read the story of young Finn's fortune in The Adventures of Tom Sawyer.

Father stole Huck from the widow's house and took him to a hut a few miles from the town. The elder Finn decided to take over his son's fortune, and keeps him locked up as a guarantee of receiving money. But Huck does not want to follow the wishes of the parent and escapes from under the castle. Communication with Tom was not in vain for him, and he furnishes his escape as his own murder. It is not difficult to guess that this was done with the aim that they would not look for him later. Having escaped, he decides to settle on the island, which is in direct line of sight of the town. It was here that she and Tom in Joe Garland dreamed of becoming pirates.

But the previously uninhabited island is inhabited. Negro Jim already lives on it, who escaped from hishostess - Mrs. Douglas. Two fugitives decide to go to the northern states, which do not have slavery. They decide to move along the river. And only at night, as Jim faces severe punishment for escaping.

"The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn" short
"The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn" short

And further adventures of Huckleberry Finn, the summary of which you are now reading, take place on a raft. Our friends meet two swindlers who, with amazing dexterity and arrogance, rob the innocent inhabitants of small towns standing on the banks of the river. While adults are the victims of swindlers, Huck and Jim put up with the methods of "Duke" and "King", but when they decide to rob three orphaned sisters, the oldest of which is only 16, young Finn decides to prevent the injustice from being done. His intervention did not allow the swindlers to realize their plans, and those, evil as hell, are forced to leave without s alty slurping.

"The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn", summary. Second part

Frustrated by the failure, the swindlers decide to improve their financial affairs by giving Jim to the authorities. After all, a reward is due for the capture of a runaway slave. Having concocted this heinous deed on the sly, they believe that the matter is in the bag. But Huck cannot accept the fact that Jim will be sold to the southern cotton plantations, and decides to arrange an escape for him. Having found out on which farm his friend is being kept, he comes there, not even knowing what he will do and say. What is his surprise when the owners greet the appearance of the boy with sincere delight, mistaking him for the nephew of Mrs. Phelps, who should just arrive inguests.

Twain "The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn"
Twain "The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn"

On learning that this nephew's name is Tom Sawyer, Huck almost goes crazy with relief. After all, his best friend will soon be here, and, knowing his friend's love of adventure, Finn has no doubt that Jim's escape will be carried out according to all the rules of an adventure novel. Tom, of course, fully lives up to expectations, and makes a whole show out of preparing for the escape. Unfortunately, at the very end, chance prevented triumph, and Sawyer even got a bullet in the leg.

But everything ends not just well, but even great, when Tom reveals his cards, and Aunt Polly, who came for her restless nephew, confirms his words. It turns out that Jim is not a slave at all, since his mistress died, and in her will gave him freedom.
