The best films starring Menshov

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The best films starring Menshov
The best films starring Menshov

Video: The best films starring Menshov

Video: The best films starring Menshov
Video: Top 10 Independent Movies of All Time | A CineFix Movie List 2024, June

The hero of this article, Vladimir Valentinovich Menshov, is the owner of many top awards in Soviet cinema. Moreover, it was his legendary film "Moscow Does Not Believe in Tears" that received the Oscar gold statuette, becoming the best foreign language film of 1981. On account of Menshov, the director, there are only five works, but what. In addition to the already named masterpiece of Soviet cinema, we all remember and love his "Love and Pigeons", "Joke", "Shirley Myrli" and "Envy of the Gods". Is it worth talking about the invaluable contribution that this remarkable artist of Soviet nature and soul made to the development of Russian cinema?

However, our today's conversation is devoted to another aspect of Vladimir Valentinovich's work. Today we are interested in his acting component. And in this article we will try to compile a list of the best films starring Menshov.

Short creative biography

The future director and actor was born in September 1939. His birthplace was the capital city of Baku, Azerbaijan SSR. His father was a sailor and his mother was a housewife. The Menshov family did not live well, so from a young age Vladimir proved to be a purposeful person. His main goal at that time was a different life, different from the miserable existence that his family had to do, and which he saw on the big screen.

Image"Last meeting"
Image"Last meeting"

After some time, the Menshovs moved to Astrakhan, where Vladimir finally fell ill with the art of cinema. He watched all the films that were shown many times and immersed himself in reading books about famous actors and directors. After leaving school, the future actor Menshov, whose films became the subject of our study, went to Moscow and failed the entrance exam to VGIK. Returning to Astrakhan, he got a job as a turner, and in the evenings he gained acting experience in the second part of the Drama Theater.

Vladimir never abandoned his dream of the magical world of cinema. After wandering around the country for several years and changing many professions, in 1961 he again went to try his luck in Moscow and this time managed to enter the acting department of the Moscow Art Theater School, after which he received additional training in directing postgraduate studies.

In "Interception"
In "Interception"

Vladimir Valentinovich achieved his goal to connect his life with cinema in 1970, making his debut in the title role of the film of his classmate V. Pavlovsky "Happy Kukushkin". Today's list of filmsMenshov has already exceeded a hundred, of which the audience most remembers such films and series as "Here is my village", "Sorry", "Courier", "Year of the calf", "City Zero", "Suicide", "In that area Heaven…”, “Shirley-myrli”, “Composition for Victory Day”, “Chinese Service”, “Dossier of Detective Dubrovsky”, “Mamuka”, “Spartak and Kalashnikov”, “Plot”, “Time to Collect Stones”, “Night Watch ", "Day Watch", "Enchanted Plot", "Code of the Apocalypse", "Liquidation", "Gromovs", "High Security Vacation", "Love-Carrot 3", "Freaks", "Generation P", "Christmas Trees 2 "," Vysotsky. Thank you for being alive", "What else do men talk about", "Legend No. 17", "Dialogues", "Experience", "Ivanovs" and "Last Christmas Trees".

Agree, more than an impressive list. Remembering the best films with the participation of Menshov, let us dwell in more detail on the films in which Vladimir Valentinovich played the main role.

Happy Kukushkin

As already mentioned, Vladimir Menshov began his career in cinema immediately with the title role, which he received in 1970, and starred in a short film by his fellow student V. Pavlovsky.

Image"Happy Kukushkin"
Image"Happy Kukushkin"

His hero is a young Soviet worker Pashka Kukushkin, onhis misfortune fell in love with Lyudmila, the daughter of an innkeeper. After asking for her hand and being refused, he rushes towards various trials and adventures in order to finally win the hand and heart of his beloved.

Perhaps you will not see such a lively, eccentric, careless and daring Menshov in any other picture with his participation.

Also, "Happy Kukushkin" is also notable for the fact that the role of Lyudmila went to a young fifteen-year-old Larisa Udovichenko, a future celebrity of Soviet cinema.

A man in his place

The list of films starring Menshov continues his first full-length work - a wonderful picture "A Man in His Place", released in 1972.

Man in his place
Man in his place

In this film, the actor played the role of Semyon Bobrov, a young enterprising specialist who received a higher education and returned to his native village to become the chairman of a collective farm and achieve his dream - to build a large modern village on the site of a dying Russian village.

Menshov's hero is simply amazing in his purposefulness and some incredible truthfulness of his image, which is perhaps one of the most important and distinguishing features of all his acting and directorial work.

