Tom Hooper: life and work

Tom Hooper: life and work
Tom Hooper: life and work

Tom Hooper's full name is Thomas George Hooper. Hooper is best known to the world as a British filmmaker. Under his strict guidance, such masterpieces of cinema as “Damned United”, “The King Speaks!”, “The Danish Girl” were filmed. You can learn about the life and creative work of the director from this article.

Brief biography of Tom Hooper

Tom Hooper
Tom Hooper

The film director was born in the capital of England - London on October 1, 1972. The director's father is Richard Hooper, and his mother is Meredith Hooper. The future figure in the field of cinema grew up in a we althy family, since his mother was a popular writer in Australia, and his father had his own successful business in England. In addition to writing, Meredith also taught children.

During his childhood, Hooper managed to get an education in total in two schools: Highgate School, and Westminster School. Tom Hooper from childhood was fond of cinema much more than his peers. Already at the age of thirteen, he made his first short film, which he named Painted Faces. Sohe was greatly helped by the Bolex ms 16 mm camera. The boy got this technological novelty as a gift from a caring uncle. The film turned out so well that in 1992 it was officially shown on TV on Channel 4. Of course, Tom would not have been able to achieve such success if his creation had not been financed by a man known as Paul Weiland.

Work in cinematography

director's biography
director's biography

In 2009, one of the first films shot by Hooper at the age of majority, “Damn United,” was released. In the center of the plot of this film (partly documentary) is the football team Leeds United.

Already a year later, Tom created another feature film, which turned out to be the best among his works, and thanks to which Hooper gained immense fame around the world. We are talking about the film "The King's Speech!". The plot of this story revolves around King George VI, who should ascend the throne. This film project has won four Oscars throughout its existence. One of them was given out in the nomination "Best Film". Tom Hooper also received an Oscar for Best Director.

But that's not all. All in the same 2011 film "The King's Speech!" was also nominated for the Golden Globe and BAFTA. However, later another work by Tom was nominated for 8 Oscars. It was Les Misérables, directed by Hooper in 2012.

Career director

work in the world of cinema
work in the world of cinema

All this allows Tom Hooper to wearthe status of one of the best directors of our time. It is immediately obvious that the man has great talent and, fortunately, he did not abandon it, but began to actively develop it, thanks to which he managed to create magnificent films that many cinema lovers still enjoy watching.

The only thing that upsets fans of the director is that the number of works by Tom is very small. Despite this, almost all of them have become successful and popular among viewers. Many fans of the director want to see Tom Hooper as an actor in his own films, but for now he prefers to stay on the other side of the screen.
