Lermontov's love lyrics are a reflection of the poet's soul

Lermontov's love lyrics are a reflection of the poet's soul
Lermontov's love lyrics are a reflection of the poet's soul

Love lyrics by M. Yu. Lermontov is a separate moment of the entire work of the writer. His pain, joy, laughter and tears.

The theme of love was touched upon by almost all Russian poets. Some of them throughout their lives sang this multifaceted feeling in their own works. Mikhail Yurievich Lermontov is one of these poets - for him the theme of love relationships was something special.

love lyrics by Lermontov
love lyrics by Lermontov

Lermontov's love lyrics are, first of all, his poems dedicated to the relationship between a man and a woman. His works are almost always accompanied by the refrain: "I love, I love." Of course, the basis of Lermontov's lyrics is his famous elegy "Death", in which he wrote the well-known lines: "No one could love you like me, so ardently and so sincerely." The poet does not tire of repeating about the tenderness and fieryness of his feelings.

A well-known researcher of Lermontov's work, V. Solovyov, notes the fact that Lermontov's love lyrics are not measured by love in the present, while she“infects the soul” and fills life.”

Suffering became a common condition for Lermontov, as he was a sensitive person. Being an idealist, the poet was often disappointed. All this is reflected in his work. Deceived by his hopes, tormented by aspirations, he plunges into the world of poetry, the world of dreams and sleep. He goes into his dreams, not finding his ideals in reality, into other, magical worlds, remaining true to himself, not wanting to exchange himself.

love lyrics of Lermontov poems
love lyrics of Lermontov poems

Lermontov's love lyrics, his poems, are “permeated” with such categories as: “condemned for eternity” and “sentence”, which is confirmed by the line: “Your image is always everywhere, I am condemned to carry with me.” And no human troubles and hardships can "overcome" this wonderful feeling. In the understanding of the poet, love, among other things, is something paramount and priceless, appearing along with the arrival of a person in this world. Lermontov emphasizes in his works that love is not subject to any measurement systems.

Lermontov's love lyrics are a confession, an inner monologue reflecting his quest and spiritual experiences. The poet is oppressed by loneliness. Having retreated into himself, into his inner world, he embodies his thoughts into poetry, into his creativity, with which a new literary page in Russia opens.

Love for Lermontov is exclusively earthly in nature, despite the abundance and variety of definitions invented for it. At the same time, the poet associates the earthly with something huge, it is in it, according to Lermontov, that one can develop to the maximum extentall facets of one's own "ego", all the abilities and talents of a person. At the same time, love does not become a kind of "barrier" in the relationship between the world and man, but rather unites them. According to Lermontov, love “impregnates” all spheres of human existence, and a “mere mortal” simply can’t hide from it anywhere, can’t get away from it.

love lyrics m. yu. Lermontov
love lyrics m. yu. Lermontov

However, if you get acquainted with the love theme in more detail, one cannot but note the fact that the poet himself recognized quite early that cruelty of social relations, which often invade a person's personal life. It was for this reason that the young and talented poet soon had a conflict with members of the public. Lermontov's love lyrics subsequently "painted" in shades of heroism and tragedy, she acquired a specific form of perception of the existing socio-political system in the country.
