Anime girls as one of the modern canons of female beauty

Anime girls as one of the modern canons of female beauty
Anime girls as one of the modern canons of female beauty

Coming to us from Japanese culture, the anime genre has taken a firm place in the niche of spectacular, entertainment programs, loved by many fans of intricate stories, vivid plots, and extraordinary characters.

Where did it come from

anime girls
anime girls

Initially, anime was created as an animated series for children of primary and secondary school age, then full-fledged cartoon films appeared for teens. They raised the problems that concern the children during these years: spiritual and physical maturation, friendship, first love, gender relations, relationships with parents and the outside world. In a form more understandable to a teenager and a fascinating plot, cartoons played and analyzed those situations in which a boy or girl could find himself in reality. Thus, the guys learned, as they say, life. Later in the anime, separate directions stood out, which were also intended for an adult audience. These are cartoons actually for boys, separately for girls, anime for adults andeven cartoons with pornographic content. However, with all the variety of types, the anime genre has one distinctive feature: a peculiar image of heroes, especially females.

Type of anime heroine

anime girls
anime girls

What are anime girls? First of all, it is worth noting that they are very beautiful. The aesthetic question, apparently, was put forward in the first place when the genre was conceived. And therefore, all artists working in this direction adhere to a certain type. Anime girls are strikingly feminine, sexy, and this sexuality is served gradually, not rudely, somewhat veiled. The eroticism of images is expressed, first of all, in the figure. They have almost perfect proportions. The shape of his figure resembles an hourglass: narrow shoulders, thin waist, rather full hips. Long slender legs, small high chest. A bust is a must, all anime girls have one, even baby figures.

Secrets of charm

beautiful anime girls
beautiful anime girls

One of the main secrets of the special charm of the appearance of the heroines of Japanese cartoons is touching, unusually expressive faces. First, the eyes. They are huge, half-faced, with somewhat enlarged pupils, which reflect the world around them, as if in a dew drop. Anime girls conquered the world with their eyes alone and literally made them fall in love with themselves. This is one of the sources of the wild popularity of the cartoon. And more facial expressions. Animators have learned how to masterfully convey the finest internalcharacters' experiences: mental pain, suffering, amazement, delight, happiness, falling in love, etc. In this regard, anime girls look much more lively and realistic than heroes, for example, American cartoons. Therefore, the anime genre itself, oddly enough, is often called "movie" and not "cartoon".

Film industry fans

The plots of Japanese TV series, their characters have given rise to a whole generation of not just fans - devoted imitators who try to adjust their behavior, lifestyle, appearance to their favorite movie. Beautiful anime girls have caused a real boom among teenagers and youth in Japan and Europe. Makeup, hairstyles, even outfits - everything is copied with the greatest care and precision. Fans try to recreate their dreamy, enigmatic smiles, ringing bell-like laughter, soft, graceful movements.

The culture of Japan is somewhat reminiscent of these amazing anime heroines: grace, some mystery, a special philosophy that is so difficult for a European to comprehend!
