"Reborn!" Characters

"Reborn!" Characters
"Reborn!" Characters

Akiro Amano is the creator of the Reborn! anime and manga characters. The characters are known not only among the indigenous population of Japan, but also widely famous throughout the world. The characters themselves are native Japanese, but there is reason to believe that some of them have Italian ancestors.

reborn characters
reborn characters

The plot of the work is a fantastic story about the struggle against the authorities and the opposition of mafia families. At first, the episodes were intended for an adult audience due to the abundance of scenes of violence and cruelty in them.

The characters of "Reborn" are distinguished by their eccentricity and peculiar humor. The author himself calls them "strange types". Journalists say that the numerous heroes of Reborn! - this is a crazy author's collection of characters.

reborn characters
reborn characters

The Vongola family in the story is the strongest of all Italian mafia families. He is already about 70 years old. The formation of the family took place through violence and cruelty. The Vongola dominate many families and organizations. Giotto, Vongola I Primo - the founder of this famous family. The composition of the group is very diverse: from mafiosi to priests, from beggars to kings. Vongola blood contributesendowing all heirs with unique qualities and abilities. In addition, the Mafia possesses the mysterious Vongola Rings (7 in total), which are in the possession of the main members of the family (the Ringbearers).

Tsunayoshi Sawada (Tsuna) is the main (fourteen-year-old) hero of the story. In middle school, he was bullied for his lack of talent and called "Useless Tsuna". So he developed low self-esteem. Tsuna is the great-great-great-grandson of the founder of the Vongola and is his heir. However, in order to become the tenth boss of the Vongola family, he has to train hard with Reborn.

Hayato Gokudera is a classmate of Tsunayoshi who was transferred from a school in Italy. He is an expert in explosives and keeps them to himself, ready to set fire to them at any moment with a cigarette. He becomes Tsuna's "right hand". Despite his "explosive" nature, Hayato is a genius and an excellent student.

Takashi Yamamoto plays baseball at Namimori High School. He is also 14 years old. He masters sword techniques and is the keeper of the Vongola Rain Ring. Sociable and carefree boy.

Lambo is a juvenile Italian hitman. He wears a cow costume and comes from the Bovino family. His mission is to kill Reborn. He is ambitious and dreams of ruling the world. Ring of Vongola Storm.

Ryohei Sasagawa is a 15 year old boxer. He is looking for strong people. A candidate for the Tsuna family. He is the guardian of the Vongola Sun Ring.

Chrome Dokuro is a thirteen-year-old girl who is related to Mukuro Rokudo and is under the care of his comrades and subordinates.

KyoyaHibari is the leader of the discipline committee at Namimori High School. He is a strong and fierce fighter, using tonfa as a weapon. He is the guardian of the Vongola Cloud Ring. Despite her influence, Kyoya has a very sensitive nature.

Mukuro Rokudo is only 15 years old, but he has already managed to get behind bars and escape. His goal is to destroy the mafia. He is the guardian of the Vongola Mist Ring.

This is not all the heroes of the work, their number reaches about 40 main characters, among which Skualo and Reborn stand out the most.

reborn characters
reborn characters

Various Reborn! related products have been released. The characters of the work have brought their own shade to modern fashion and the anime movement. The variety of products was not limited to clothes, various toys, figurines, souvenirs were created.

Also released soundtrack CDs from Reborn! The characters were voiced by their respective performers. With each series, new characters appear, which allows you to constantly strain the attention of the reader and viewer.

Various reviews discuss "Reborn!"
