Anastasia Makarevich. Biography "lyceum students"

Anastasia Makarevich. Biography "lyceum students"
Anastasia Makarevich. Biography "lyceum students"

Soloist of the Lyceum group Anastasia Makarevich was born on April 17, 1977 in the family of a journalist. As is sometimes the case, my parents divorced. Nastya was then only eight years old. Like all children, she didn't want things to be like this. Initially, she bore the name of her father - Kapralova. But, apparently resigned to his departure, she changed it to the name of her stepfather, who was able to replace her father.

Creative roots

The singer's paternal grandfather was a famous film critic and art historian. He wrote screenplays and had a degree in art history. As you can see, Anastasia was surrounded by people of art from childhood. But her stepfather, Alexei Lazarevich Makarevich, had the greatest influence on her work. In 2014, he died at the age of almost sixty years. He lived a stormy creative life, was a guitarist in the famous Soviet band "Voskresenye" and the founder of a successful project for his adopted daughter.

Anastasia Makarevich
Anastasia Makarevich

Aleksey is the cousin of Andrei Makarevich, the founder of the Time Machine group. But, apparently, he himself had an independent creative line in music. Before participating in the Resurrection group (1979–1980), he had his own musical group, Kuznetsky Most. AT"Sunday" he returned for a while after 14 years. His daughter (Nastya's maternal sister) Varvara is also passionate about music and show business. She was both a vocalist in the group and a TV presenter.

The beginning of the path to glory

Anastasia Makarevich has always been a gifted child. She learned to sing and perform at the Children's Variety Theater. One day her stepfather came to see a performance. He saw how his adopted daughter could sing and carry herself on stage, and made the decision to immediately create a new female musical group. Nastya was then only 13 years old.

The creative biography of Anastasia Makarevich began in 1991. A trio of young girls performed in the program "Morning Star". That performance has not yet attracted much attention from the audience. More and more talented children constantly appeared on the program, and the appearance of three more did not surprise anyone. However, it is worth considering that they did not sing their own song, but the work of the famous ABBA group. Any performer has his own face only after writing his own unique work. This was the song “Saturday Evening” a year later. In 1992, she was performed in the program "Muz-Oboz". It was by her that they began to recognize the Lyceum. She was one of the most famous in their repertoire. But the members of the group were then only fourteen years old.

anastasia makrevich lyceum
anastasia makrevich lyceum

Music only

The young Nastya owed all these successes to her stepfather, who believed in her talent. Therefore, having reached a very important age for any schoolchild, her sixteenth birthday, she, without a doubt, changed her last name. All your consciouschildhood she was surrounded by the world of music. The girl graduated from a music school in the guitar class, took a course at the Children's Theater of Variety Singing.

When the singer first appeared on the blue screens, she, as already mentioned, was only thirteen years old. The future artist did not stop her studies and in 1995 she became a graduate of the music and choreography school. And what happened next? The study continued, although adult life had already begun. At Moscow State University, the girl graduated from the faculty of tourism and hotel business.

However, Anastasia never forgot about music. She went through the path of obtaining a higher musical education and was certified as a teacher of pop and jazz vocals. Over time, she managed to achieve the degree of assistant professor of music.

biography of Anastasia Makarevich
biography of Anastasia Makarevich

Work in the Lyceum group

The band's first album was House Arrest. The audience was impressed by the harsh title of the album, and charming cheerful girls in jeans. Unlike many other women's groups that were before and after the Lyceum, these participants not only sang, but also played the instrument perfectly. And the guitar has always looked very good on stage.

The “lyceum students” went on their first tour already in 1995. They were just eighteen years old at the time. Their second, already adult, album was called "Girlfriend Night" and was released a year earlier. The real glory of the group brings a new hit by Alexei Makarevich. It was he who wrote the very song "Autumn", which many people remember to this day. The song sounded in all charts.

"Lyceum" today

The third album was "Open Curtain". The composition of the team is constantly changing. Participants replace one another. Invariably, only Anastasia Makarevich sings in it. "Lyceum" against the backdrop of all the changes does not stop recording new songs. In 2000, their sixth album, "You became different", was released.

Anastasia Makarevich personal life
Anastasia Makarevich personal life

Today, Anastasia Makarevich, whose personal life has become quite rich, is no longer engaged in music. She is the mother of two small children. The second son was born weighing four kilograms. She and her husband live as a happy family in a small apartment. She maintains an excellent relationship with her sister Varvara, who is ten years younger, and speaks well of her relatives. A new family quiet life now replaces the stage for her. The singer managed to keep her figure thanks to the right diets. Perhaps she will soon delight fans with new hits.
