Colombo guitars - instruments from a Chinese manufacturer

Colombo guitars - instruments from a Chinese manufacturer
Colombo guitars - instruments from a Chinese manufacturer

Some time ago guitars under the well-known Skylark brand were imported into Russia. However, the moment came, and Chinese manufacturers began to share this brand among themselves. It is worth saying that under this brand in China a huge number of acoustic and electro-acoustic guitars are produced at different factories. Currently, they are supplied to Russia under the Colombo brand. Fortunately, the quality of the instruments has not deteriorated. The Colombo guitars remained the same as the Skylark. Even the model numbers remain the same.

A tool you don't mind taking on a hike

It should be said that Colombo guitars are instruments reminiscent of Martinez's budget line. Their main difference is the low price and cheap materials. In general, Colombo guitars, reviews of which are almost always positive, live normally in Russian realities. We can say that they are not as afraid of temperature changes as more expensive instruments.

guitar colombo reviews
guitar colombo reviews

But of course, one must understand that for such a low cost it is unlikely that it will be possible to create a high-quality tool from expensive wood and with good fittings. That is why Colombo guitars are perfect for beginners or for hiking. True, even when travelingtreats the tool with care.

What are the guitars from Colombo

The first thing that can please a musician is the abundance of small folk guitars. It is these tools that are rarely found among cheap tools. By the way, it is not recommended to put hard strings on Colombo guitars. And with good and proper handling, the tool will serve its owner for a long time.

As a rule, its body is made of linden. This type of wood provides the instrument with a clean and accurate sound, with good highs and full mids. Several models are made of spruce. And these instruments from Colombo have the best sounding. A guitar priced under $10,000 might well sound like a solid instrument from some well-known brand.

acoustic guitar colombo
acoustic guitar colombo

Practically all Colombo acoustic guitars are made from spruce. These instruments differ from folk instruments in their larger body and, accordingly, in their louder sound. Therefore, if you are going to take a guitar on a hike or play a housekeeper, then it is better to buy this particular type of instrument.

They are usually made from linden and spruce. In order for you to like the Colombo acoustic guitar, you need to come to the store and already listen to several instruments there. It should lie comfortably in your hands, not rattle and, most importantly, build.

How to care for your guitar so that it lasts long

First, store your instrument in a case. Although Colombo guitars are very cheap compared toother brands, but they also need to be looked after. If you come from the street, then try not to immediately take the guitar out of the case, as it should warm up to room temperature.

colombo guitar price
colombo guitar price

Secondly, try not to put too hard strings on it. Not only can you rub calluses on your fingers, but also ruin the tool. And if your neck is twisted with a screw, then it will have to be changed. When you tune your guitar by ear, try not to overtune the strings. And if it originally had nylon strings, then it’s better not to put metal strings on it later.

Third, be careful with your instrument. If possible, do not drop it and protect it from bad weather. If you do not use the guitar, then put it in a case and, in order not to destroy it, in no case hang it on the wall.

Reviews about Chinese guitars Colombo

In general, reviews of these Chinese instruments are positive. Colombo guitars have a full clean tone, good highs and juicy mids. They are perfect not only for training and hiking, but also for performances. The viewer is unlikely to notice that your choice fell on a product from a Chinese manufacturer.

Moreover, if the instrument builds normally, then it can be used in sound recording. The main thing in this case is accurate performance, good arrangement and correctly placed microphones. Also, before you record your guitar, take care of the acoustics of the room. This is especially true for those who make music at home.

Colombo guitars
Colombo guitars

Especiallybuyers praise Colombo electric acoustic guitars. After all, now it is not so easy to find a good instrument that can be connected without using a microphone. This Colombo guitar, reviews of which are almost all positive, will serve you faithfully for many years!

We hope that our article was useful, and you realized that Colombo guitars are great instruments for playing music.
