Team of KVN RUDN University: the composition that made a splash

Team of KVN RUDN University: the composition that made a splash
Team of KVN RUDN University: the composition that made a splash

KVN is a game that has thrilled the souls of millions of people for many years. She is loved not only in Russia, but also far beyond its borders. There are a huge number of teams that have long and successfully performed on the KVN stage. Many of them have released many celebrities. One of such successful teams is RUDN University.

Find yourself

In 1998, a unique and original KVN team, “Children of Lumumba”, was created at the Peoples' Friendship University. She immediately made a splash. And no wonder: it consisted of only Africans who also tried to joke in Russian.

The "Children of Lumumba" skyrocketing ended in the same crash just 2 years later. By that time, the black-and-white humor of the team had become boring to everyone, but “Children” failed to offer the audience something radically new and original. At that time, many put an end to the RUDN KVN team. And they were wrong.

In 2000, the university again began searching for people who would join the RUDN KVN team. The composition of the "Children of Lumumba" was updated: white children were included in it. In addition, they created a more multinational team with the original name "Samurai of Yokohama,Kawasaki Prefecture.”

Both teams took part in the 2001 Sochi festival. They played unevenly: they won, they lost. Each of the teams wanted to continue their careers, but the university management said that only one of them could represent the university. As a result, it was decided to hold a tournament between teams within the university. According to its results, Samurai went to KiViN-2002, and they won the right to participate in the Euroleague.

First successes

2002 was the first full-fledged season in which the RUDN KVN team announced itself. Its composition continues to be supplemented by new bright personalities who constantly bring original images to the game. For the first time since "Children of Lumumba" the game is successful.

KVN RUDN team: composition
KVN RUDN team: composition

Finally, the guys were noticed and invited to the “Voicing KiViN” in Jurmala. Everyone knows that this is already a much higher level of play. The team comes here under the general name "RUDN KVN Team". Its composition becomes more or less constant. The success of the team was phenomenal: the guys take "KiViN In Black", they are given the honorary right to close the gala concert.

Unfortunately, in the fall of 2002 RUDN University loses in the semi-finals. But the jury members choose them as the third team in the final. And they are absolutely right: the team becomes the champion of the Euroleague-2002. And at KiViNe-2003 RUDN for the first time passes to the Major League.

After two more years of successful performances at the Sochi KiViNe-2005, right from the stage, the RUDN KVN team, whose composition has finally become ideal,stated that she takes time out in her performances. Naturally, the fans were shocked.

rudn kvn composition
rudn kvn composition


Like many teams, the national team of the Peoples' Friendship University produced a considerable number of successful guys who gained immense popularity. Here is a far from complete list of those who once played for RUDN KVN. The line-up of the team boasts the following members:

- Sangadzhi Tarbaev is the captain. This witty and unusually charming young man led his team in the right direction.

- The composition of the RUDN KVN team would be incomplete without the charming guy Andrew Njogu. It was around him that a huge number of the team's jokes were built at one time.

- Ararat and Ashot Keshan are brothers for whom KVN has become a launching pad. Confidently declaring themselves from the stage, they became successful actors in the series "Univer" on TNT. Ashot also took part in the Friendship of Peoples project.

- It is curious that many talented singers also come out of the Club of the cheerful and resourceful. At one time, Pyotr Elfimov, who participated as a Belarusian singer in Eurovision 2009, and Pierre Narcisse, the same “chocolate hare”, joined the RUDN KVN line-up.

- Vadim Bakunev, Konstantin Fedorov, Diana Mukhamedzhanova - listing the names of RUDN University players who somehow regularly appear on television can be almost endless. One thing is certain: at one time this team brightly ascended the KVN Olympus.

Team KVN RUDN University composition
Team KVN RUDN University composition


In 2011, the fans of the team were indelighted. She suddenly appeared on "Voicing KiViN" and performed so successfully that she took the gold.

Today the RUDN University team has successfully traveled all over the country and beyond. The guys give concerts, which are going to full halls of the people. They have visited many countries where their performances are also a resounding success.

In 2014, the RUDN KVN team entered the stage again. Its composition has now been updated with hitherto unknown young talents who study at the Peoples' Friendship University. It is not yet clear whether they will be as successful, but anything is possible.

team rudn kvn composition
team rudn kvn composition

One of the most successful KVN teams can be called the RUDN team. So it was in the past. Whether it will be the same in the future - no one knows yet. One thing can be said with certainty: KVN RUDN University has already left its mark on the Planet.
