How to draw Puss in Boots from Shrek

How to draw Puss in Boots from Shrek
How to draw Puss in Boots from Shrek

Before you learn how to draw a cat, and even more so how to draw Puss in Boots, I suggest that you familiarize yourself with some facts from the life of these animals. For example, in ancient Egypt, the punishment for killing a cat was death. A cat's heart beats twice as fast as a human heart. A cat spends 65% of its life sleeping.

how to draw puss in boots
how to draw puss in boots

To begin with, I suggest you as an option - this is the simplest cat. The drawn cartoon humanizes animals and changes their appearance. But still, the cat has a long thin tail (1), small ears (2), a pinkish nose (3) and four very flexible legs (4), (5). Their coloring can be very diverse: from black and white to blue, and in cartoons there are even more options.

cartoon cat
cartoon cat

First, draw a high trapezoid like in the picture. Next, draw a horizontal line in the middle of the trapezoid and draw two round eyes right above it. Draw two oblique lines from the corners of the trapezoid inward and connect them with an arc. This way you designate your cat's head and ears. Draw two small semicircles above the bottom line in the center. On the side of each of them is another semicircle of a larger size. These are your cat's paws. Finish the drawingerasing all unnecessary lines.

how to draw simon's cat
how to draw simon's cat

Another example of an easy-to-draw cartoon animal is Simon the Cat. I will not talk about how to draw Simon's cat, as there are cartoon episodes dedicated to drawing all the characters of this project. But about how to draw a Puss in Boots, I'll tell you. It will be a cat from the cartoon "Shrek". The creation of a drawing is divided into several stages. Here is the easiest way to draw Puss in Boots.

Step 1. First draw a circle for the head. Then the torso, in shape it looks more like a hot dog. Without pressing on the pencil, draw auxiliary lines on the cat's face. Position them as shown.

how to draw puss in boots 1
how to draw puss in boots 1

Step 2. Now let's start drawing the face. Draw the fluffy right cheek and the profile of the left. For convenience, you can outline the location and shape of the hero's eyes. This should be done with a barely noticeable line.

how to draw puss in boots 2
how to draw puss in boots 2

Step 3. After setting the shape of the face, draw the cat's eyes. They will be large and expressive. Then draw the muzzle (nose and mouth). Don't forget to add a mustache to the cat.

how to draw puss in boots 3
how to draw puss in boots 3

Step 4. We draw a hat with large fields and a lush feather. After all, this is an integral part of the image of our Puss in Boots.

how to draw puss in boots 4
how to draw puss in boots 4

Step 5. Next, draw the right shoulder smoothly turning into the right hand. We draw a line from the neck down, outliningchest, waist and belly. We draw a hand on the left side in the form of two fingers clenched around the belt.

how to draw puss in boots 5
how to draw puss in boots 5

Step 6. We create a sword. We draw a saucer in the cat's left hand. And from its middle we draw a blade. Then add a belt to the cat.

how to draw puss in boots 6
how to draw puss in boots 6

Step 7. Draw an additional line of the chest and abdomen. Draw a long and thin tail. Start creating boots.

how to draw puss in boots 7
how to draw puss in boots 7

Step 8. Draw the boots.

how to draw puss in boots 8
how to draw puss in boots 8

Step 9. Use the eraser to erase all unnecessary lines.

how to draw puss in boots 9
how to draw puss in boots 9

I hope you were helped by the instruction on how to draw Puss in Boots from the cartoon "Shrek". And finally, one more picture with step-by-step instructions for drawing a cartoon cat.

cartoon cat
cartoon cat

Beautiful drawings for you!