"A Man in His Place" became one of the best films starring Vladimir Menshov, and the actor himself was awarded the first prize at the VI All-Union Film Festival for his work.

S alty Dog

In 1973, Menchov played the main rolein the touching film "S alty Dog". His hero, sailor Martyamov, who works on the ship "Aleksey Tolstoy", picked up a stray puppy in one of the ports of the far southern countries and took him with him.

Image"S alty dog"
Image"S alty dog"

This tape turned out to be light, infinitely light, simple and kind. Without rolling back to sugariness, she teaches the viewer such concepts as friendship, love and fidelity in understandable words and images. Viewing this correct and sincere picture restores faith in people.

"S alty Dog" is one of the best films with Vladimir Menshov, and Sailor Martyamov is one of the actor's best roles.

Own opinion

In the 1977 film "Own Opinion" Menchov played his next iconic major role. This time he got the image of a psychologist. Its hero, Mikhail Petrov, together with his sociologist partner Burtseva, came to one of the Soviet factories to fulfill a difficult mission - to determine what or who is the reason for the departure of the best specialists from the enterprise.

Image"Own opinion"
Image"Own opinion"

At first glance, it begins to seem that between Petrov and Burtseva there must certainly be an office romance, but the psychologist turns out to be that tough nut to crack.

This picture is one of the brightest representatives of films starring Menshov. It is quite simple, unsophisticated and, obviously, was filmed, as they say, "on the topic of the day." However, at the same time, the brilliant acting duet of Vladimir Menshov andLyudmila Chursina filled the tape with such kind, subtle and ironic humor that it is almost impossible to tear yourself away from the screen.

Time to think

In the 1982 television drama "Time for Reflection" Menshov's partner was his wife Vera Alentova. Their family acting duo plays a couple about to enter into a second marriage for each of them. Igor and Alla are at a crossroads. Each of them already has a child from the first family. And each of these children, like an umbilical cord, keeps them from the final step.

Image"Time to think"
Image"Time to think"

This film will be understood by every person who has had to get divorced in his life. And, unfortunately, there are a great many of them.

The story told by Vladimir Menshov and Vera Alentova, despite its dramatic nature, is very interesting and vital. Watching the game of these two brilliant actors will be a real gift for any viewer.

Year of the Calf

In 1986, the comedy "Year of the Calf" was released on the screens of the country, one of the best comedy films starring Menshov.

In this picture, the actor played the role of the collective farm carpenter Theodosius Nikitin, whose wife Lyudmila, brilliantly performed by the famous actress Irina Muravyova, being a milkmaid, suddenly decided to join the culture, sold all domestic animals and hired a music teacher for her sons - originally an urban resident Valerian Sergeevich, played by the legendary actor Valentin Gaft.

Image"Year of the Calf"
Image"Year of the Calf"

Hero Menshov did not want to put up with the new rules, and soon lured the intellectual Valerian Sergeevich, who managed to get a taste of free rural life, to his side.

One of the beautiful days they, taking with them the children of Theodosius, run away from home…

Where is Nofelet?

This funny lyrical film comedy, which premiered in May 1988, is the undisputed leader among films starring Menshov.

Image"Where is the nofelet?"
Image"Where is the nofelet?"

The actor played the role of Pavel Golikov. He is already over forty, he is a modest engineer of one of the research institutes, he has golden hands, and he does not know at all how to behave with women, preferring to give up on himself and remain a bachelor. True, there is still one mysterious woman whom he no-no sneaks a peek at while driving to work, dreaming that one day he still dares and gets to know her …

One fine day, his cousin Gennady came to the aid of Pavel, whose role went to the wonderful actor Alexander Pankratov-Cherny. And then, as they say, it began…

To survive

The final film in our brief review was the 1992 action movie "To Survive". Vladimir Menshov played the role of Oleg, a former officer burned by the war in Afghanistan. The main character's opponent is a certain Jafar, whose role was taken by the famous musician and actor Alexander Rosenbaum.

Image"To survive"
Image"To survive"

Jafar's gang needs to smuggle drugs across the border, and the only person who knows the secret Afghan paths is Menshov's hero Oleg. However, the bandits need guarantees, and for these purposes they take Oleg's son hostage. Thus began the unequal mortal war of an enraged father for the life of his child…

Of course, "To Survive" did not repeat the wild success of the cult "Pirates of the XX century", but nevertheless confidently became one of the best domestic action films of the 90s.
