Interesting tasks for quests. Quest tasks indoors

Interesting tasks for quests. Quest tasks indoors
Interesting tasks for quests. Quest tasks indoors

Quests for quests is a very interesting and popular entertainment. Players are given various riddles and hints, with the help of which they move from one point of a given route to the next, receiving pleasant surprises for this.

Questions asked by the participants are often united by one topic, which is the subject of the quest. The main requirement for their compilation is diversity and unusualness. The degree of fun of the game depends on how difficult they will be. But when coming up with clues, it's also important not to go too far and not make them overly complicated.

Main classification

The easiest tasks for quests in terms of preparation are questions in notes. They are encrypted on leaves that participants need to find or earn at each stage of the competition. There are many varieties of them.

    1. The name of the next travel point is cut into separate letters, which, when correctly added together, will tell the participants where to go next.
    2. Using puzzles and charades. They can combine pictures, numbers, letters, punctuation marks, which, if interpreted correctly, give clues aboutfurther travel route.
    3. Riddles in logical rows. For example: "Heat is born in the oven, but where does the cold come from?"
    4. A variant in the best espionage traditions - clues written on paper using melted wax. To find out the answer, you need to paint over the leaf with colored pencils.
    5. Accommodation along the entire path of the signs. But it does not have to be ordinary arrows at all. You can use flowers of a certain type or traces of an animal. In this form, tasks for a quest for children are often made. For example, you can tell them: "Follow in the footsteps of a lion cub and you will find a pleasant surprise."
    6. In the phrase that consists of a hint, words can be mixed. Players need to arrange them in the correct order. Only then will they know what to do next.
    7. The task is written backwards and must be read correctly.
    8. Hint applied to paper with lemon juice or milk. Together with the leaf, the participants are given a candle and a lighter, thanks to the heat from the fire of which the words should appear and direct the players to the next item.
    9. Digital encryption of words is used. For example, instead of each letter, its serial number in the alphabet is written. The clue must be guessed or won at one of the previous stages.
    10. As a task for the quest in the room, you can use an item that is in the room in several copies, one of which contains instructions regarding further actions. It can be a book, a box, a bedside table and the like.
    11. Moreone interesting option is to use hints written in mirror image form. Deciphering them is not an easy task, but it is very exciting and interesting.
    12. Riddles can be encrypted using pictures, each of which symbolizes part of the name of the next destination.
    13. Messages are also laid out with magnets on the refrigerator door.
    14. Notes are hidden inside cookies, candy and other foods.
tasks for quests
tasks for quests

In order for the participants to successfully complete all stages of the competition and get the maximum amount of pleasure from it, the tips must be interesting and original. For the victory in each individual stage and the game as a whole, it is necessary to prepare prizes.

Since the tasks for quests directly depend on the chosen theme of the contest, let's consider the most popular options for holding it.

You can get confused even within four walls

You don't have to go outside to play this game. The tasks for the quest indoors are no less exciting than outside. There are several variations of this type of game.

  1. Escape from the room. Already by the name itself it is clear where this competition is held. Its essence is that the participants are locked in an entire apartment or a separate room, and with the help of clues they must find the key to get out of it. This is a very unusual and interesting way to entertain guests who came, for example, to celebrate a birthday.
  2. Quests for the quest in the office are great forto surprise the boss. If the firm is small, each employee can come up with one puzzle for the boss and enjoy plenty of watching him rush around the building in search of clues and his gift. The office is the perfect place to hide a ton of clues that will be fun to unravel.
  3. Interesting examples of tasks for the quest in the mall. And if it is also large, you can organize a truly unforgettable game in it. After all, in large shopping complexes it is often possible to get lost, even just making purchases, and what can we say about looking for clues and solving puzzles! For example, you can give the participants a photo of a dress, and they will have to find out its price. But first you need to find a boutique that sells this particular model of clothing. Also, as an option, hide the leaflet with the next task in some kind of jacket, which will also need to be found from the photo. But in the case of this task, you will need to warn the store staff in advance so that no one accidentally sells this item to anyone.

Turn on the brains to the fullest

Who said that intellectuals can only be measured by their knowledge? They can be no less nimble and active than others. If you have a few of these "bookworms" among your friends, make them get out of their textbook-cluttered rooms and unwind in the fresh air.

tasks for indoor quest
tasks for indoor quest

Give them a TV-style quest "Who wants to be a millionaire?", "The smartest" and "What? Where?When?" Prepare encrypted messages-hints for knowledge of various facts from history, geography, physics, biology and any other sciences. Make sure the answer to each question serves as a clue to the next destination.

You can also organize a similar test for your soulmate on the anniversary of your relationship or on any other holiday. Only in this case, questions must be tied to dates, places and events from a joint life.

If your "victim" loves the series "The Big Bang Theory", connect its main character Sheldon Cooper to the case. Intricate notes, written in an abstruse style in the style of this eccentric physicist, will greatly amuse any connoisseur of intellectual humor and make him thoroughly rack his brains over clues.

For the little ones

Children's tasks for a quest game can be no less exciting and interesting than adults. To organize such a competition for your child and his friends, use your favorite cartoon characters or computer games. Write questions on the leaves with the image of a particular character. You can use images from one cartoon, organizing the entire quest in his style, or from several at once.

