Alexey Mogilevsky: biography and creativity

Alexey Mogilevsky: biography and creativity
Alexey Mogilevsky: biography and creativity

Aleksey Mogilevsky was born in a year that will be called a turning point in underground circles, where he will soon become famous. 1961 - no matter how you turn it, everything is the same. Two months after his birth, Gagarin will fly into space, but unlike many boys, this one will not want to become an astronaut - he will choose the profession of "leader of pop ensembles", but in fact for two years he will become a saxophonist of the "star-gold" composition of Nautilus Pompilius, having managed before that, feel the rebellious spirit in Oorfene Deuce and Flag.


Alexey Mogilevskiy
Alexey Mogilevskiy

When they talk about "Nau", the first thing they remember is Vyacheslav Butusov, the second - Ilya Kormiltsev, and meanwhile Alexey Mogilevsky gave the group not only his sound, but also part of his heart. In addition, he imperceptibly, but impressively influenced its history, bringing, for example, “his” guitarist Nikolai Petrov to its revived composition. Although, in fairness, it should be noted that he never belonged to her entirely - even being part of the main team, he was engaged in his own projects. Yes, and got into it, in fact, quite by accident, as he himself claims. After the paths of the musicians of one of the most iconic Russian rock bandsdispersed, he took up the "Association for Promoting the Return of Lost Youth to the Path of Virtue" (greetings to H. G. Wells from the Soviet public) in earnest. It's funny, but already closer to the age of fifty, the respectable Mogilevsky Alexei Yuryevich stopped drinking anything alcoholic in general and was actively engaged in returning all members of his group to a sober path. For a saxophonist, this is important - even in the era of turbulent youth, the musician deliberately refused alcohol before concerts in order to preserve the sensitivity of his lips. So he has every right to instruct the youth, which he realized by releasing six cheerful (not justifying the nickname of his "Grave") albums from 1986 to 1991.


mogilev alexey
mogilev alexey

In general, the composition of the group worked quite successfully. The album "Cage for the Little Ones" even went on a concert tour, which at that time was an achievement. True, then the "Association" again switched to the studio mode and, oddly enough, remained in it until the very "Wings" - that cult Nautilos album, when Mogilevsky returned to their line-up. He later “surfaced” together with the group, which the native fatal environment did not want to let go into the dark depths - for example, when they were brought together by a talented manager Mikhail Kozyrev or at a reporting concert in honor of the decade. But at the same time, Aleksey Mogilevsky himself did not perceive Nautilus Pompilius as a group. Rather, as a person, but she broke up back in the 90s.


alexey mogilevskiy nautilus
alexey mogilevskiy nautilus

In general, the influence of Nautilus onit was great, and especially in personal terms. As Aleksey Mogilevsky himself said, it was Butusov who threw him into the environment of aesthetes and Protestants, turning his impressionable consciousness away from Soviet values into a completely different area. Although among his idols the musician himself names Letov in the first place - for the honesty of thinking and the art of speaking poetry correctly. In 2002, Mogilevsky Alexei finally said goodbye to Yekaterinburg, where he is no longer at home, for the sake of Moscow, where he was first moved away from the promotion of Sahara, and then taken to NTV as a composer of "small forms". In 2008, he became the performer-arranger of the musical accompaniment of the series, considering it a hard but honest job. His creations can be heard in "The Most Terrible Beast" and "An Angel Came to You." In general, Mogilevsky Alexey is such a multifaceted creator in the world of music and himself, which you can constantly rethink.


Mogilevskiy Alexey Yurievich
Mogilevskiy Alexey Yurievich

She won't let go, pulling you to Picnic, Agatha Christie, War of the Poets, The Matrixx by Gleb Samoilov, or Kipelov. As a guest musician, but you can’t get away from a creative streak and a desire to perform, just like from the dream of making your own music - not soundtracks, despite the love for them, and not other accompaniment, but real art. From time to time Alexei Mogilevsky returns to this thought, but still remains a monk from composing and creates - but for the time being all this did not go beyond his cell. Until 2014, he believed that it would not work to play “for money”, but to callone of the modern musicians in a project without financial support dishonorably. In addition, for a creator of his age, the prefix “retro” is inevitable, but the musician could not do something with the fact that he does not consider himself as such.

Photo album

Aleksey Mogilevsky could not accept Nautilus only with Vyacheslav Butusov, although such an opinion is becoming more and more widespread: the further the history of the group goes, the more clearly one face is visible in it. Perhaps that is why he created the Rockman photo album, deliberately taking the name of a word once coined by Vyacheslav Butusov and filling it out based on purely personal preferences. This is probably what made the book exceptionally interesting - rare pictures, a minimum of text. Pure photographic art with a touch of nostalgia and mild sadness.


alexey mogilevskiy nautilus pompilius
alexey mogilevskiy nautilus pompilius

In 2014, the composer nevertheless decided to revive his "Association", rejuvenating it with guitarist Valery Kuzin and starting concert tours. It is curious that the group held their first performance at the Illuminator, which is dedicated to the memory of … Ilya Kormiltsev. Mogilevsky is not offended by life and former comrades - he has a job, and composing for him is just a job, akin to cooking, there is a family and a Scottish terrier Roger, there is a new project "Zhuzha: a fairy tale for children" and a son from his first marriage. There are live performances. This is how he lives today. And the Nautilus Pompilius has already become part of history - the glorious road of Sverdlovsk rock, but it is still the past.
