Guitar system - acquaintance

Guitar system - acquaintance
Guitar system - acquaintance

One of the problems that every guitarist faces while learning is the choice of guitar tuning. The guitar system is determined by the sound of open strings, respectively, the transition to one or another key is carried out by tuning the strings to the corresponding notes. Below is a list of the most commonly used tunings:

guitar tuning
guitar tuning

• "Spanish", or standard. This system is considered a classic. It is with him that the mastery of the technique of the game begins. Many people continue to play it after completing the training, since this system is universal. The designation is EBGDAE, according to the strings (from 1st to 6th).

acoustic guitars
acoustic guitars

• Drop D. One of the popular tunings often used in rock music, especially by hard rock players. Literally translated as "reduced re". The reason for this name lies in the fact that in this system the 6th string sounds a tone lower than in the standard system, that is, it corresponds to the note D (D). This tuning sounds best on an electric guitar.

• Drop C. This guitar tuning, like the previous one, is based on the fact that the sixth string sounds a full step lower than the first. However, in the case of Drop C, strings one through five are firstare tuned exactly one tone lower than the standard scale. That is, we get DAFCGC. In this tuning, the guitar sounds lower and heavier. Mainly used in heavy music.

• Open D. This tuning is most often used when playing slide guitar.

• Raised and lowered systems. Often, musicians lower or raise the guitar tuning by a half step, a step, or even more. You can tune all strings the same way or differently. However, acoustic guitars (especially classical ones) are at risk of damage when played up-tuned.• Instrumental tuning. Involves tuning the guitar to a standard tuning for another instrument. You can tune it like a balalaika, charango, cithara.

I would also like to mention that the guitar, unlike many musical instruments, is not tuned in fifths. Why, despite the fact that the fifth gives the purest and most pleasant sound, is the guitar tuned in such an incomprehensible, at first glance, way? The answer to this question is more than simple: Standard tuning provides the most ease and convenience for playing.

electric guitars for beginners
electric guitars for beginners

Where to start? Naturally, from mastering the technique of playing in the classical (Spanish) system. Only by studying musical literacy, especially the structure of guitar chords, you can choose in which system it is more convenient to play this or that chord, this or that song. It is worth noting that it will be much more difficult for a beginner to play in an alternative formation, especially if he does not master the barre technique.

If you playor plan to play electric guitar in the future, you should pay special attention to the neck geometry, especially the height of the strings. You may need to re-tune your guitar to avoid sagging and rattling when playing in the new tuning. Beginner electric guitars are not designed for playing in alternate tunings, and you may not be happy with their sound, for example, in Drop C. Be sure to consider this when buying!
