How to draw a two-story house with a pencil

How to draw a two-story house with a pencil
How to draw a two-story house with a pencil

Surely we all imagined the house of our dreams more than once. Everyone has his own. Someone dreams of a small brick house, like a gingerbread house, someone dreams of a stylish townhouse, and someone dreams of a big house in the style of Russian wooden architecture. So let's figure out how to draw a two-story house.

Sketch of a two-story house

Two-storey cottage in pencil
Two-storey cottage in pencil

There is such a thing as direct linear perspective. And if you want to depict the house as realistic and even voluminous as possible, you must strictly follow it. In fact, everything is quite simple. Direct linear perspective assumes a fixed point of view of the object and a single vanishing point on the horizon.

Required items for drawing:

  • sheet of paper;
  • pencil;
  • ruler;
  • Eraser.

Stage one

Position of the house relative to linear perspective
Position of the house relative to linear perspective

Draw a square or rectangle with a pencil using a ruler. Next, in the middle of the finished figure, draw a conditional horizon line from edge to edge of the sheetpaper. On the finished horizon line, we put one point (perspective point). For greater realism of the object, we draw thin straight lines from the corners of the square to the conditional perspective point.

Sketch of a house with a roof
Sketch of a house with a roof

Now you need to draw the boundary of the side wall by connecting straight lines that are directed to a point on the horizon.

To complete the shape of the house, you need to draw a roof. To do this, draw a line in the middle of the side wall with a pencil, draw this line up and connect it to the facade of the house. Let's draw a full roof. Now you know how to draw a two-story house.

Stage Two

Before us on paper the outlines of the house. Now literally everything is in our hands. At this stage, you can turn on your imagination and design your dream home.

First, it is worth depicting the windows on the first and second floors. The upper floor window can be a large panoramic window, and the windows on the first floor can be drawn as standard double-leaf windows. They can be plastic or wooden with carved shutters. Next up is the front door. It will be beautiful if you draw a pen in detail and draw a porch.

draw a two-story house with a pencil
draw a two-story house with a pencil

What will the roof be like? It can be made tiled, that is, draw small rounded scales. You can mark the iron roof with lines or imagine that solar panels are located on it. Maybe you dream of a fireplace in your house? Then on the roof you can depict a chimney.

The facade of the house can be painted brick or log. It will not be superfluousimagine an attic around your building, and on it, for example, you can depict a table and a rocking chair.

At the very end, it is worth decorating the surrounding area. What is a house without trees, a lawn, a flower bed at the porch?

Did you manage to draw a two-story house with a pencil? We hope that the article helped you to do this.
