Bianchi's biography - interesting facts

Bianchi's biography - interesting facts
Bianchi's biography - interesting facts
Bianchi's biography
Bianchi's biography

Tatyana Lipnitskaya was born on September 17, 1985 in Minsk. Since childhood, Bianca has been fond of music and vocals. And she took professional lessons. This is a young, active girl leading a busy lifestyle. A complete biography of Bianca is presented in this article: the beginning of a career, hobbies and personal relationships of the singer.

Career start

Tanya studied in the folk choir, for 4 years she performed with the songs "Kalinka" and "Birches". However, she was expelled from the choir, as the girl's vocals differed from the standard. It was at that moment that she decided to engage in pop singing. Sergey Parkhomenko (rapper Serega) invited Bianca to participate in his group. And at the same time she was invited to represent Belarus at the Eurovision Song Contest. But she did not agree, since working with Sergei seemed to her a better offer. Bianchi's biography as a singer begins precisely in 2005, since then the girl, together with Maxim Lawrence, recorded her first popular composition "Swan". The song became the soundtrack forblockbuster "Shadow Boxing" and took first place in the charts of Ukraine.

Bianca's biography. When the pseudonym appeared

Serega gave the girl a name that everyone later called her - friends, acquaintances, fans. According to the singer, she really liked this nickname, and it completely characterizes her. Therefore, when Tanya began her solo career, without much hesitation, she took the pseudonym "Bianca". More than her native name, it fit the style of R'n'B.

singer bianca biography
singer bianca biography

Bianchi's biography: an open question about personal

After Tanya started working with Seryoga, gossip appeared in the press that they were a couple. However, nothing is known for sure - there was an affair or not, only the singers themselves know. However, this is not all loud rumors. After the release of the video, in which Bianca participates in erotic scenes with both men and women, gossip appeared about her bisexual orientation.

Singer Bianca. Biography of the first performer in the R'n'B genre

Many in the domestic show business tried to engage in this genre. However, this type of music did not take root in Russia. According to Tanya herself, the style needs to be adjusted to the Russian performer. That is why her music often uses folk instruments, melodies and motifs. It is possible that such a move attracted thousands of fans. Now we can say with confidence that this direction is very popular in Russia and Ukraine.

Bianca's biography. What else is there to say?

The singer starred in her videos. She's up to the taskresponsibly. Her videos are always bright, interesting and filled with emotions. The girl often faints due to intense physical exertion.

bianca biography family
bianca biography family

Nude and revelations

Bianca appears almost completely naked in her videos. She participated in a candid photo shoot for the magazine "Maxim". According to her, this publication is the only one that publishes not pornographic vulgar pictures, but the natural beauty and sexuality of women.

Bianca. Biography: family

The singer is not married. However, if rumors are to be believed, Tanya aspired to the stage in order to win the heart of a loved one. It is not known for certain whether this is true or a fiction of the yellow press.
