Popular group "Roots"

Popular group "Roots"
Popular group "Roots"

The Roots group appeared on the Star Factory program in 2002. It consisted of 4 guys: Lesha Kabanov, Sasha Berdnikov, Sasha Astashenok and Pasha Artemiev. In the final, the quartet performed the song "And I'm losing my roots" and took first place. Their producer was Igor Matvienko, who is still engaged in the Ivanushki and Lyube bands. In Cannes, at the Eurobest competition in 2003, the Roots group took 6th place, they performed the song of the legendary Queen. In the same year, the first album saw the light, which was called "For the Ages". In parallel, several clips were filmed, which were played on the most popular TV channels.

group roots
group roots

Notable dates

The first all-Russian tour began in 2004. In 2005, the guys decided to try to perform solo compositions, which were eventually included in the album called "Diaries". In 2006, the team released the composition "Race with the Wind", which was made the screensaver for the TV series "Kadetstvo". Another song of the Roots group - "Close Your Eyes" - in 2007 became the soundtrack to the movie "Waiting for a Miracle". In 2008 the band went on a US tour. In April 2010, a new member Dmitry Pakulichev came to the quartet, and already in the summer Pasha and Sasha Astashenok left the group, since the contract had ended, and they signed a new onerefused. In March 2011, a new show began on Channel One, in which the most successful participants of all Star Factories participate, and the Roots group as well. The guys managed to win the Golden Gramophone in 2004, 2005, 2006 and 2012.

Roots song
Roots song

The Roots group, whose composition has changed, is now not as popular as when there were four of them. Consider the biography of this legendary four in more detail.

Pasha Artemyev

A guy was born on February 28, 1983 in the Czech Republic. The boy loved music since childhood and began writing his own songs at the age of 13. In addition, because of his unusual appearance and tall stature, the guy worked as a model and starred for many magazines. In 2002, Pasha got to the "Star Factory", after which he became popular. In 2009, he became a member of another group "Rookie Crew", and in 2010 he created his own team, which he named after his beloved "ARTEMIEV". In the same year, Pasha did not want to continue the contract with the Roots group and left it. Now his life is a new team, theater and cinema.

Lesha Kabanov

group roots composition
group roots composition

A guy was born on April 5, 1983 in Russia. Since childhood, he loved music and went to music school. In 2002, Lesha won the Star Factory project and is still in the group. In September of this year, the guy got married, his fan became Rosalia Konoyan.

Sasha Berdnikov

He was born on March 21, 1981 in Turkmenistan. From the age of 16, the guy realized that he wanted to sing. ATIn 2002, he won the Star Factory as part of the Roots group, and he still sings in the team. In 2008, he married Olga Mazhartseva, who gave birth to his daughter and son.

Sasha Astashenok

The guy was born on November 8, 1981 in Orenburg. I always loved music, so I decided to go to the casting of the Star Factory project. Many of the group's songs were written by Sasha. In 2010, he left the team and began independent swimming. Sasha started to get interested in cinema and has already starred in several films and series.

These guys were able to prove that ordinary talented people without any patronage can achieve real success in show business.
