Feature of Yesenin's love lyrics. Essay on Yesenin's love lyrics

Feature of Yesenin's love lyrics. Essay on Yesenin's love lyrics
Feature of Yesenin's love lyrics. Essay on Yesenin's love lyrics

S. A. Yesenin is known as a poet who sang the beauty of Russian nature and love for a woman. Like no other, the theme of love sounds very bright, bewitching and, in most cases, sad. The peculiarity of Yesenin's love lyrics is that it shows two sides of feelings: happiness and the sadness and disappointment that follow it. The loving poet dedicated poems to many women, each of them was unique for him, so each poem sounds special.

Feature of Yesenin's love lyrics
Feature of Yesenin's love lyrics

Objects of love poems

The peculiarity of Yesenin's love lyrics cannot be understood without knowing about the women to whom the poet dedicated his poems. Yesenin had a reputation not only as a riotous hooligan, but also as a Don Juan, who had many women. Of course, a poetic nature cannot live without love, and Yesenin was like that. In his own poems, he admitted that not a single woman loved him, and he, too, was in love more than once. One of the first bright hobbies of the poet was Anna Sardanovskaya. Then another 15-year-old Seryozha fell in love and dreamed that, having reached a certain age, he would marry her. It was about Anna's house that the poet said: "Low house with blue shutters, I will never forget you."

It should be said that it was not always possible to determine exactly which woman became the addressee by the poet's lyrics. For example, the heroine of the poem "Anna Snegina" has three prototypes at once: Anna Sardanovskaya, Lydia Kashina, Olga Sno. With the name of the latter, Yesenin had very vivid memories of his first steps in the literary field. The poet visited the salon of this writer, where he participated in debates and disputes, gradually getting used to the capital life of writers.

Features of Yesenin's love lyrics
Features of Yesenin's love lyrics

One cannot but say about the poet's wife, Zinaida Reich. Her image became important not only in the creation of love poems. She was also dedicated to the poem "Inonia". Zinaida is mentioned in Yesenin's poem "Letter from Mother": "I easily gave my wife to another." It is Reich who is the lyrical heroine of the poem "Kachalov's Dog".

Perhaps the most striking and controversial feeling in the fate of the poet is his love for Isadora Duncan. Until now, not everyone can understand what attracted a very young fair-haired handsome man in an already mature woman, Isadora. The result of the relationship with the famous dancer was the cycle of poems "Moscow Tavern". "I was looking for happiness in this woman, but accidentally found death," the poet exclaims.

Features of Yesenin's love lyrics essay
Features of Yesenin's love lyrics essay

Analysis of poetry

Already in the very first verses, the main feature of loveYesenin's lyrics: love for any person is a tragedy. An example is the poem "Tanyusha was good". The light style emphasizes the daring young life, but its finale contradicts the sound of the verse. Tanyusha kills herself because of unhappy love. Of course, the early lyrics of the poet are, first of all, a hymn to the Motherland. Most of the works of this period are devoted to Russia, faith in God, the village, animals. But in later years, Yesenin realized himself as a true chanter of love.

Features of Yesenin's love lyrics essay on literature
Features of Yesenin's love lyrics essay on literature

Poems from the 20s

Surprisingly, the theme of love became one of the main ones precisely at the time when the poet began to call himself a bully. In the cycle of poems "The Love of a Hooligan" one can clearly hear the motifs of the transience of love, its fragility, but at the same time the feeling is described as a very bright moment in life, for which a person is ready for anything. In some texts, Yesenin uses vulgar, rude language, sometimes even obscene language. Despite this, they are full of feelings, deep pain, they hear the cry of the soul, thirsty for love, lost and entangled in the routine of life ("Rash harmonica", "Sing, sing").

Analysis of the poem "A blue fire swept"

This text clearly showed such a feature of Yesenin's love lyrics as the use of vivid metaphors and epithets. The poet expresses regret that he spent a lot of time on revelry and scandals, forgetting about what is the main thing in life. Yesenin utters the following thought: he renouncedeven from poetry, if only to touch a gentle hand and hair "color in autumn." Perhaps none of the poets could describe the feelings of a daring hooligan so touchingly. The poem demonstrates all the important features of Yesenin's love lyrics (an essay on this topic must necessarily contain its analysis), one of which is vitality. First of all, it is due to autobiography. Every feeling described was experienced by the poet himself.

Let you be drunk by others

The poem is full of noble sadness for the past. The author expresses sympathy for everything that happened before, and for everything that did not happen. The peculiarity of Yesenin's love lyrics is that love is always sad. The poet focuses on the fact that in human life everything happens differently than in dreams. This is due to human stupidity, the desire for petty values, carelessness. In this text, the poet confesses to his lyrical heroine: only she alone could be his true friend and wife, but both of them did not save themselves for each other.

Features of Yesenin's love lyrics briefly
Features of Yesenin's love lyrics briefly

Cycle "Persian motifs"

This is a real gem of love poetry. Beautiful oriental style, special musicality and vivid images - these are the features of Yesenin's love lyrics in this cycle. One of the brightest works "Shagane you are mine, Shagane". It is unusual due to its composition. The first lines of the verse sound like a refrain and are repeated in the last stanza. But the main feature is that each stanza is builtaccording to the principle of ring composition.

This text most clearly embodied the features of Yesenin's love lyrics. An essay on literature written on this topic must certainly include consideration of the means of artistic expression, because here the poet has achieved stunning beauty precisely thanks to unusual turns of speech. How strange and at the same time strong the line "I am ready to tell you the field" sounds. The abundance of epithets allows the author to express love for his native country and longing for it.

I asked the changer today…

In this work, Yesenin managed to express his attitude to such a mysterious feeling as love directly. The lyrical hero learns from the Persian money changer that love cannot be indicated by any words, it can only be expressed by touches, glances and kisses. Again an unusual composition. The first line is repeated in each stanza, creating a special rhythm.

Features of Yesenin's love lyrics (briefly)

Let's consider the main features of the poet's love poems:

  1. Love as an obsession, a disease, a description of a feeling that destroys a person - these are the features of Yesenin's love lyrics. And Mayakovsky, and some other poets of that time. At the beginning of the 20th century, this view of this feeling was very relevant among writers.
  2. The feeling of love can pull a person out of the daily routine for a moment, but, unfortunately, it does not last forever. And then only pleasant, but at the same time, painful memories remain, aching chest.
  3. The use of vivid poeticimages (comparisons, metaphors and epithets). By the way, these are the features of the love lyrics of Yesenin, Blok, Mayakovsky and other poets of the Silver Age, who were looking for a new verse, a new form and word.
features of Yesenin's love lyrics of the Mayakovsky block
features of Yesenin's love lyrics of the Mayakovsky block

These are the features of Yesenin's love lyrics. A short essay should reflect all three points, and they must be confirmed with specific examples. This is easy to do, because almost every poem touches on this topic in one way or another. As material for creating a work on the topic "Features of Yesenin's love lyrics" (composition or essay), you can take such memorable texts as "Hands of a sweetheart - a pair of swans", "Letter to a woman", "Kachalov's dog", "I have never been on the Bosphorus".
