It's Shrek! Where did the green monster come from

It's Shrek! Where did the green monster come from
It's Shrek! Where did the green monster come from

When talking about 2001 cartoons, Shrek comes to mind right away. And there is nothing strange in this. The picture received a lot of rave reviews, collected a large amount at the box office, was awarded many awards, including the Oscar for best animated films. This was facilitated by a huge kaleidoscope of the most diverse characters of European fairy tales. Who is Shrek - a troll or an orc, or maybe an ogre? All these concepts ultimately mean almost the same thing, referring us to the myths of Western Europe.

This is my swamp

Shrek swims in the swamp
Shrek swims in the swamp

This is a famous phrase that has become a cult, especially on the Internet. Its sources lie deep in the thicket of the forest, right next to the giant's dwelling. History tells us about this very monster. Shrek is a large green ogre with tube ears on the top of his head. The protagonist lives in a swamp, which he sincerely considers his home, and does not want to part with it. People are afraid of him and consider Shrek a cannibal, which only plays into his hands. But the ogre's plans to lead a lonely and carefree life go to waste when the ruler of the local kingdom, Lord Farquaad (a terribly mischievous and small character) exiles everyonemythical and magical heroes to the giant's swamp. Shrek wants to achieve justice and goes to the evil lord.

Image"Get out of my swamp!"
Image"Get out of my swamp!"

At the same time, Farquaad is going to become king, but according to the canons of the fairy-tale world, for this he needs to find a wife, who should become his queen in the future. In his search, he is helped by a fairy-tale mirror, which was found in the fairy tale "Snow White". At the choice of the lord, the mirror shows three beautiful princesses: Snow White herself, Cinderella and Fiona. The lord cannot decide, and after the vote of the courtiers, Farquaad chooses the third one. The mirror tells that the path to it is rather difficult. As in many European fairy tales, Princess Fiona lives on top of a tall tower guarded by a lava moat and a huge fire-breathing dragon. Also, a beautiful lady turns into a terrible ogre every night, which the ruler did not know about, because he went to arrange a tournament. His goal is to select candidates who could do all the dirty work: find and bring Fiona down the aisle. At the beginning of the fights, Shrek appears in the company of the talking Donkey he saved. The giant wants to come to an agreement, and he and the lord come to an agreement: if the ogre can win the tournament and bring the princess, he will return the swamp to Shrek. Without thinking twice, under the crossbows, Shrek agrees.

Rescue the Princess

As expected, Shrek completed this task, thus proving that he is worthy of rescuing the beautiful Fiona. Together with the Donkey, Shrek hits the road. Heroes passfields, mountains, during which they communicate, and Shrek says several famous quotes. Approaching the rocks, behind which there was already a moat with lava, and a little further the tower of the princess, the donkey asked if Shrek had spoiled the air, to which he replied: "If it was me, then you would have died."

The heroes enter the castle by overcoming the lava obstacle. Inside, they see many skeletons of knights killed by the dragon. Shrek goes to the tower, and the Donkey at this time gets into the treasury, where the dragon sleeps. When the giant finds the princess, he sees that the girl is sleeping. Shrek does not consider this a problem and begins to shake her with his strong hands, which is why the princess is indignant. Together they want to leave the ill-fated tower, but before that, the hero still wants to save a friend who is annoying, but still. The dragon turns out to be a dragoness and she is seduced by the Donkey. Having got out of her paws, the three of them already leave the territory of the castle.

love line
love line

The way home, ending

A lot of interesting things happen on the road. We learn that Fiona has a beautiful voice, literally bird-like - in the competition with the song jay, she wins, and her opponent tries so hard that she explodes due to vocal cord strain. At the last starting point, the heroes eat fried rats. We see that a love spark jumps between the ogre and the princess. But because of his rudeness, Fiona leaves the ogre at dawn. Shrek didn't leave it just like that and went to the wedding ceremony, which he successfully interrupted and married the princess himself.

In front of the royal palace
In front of the royal palace

Shrek is a meme

Today the picture is very popular. The original characters have generated a huge fan base and many references on the internet. Especially because of catchphrases and folk art.