The Klondike computer game can serve as an excellent source of inspiration. Quests and tasks based on it are in search of various artifacts related to the theme of the Wild West. For more realism, children can wear cowboy hats or fully dress them up in the best traditions of westerns.

klondike quests and tasks
klondike quests and tasks

Participants can go on a treasure hunt by following the directions on the map. On it, you will depict several streets closest to the house, having issued in the style of the Klondike game. Quests and tasks of this type involve searching for treasure, opening caches, asking friends for help, etc. This adventure will bring a lot of joy and nice gifts to kids. Any holiday with such a game will become an unforgettable event in the life of every child.

"Klondike", quests and tasks in which are very exciting and varied, is far from the only option for an interesting game. Also a great entertainment for children will be a moving quiz in the style of the movie "Pirates of the Caribbean". At the end of the journey, a man dressed as Jack Sparrow will be waiting for them, who will hand over the treasure to the winner.

Hide the answers away

You can come up with the most varied and interesting tasks for the quest. For example, use your old suitcase with a combination lock. Hide the main prize in it. And the cipher that will help to open it, let the participants collect by number throughout the game.

game klondike quests and tasks
game klondike quests and tasks

To come up with tasks for quests in the apartment, use a deck of cards. Scratch the end of it for the next step and shuffle it well. To parse the message, the players will have to put the cards in the right order. Give them a hint that says something like "Hearts, clubs, spades and diamonds will reveal the secrets of the future to you." This way you let the players knowthat they should look for the cards, and in what order they should be placed.

Giving gifts in an original way

To give a birthday gift in an unusual way, you can also use the quest. Birthday tasks can be very different. For example, you can arrange a whole trip around the city in search of a present. The end point will be a dressing room with a bunch of boxes, in one of which the treasured souvenir will be hidden, and in order to find it, you will have to open them all.

You can also arrange an exciting quest around the city, the tasks of which will lead the birthday boy to a place where a surprise congratulatory party awaits him. You can start your journey in the following way. Leave a piece of cake in your friend's room from the night with a note containing something like this: “Well, your birthday has come. Today everything will be for you, but to get the prepared amenities, you will have to work hard. After all, nothing in this life comes easy. And even your holiday is no exception. To get started, dress comfortably, eat a cake, recharge your batteries from a coffee. You will soon find out what to do next.”

If you are going to give a birthday person something of clothes or jewelry, you can leave the following message in a jar of coffee: “I hope you liked the cake and you finally finally woke up. If yes - well done! Now take something stylish with you and go in search of your happiness. Even if there is no surprise among the things, you can simply hide a note in the closet with further instructions.

tasks for indoor quest
tasks for indoor quest

Ifif you want to present a mobile phone for your birthday in an unusual way, let the participant receive one digit at each stage of the game. They will consist of a phone number, by calling which, in the final, the birthday boy will find his gift.

Fighting insidious numbers

Interesting tasks for the quest can be created using numbers in a variety of ways. It can be both the most elementary tasks from the category of counting the number of steps in the house, and tricky puzzles. You can encrypt the code in a magazine or book. Participants will first have to guess the name of the required publication, and then, using the given page, line and word numbers, find a hint for the next action.

Quest tasks also often consist of deciphering the phone number of the person who received the key to the next step by e-mail. To guess the cherished numbers, you need to find information on the Internet about the growth, age of stars or dates of famous and not very events as soon as possible. A similar puzzle might look like this.

Illustrative example

"Are you finally here? I can't even believe that I made it! I am sure that you will not go further, because this task is clearly beyond your power. The fact is that the necessary code was sent to one person, whose name I will not say. You can only contact him by phone, but you won't get his number either. Like it or not, you'll have to guess it. So the first number is Arnold Schwarzenegger's weight in grams, you need the second number. Next - the fourth number of the year of birth of Leonardo DeeCaprio. Then - the second figure of growth of his partner in "The Wolf of Wall Street". René Zellweger's birthday. Then - the second half of the size of Penelope Cruz's legs. And the last digit is the number when Jason Stethem's girlfriend was born. May the great expert on Google stars help you!”

Examples of tasks for a quest of this type can be encrypted as your heart desires, and use any wording that comes to your mind. Since this task involves the help of an Internet search engine, you can ask questions of any complexity. Including it is not forbidden to mention stars in whose biographies your friend-player is not too strong. But to make it even more interesting for him to look for answers, you can guess information about his idols.

Hollywood to the rescue

Quests for the quest in the office and on the street can be organized in the style of any films and series of a group of people for whom the game is held. You can come up with a myriad of options for riddles.

tasks for the game quest
tasks for the game quest

For example, it is very interesting to use the theme of "Men in Black" by starting the competition with the following note: "Greetings, earthling! We, Agent K and Agent J, need your help. We have detected a signal coming from space, but have not yet identified the planet from which it originated. This may be a warning to people about an alien invasion of Earth, so you need to act very quickly. The message is encoded. The best of our agents are struggling to decipher it, but they can't do it without you. We have separate parts of the message, but without help we cannotrecreate all its contents. Start searching the entire text immediately! You will be agent M and get all the data you need from agent B. Do not forget that the fate of the planet is in your hands! See you!”

Sea of topics

An interesting monster hunt can be organized during a Supernatural-style quest. For lovers of royal intrigues, the ideal option is the Game of Thrones competition. And for fans of The Walking Dead, a meeting with a zombie apocalypse on the streets of the city will be an unforgettable surprise.

quest around the city
quest around the city

"The Lord of the Rings", "Harry Potter", "Transformers", "Fast and the Furious", "Batman" … This list is endless, because any popular movie is just a storehouse of facts that can be used when composing riddles. The same can be said about online entertainment. For example, the game "Klondike" is perfect for this purpose, quests and tasks for which will make the holiday unforgettable.
