Arrangement of notes on the stave for piano and button accordion

Arrangement of notes on the stave for piano and button accordion
Arrangement of notes on the stave for piano and button accordion

Do you like to sing, dance, play musical instruments and want to learn how to do it well? Or are you the parent of a child who is learning the tricks of piano playing? In any case, you need to know the location of the notes on the stave.

Just as much as needed

Music amazes us with an abundance of beautiful sounds. However, there are only seven notes. They are located on the white keys of a piano or synthesizer. We all know their names from childhood. The notes found on the black keys raise or lower the basic sounds and are therefore variants. Many people also know them from childhood. If the black key raises the main sound, the word "sharp" is added to its name. When lowering, we use the name "flat".

Piano keyboard and guitar neck

The arrangement of notes on the stave associated with the piano or synthesizer is best explained to beginner musicians who play keyboard instruments such as the accordion. For those who practice violin, guitar or flute performance, it is convenient to study sounds by remembering the location of the fingers on the fretboard and body.

Singers should also pay attention to the piano keyboard. The voice is an instrumentwhich does not have marked high- altitude zones, called musical tones. Therefore, beginner vocalists need to master the keyboard.

All music on five lines

arrangement of notes on the stave in the treble clef
arrangement of notes on the stave in the treble clef

The next stage of learning is the transfer of sounds to the musical staff. It consists of five parallel, horizontal stripes. Signs are written on the rulers or between them. The arrangement of notes on the stave must be studied even by amateur musicians who sing familiar melodies. After all, sooner or later everyone wants to play in a pop group. And notes are a universal means of professional communication among musicians.

Graphics should be read quickly. If each time you remember which note is recorded on a particular ruler, a lot of time will pass between adjacent sung sounds. You can't do that in music. Sounds should quickly alternate and smoothly flow into each other, forming a melody. Therefore, you need to study the location of notes on the stave very well. This is achieved through practical exercises and training.

Sing clean

Frequent exercise helps memorize the sound of notes. This is especially important for vocalists. One of the main criteria for good singing is the so-called clean performance. This means that the vocalist is able to accurately reproduce the desired sound. Its height is an absolute category. For example, for the first octave is equal to a frequency of 440 Hertz. If the singer cannot "hit" the right sound right away, he sings out of tune (as the musicians say). Such a vocalist will not be able to reproduce the melody, andthe listener will not remember or recognize it.

How to teach your baby music

It is very important to study the location of the notes on the stave for children. To help the kids, experienced teachers have come up with many interesting games, including virtual ones. In more traditional methodological systems, notes are learned through memorization and repetition. Dictations are useful when the teacher calls the sound, and the child depicts it graphically, drawing in a notebook.

arrangement of notes on the stave for children
arrangement of notes on the stave for children

It is useful to record not individual notes, but entire melodies. They should be beautiful and logically organized. After recording, they should be sung. This exercise helps memorize the correct sound and intuitively understand one of the main laws of music - the construction of a melody.

How to get your child interested

Why else is it necessary to study the arrangement of notes on the stave? For children, these are the first steps into the vast and wonderful world of music. Adult lovers of this amazing art will be able to play their favorite melodies by finding them on the Internet in the form of music files and printing them on a printer.

arrangement of notes on the stave
arrangement of notes on the stave

One of the main conditions for successful learning in every field of knowledge is the interest of children. They shouldn't be bored in class. Many children are not interested in repeating notes, because such a process is similar to memorizing letters and numbers in school. In order to increase the attention of kids to this lesson, experienced teachers advise using fairy tales. Interesting and accessible materials can befind on special musical and pedagogical portals.

Reference point

Notation of music depends on the so-called keys. Usually in music they use violin and bass, much less often - alto and tenor. They were often used in ancient choral works. Training begins with the treble clef. It usually records sounds higher up to the first octave. In less used graphic signs (alto and tenor), the location of notes on the stave is also sometimes fixed. The bass clef is difficult for children. It usually records sounds below the first octave.

arrangement of notes on the stave bass clef
arrangement of notes on the stave bass clef

When learning to play the piano or synthesizer, the bass clef is first encountered when a child begins to play easy pieces with both hands at the same time. It is interesting that musicians dealing with high registers do not know low notes well. This is especially true for singers. Female voices use only the high register, melodies for them are recorded exclusively in the treble clef.

What is the fundamental significance of these graphic signs for musical notation? They show a starting point. The bass clef marks the note F, which is written on the fourth line. All subsequent ones are counted from it.

What is an octave

The arrangement of notes on the stave in the treble clef is connected with a different point of view. This key marks the sound of s alt. It is recorded on the second line. Depending on the key, the notes will be read differently. For example, a graphic sign written on the first line in the violin registermeans mi, and in bass - s alt of a large octave.

arrangement of notes on the stave in the treble clef
arrangement of notes on the stave in the treble clef

There are a lot of musical tones. For convenience, they are all divided into separate high- altitude areas - octaves. Central is the zone, which is called the first. Above the scale are the second, third and fourth. Below the central octave are small and large. To some, such names will seem strange, but they are accepted by default by all musicians.

Piano and other keyboard instruments

The arrangement of notes on the stave for bayan is due to the fact that it has two keyboards. On the right side of the instrument, a melody is usually played with the corresponding hand, since high sounds are located in this area. The left keyboard is the most commonly played accompaniment.

On the right side of the accordion we see three rows of round keys. They are numbered like this. The first row is located closer to the center, the rest - further. The top white start sequence button indicates that the sound up to the first octave is here. The peculiarity of the accordion keyboard is that the notes are not arranged in a row. This is due to the convenience for the performer. If, when playing the piano, the right hand is in such a position that it is easy to play C with the first finger, D with the second, and so on, then the position of the hands on the button accordion dictates a different arrangement of buttons. Neighboring sounds on this instrument lie in different rows.

arrangement of notes on the stave for pianoforte
arrangement of notes on the stave for pianoforte

The location of the notes on the stave for the piano is similar to the button accordion. Musicians who play this instrument may well use editions for grand pianos and pianos, but with some amendments.
