Drawings for March 8. Ideas, hints, examples

Drawings for March 8. Ideas, hints, examples
Drawings for March 8. Ideas, hints, examples

All children love to draw. Someone prefers colored pencils, someone - paints, and someone loves felt-tip pens. But this is not so important if there is a sincere desire to please your loved ones with another masterpiece. The reason may be different holidays. This is the New Year, and February 23, and drawings by March 8 are especially successful. So, how to help your child draw a good and uplifting gift for mom or grandmother? Let's start from the beginning.

Drawings for March 8
Drawings for March 8

Required Materials

In order for the gift to be aesthetic and delight others, you need to make some efforts. And first of all, prepare everything you need for work. To make beautiful drawings by March 8, you will need:

- white paper or cardboard (the thicker the better);

- simple pencil;

- eraser;

- colored pencils, felt-tip pens, crayons, paints (let it be what your kid likes to draw the most);


- lace or satin ribbon (for decoration);

- colored paper (if you want to combine drawing and application);

- scissors;

- sharpener;

- samples of holiday cards, original pictures (as an example).

And one more thing: most importantly, don't forget to get in a good mood, because if you don't have it, you are unlikely to get anything worthwhile.

Getting Started

Before you proceed directly to drawing, you need to decide on the plot of your gift. And also decide whether it will be just a drawing or a combination of several techniques. For example, drawings and applications. Since we are talking about a gift for March 8, then most likely it will be flowers or a portrait of your beloved mother (grandmother).

Baby Ideas

Flowers are quite easy to draw. Even a very small child can cope with this simple task. The main thing is to show him the most affordable option. So what kind of flower to depict on paper so that these drawings can be completed by novice artists by March 8? For example, it can be a circle or a fairly thick dot that the lines cross (something like a snowflake). If you make these petals multi-colored and draw a lot of such flowers, you will get a good bouquet or just a flower meadow. But this option is more suitable for those who are just learning to draw.

Drawing a portrait

But for an older child, we choose more difficult tasks. Mom's portrait. How do you like this gift?

Drawings for March 8 are beautiful
Drawings for March 8 are beautiful

Of course, no one requireschildren of perfect resemblance to the original, but it is necessary to tell the baby some noticeable features that are unique to your mother. It can be curly hair, glasses, freckles, bright lips or something else. And even such a small detail will already play a significant role. Mom will immediately understand who is depicted in the picture, and will appreciate the creativity. She will certainly be pleased that her beloved baby noticed and reflected her individuality on the "portrait". Such a drawing by March 8, mom will definitely please her and will not go unnoticed by others.

Drawing for March 8 mom
Drawing for March 8 mom

Designing a gift

It's good if dad helps the child dress the gift in a frame worthy of this masterpiece. In order for the drawings to look like a real gift by March 8, you can purchase a ready-made frame - for example, a wooden version that will suit any interior. And you can make a frame for a picture with your own hands, using glue, colored paper, satin ribbon and, of course, turning on your imagination. And if an ordinary drawing will soon take its place of honor somewhere on the mezzanine, then a framed gift will surely decorate the walls of your apartment for more than one year. And for the interior benefit, and for the child pride!

Drawings of children by March 8. Tips & Ideas

What else can be depicted in the picture dedicated to the holiday of March 8? Flowers - this goes without saying, but what will remind you of the holiday? It is very good if you draw any spring flowers (mimosa, tulips, snowdrops). Such options for bouquets speak for themselves. MoreOne great option to emphasize the purpose of the gift would be the number 8. Simply draw it from individual flowers or decorate the bouquet with a figure-eight ribbon.

Children's drawings for March 8
Children's drawings for March 8

Very impressive in the drawings for March 8, various cute characters look. It can be cubs of animals, and fairy-tale heroes, and even insects. How do you like this drawing? A little hare with a bouquet of carrots or a hedgehog, on the back of which, instead of ordinary mushrooms and berries, there are beautiful and bright flowers … These are the most positive and smiling drawings for March 8. Beautiful, gentle, sweet and so sincere, they will surely make you feel a sense of joy and tenderness.

Many children love to draw landscapes. This can also be used as an idea for a drawing dedicated to March 8th. Green lawn, bright sun, rainbow and a sea of flowers. Or a fabulous house, and next to it is a mighty oak (or another tree with a hollow), on the branch of which a fluffy squirrel with a bouquet sits. There are a lot of options, you can use our tips or come up with something of your own. In any case, mothers and grandmothers will be happy with the attention, and your efforts will not go unnoticed.
