Bianchi's biography - the famous children's writer

Bianchi's biography - the famous children's writer
Bianchi's biography - the famous children's writer
biography of bianca
biography of bianca

Without exaggeration, we can say that all the children of the Soviet, and then the Russian era, discovered and are discovering the wonderful world of their native nature through the stories of Vitaly Bianchi. In any home library, you can find shabby books with sparrows and hedgehogs on the covers. Their more presentable descendants in bright glossy bindings flaunt today on the shelves of bookstores. Ask anyone: "Who is the best at writing children's stories about nature?" - and you, without hesitation, will be answered: "The writer of Bianchi." The biography of this person will be the topic of our article. How did the main "naturalist" of our country live and work?

Vitaly Bianchi. Biography short

Vitaly Valentinovich Bianchi was born on January 30 (February 11), 1894 in the city of St. Petersburg. Fate measured him not too long term - 65 years. During this time, he experienced a lot, visited different cities, but died in the same place where he was born - in his native Leningrad (former and future St. Petersburg).

The writer's father was an ornithologist. It's himbrought up in his son the ability to observe and understand nature.

Young years of the future writer

Bianchi's biography says that after graduating from school, he entered the Petrograd University in the natural department of physics and mathematics, from where he was drafted into the army in 1916. In 1917, he was elected to the Soviet of Soldiers' and Workers' Deputies, then joined the Socialist-Revolutionary Party.

In 1917-1918, Vitaly Bianchi was a member of the commission responsible for the protection of artistic monuments in Tsarskoye Selo, worked in the newspaper "People" in Samara. Then there were transfers to Ufa, Yekaterinburg, Tomsk and Biysk. In Biysk, he was mobilized into the Russian army, from where he deserted and hid under the name Belyanin. After Soviet power was established in the city, Vitaly Valentinovich worked in the education department, was in charge of the museum, lectured at the university, and was a member of the local society of nature lovers.

bianchi biography brief
bianchi biography brief

The difficult life of a Soviet writer

Further biography of Bianchi is consonant with the biographies of millions of his contemporaries. In 1921 he was arrested several times. In 1922, after receiving a warning about another arrest, Bianchi left with his family for Petrograd, where his first literary works were published the following year (1923): the story "The Journey of the Red-Headed Sparrow" and the book of stories "Whose nose is better".

Bianchi's biography resembles a layer cake, where a normal life, full of scientific and literary activity, is interspersed with periods of arrests and exile:

  • 1925 - arrest, exile in Uralsk. Threeyear, obtaining permission to move first to Novgorod, and then to Leningrad (thanks to the petition of M. Gorky and other writers and scientists).
  • 1928 - return to Leningrad, release of the first issue of the famous "Forest Newspaper for every year".
  • 1932 - an arrest that lasted three and a half weeks. Continuation of the publication of the "Forest Newspaper", writing stories, fairy tales and articles devoted to observations of nature.
  • bianchi writer biography
    bianchi writer biography

    1935 - another arrest, sentenced to exile for 5 years in the Aktobe region. Thanks to the efforts of Ekaterina Peshkova (the first wife of M. Gorky) - the way out.

During the war, the writer was evacuated to the Urals, then returned to Leningrad again. At the end of his life, he suffered from a severe disease that almost completely paralyzed the work of the limbs.

The date that Vitaly Valentinovich Bianchi's biography ends is June 10, 1959. On this day, he died, leaving behind 120 books, which included more than three hundred fairy tales, novels, short stories and articles.
