Bersenev Ivan Nikolaevich (Pavlishchev): Russian theater and film actor

Bersenev Ivan Nikolaevich (Pavlishchev): Russian theater and film actor
Bersenev Ivan Nikolaevich (Pavlishchev): Russian theater and film actor

Bersenev Ivan Nikolaevich - an outstanding director and actor of theater and cinema of the Soviet Union. It is about this wonderful person that the article will be discussed.


Ivan Nikolaevich Pavlishchev was born in the capital in April 1889. As a child, the boy was transported to Ukraine. His father worked in Kyiv as a trade manager. When Ivan was seven years old, his father dies.

Bersenev Ivan
Bersenev Ivan

Hobbies and the beginning of a creative path

At a young age, as a schoolboy, Ivan became interested in theater and became a participant in the performances of the Lepkovsky drama school. Since high school students were not allowed to play on stage, Pavlishchev had to give up his father's surname and take the pseudonym Bersenev.

Ivan, after graduating from high school, enters Kyiv University, the Faculty of Law, at the same time plays in performances. Gradually, the craving for creativity turns out to be stronger, and in 1907 the young man leaves his studies at the university and enters the Solovtsov Theater in Kyiv. K. A. Mardzhanov became its leader, meeting with whom became a decisive event in the life of Ivan Nikolaevich Bersenev. Subsequently, Bersenev follows Kote Mardzhanov to the theater of the city of Odessa and plays in it, as well as in Yekaterinodar, Vinnitsa and others.provincial cities in 1908-1909, playing mainly the main roles (for example, Rode in Chekhov's play "Three Sisters").

Russian actors
Russian actors

Mature activities

In 1911, Ivan Nikolaevich Bersenev went to work at the Moscow Art Theater. During the period of work until 1919, the actor played about twenty roles.

The hungry winter in Moscow in 1918-1919 encourages Bersenev to tour Ukraine with the Moscow Art Theater troupe. While working in Kharkov, the troupe with V. I. Kachalov at the head was cut off from Moscow in connection with the Civil War, and Kachalov's group began to wander, first in the southern part of Russia, then abroad. Only on May 22nd the group returned to Moscow. In December of this year, Ivan Nikolaevich was invited as an actor and board member to the First Studio of the Moscow Art Theater, in 1924 Bersenev became an assistant to M. Chekhov, director of the Second Studio of the Moscow Art Theater, then deputy and, finally, director, as well as artistic director of the theater. Bersenev's directorial work was first seen in 1925.

Ivan Nikolaevich has been working at the MOSPS Theater for two years as an actor and director.

From 1938 to 1951, Bersenev was the constant and indispensable leader of the Lenkom Theater on Malaya Dmitrovka and an excellent actor. The leader brought with him a team of wonderful actors from the Moscow Art Theater School, among them was Sofia Giatsintova.

Bersenev Ivan Nikolaevich
Bersenev Ivan Nikolaevich

Ivan Bersenev: personal life

The wife of Ivan Nikolaevich - Giatsintova Sofia Vladimirovna - was born in 1895 anddied at the age of eighty-seven. A great actress, theater director, in 1955 she was awarded the title of People's Artist of the USSR.

Violet, Violet - that was the name of Sonechka at the Art Theatre. The talented, diligent and emotional girl quickly began to receive small roles. Fans were constantly spinning around Sonya. The girl, accepting their courtship, did not give special preference to anyone.

Gyacintova was lucky to work with Stanislavsky and Nemirovich-Danchenko, Vakhtangov and Chekhov. Sophia becomes the leading actress of the Second Studio of the Moscow Art Theater. Here she finds her love - a talented actor, a wonderful director and simply a handsome man, Ivan Nikolaevich Bersenev. The marriage between them lasted thirty-five years. Ivan Nikolaevich tenderly and devotedly loved and idolized his wife until he met Galina Sergeevna Ulanova.

Ivan Bersenev personal life
Ivan Bersenev personal life

Ulanova in the life of Bersenev

In 1949, Bersenev met the great ballerina Galina Ulanova, who was 21 years younger than him, they lived in a civil marriage. Bersenev was so in love that he left his previously beloved Sofya Giatsintova and began dating Ulanova at the Metropol, then moved to her on Novoslobodskaya. Ivan Nikolaevich broke off relations with his lawful wife hard, he suffered greatly from his own betrayal, but he could not resist the magnificent Ulanova. Galina's relationship with a famous director and actor lasted only two years. The novel was bright and fast-paced.

Bersenev Ivan Nikolaevich died in 1951, and ontwo loving beautiful women stood at the grave at the memorial service: a wonderful actress and legal wife Sofya Vladimirovna and a magnificent ballerina and common-law wife Galina Sergeevna.

Characteristic of Bersenev

Effective appearance, beautiful, sonorous voice, incredible charm, artistry and organizational talent - the qualities that Ivan Nikolayevich possessed. Bersenev looked sleek, self-confident and spoiled, accustomed to comfortable conditions. In magnificent suits, snow-white shirts, with butterflies and an invariable cigar in the corner of his lips, Ivan Nikolayevich resembled an English lord. In fact, he was unpretentious and simple. A shy, insecure and timid person by nature, Bersenev always doubted whether he would cope with the next role, and played it brilliantly.

The whole hectic life of Bersenev was connected with the need for the theater. The theater was his air, each performance was a holiday, a celebration. An artist of bright personality, full of imagination and witty solutions, full of creative ideas, endowed with a rich inner world, he remembered his thousands of daily duties as a leader, all the actors, their problems and his roles, the words of which he constantly muttered.

Ivan Nikolaevich used to be harsh, and unfair, and harsh, but his passion, obsession and devotion to the theater overshadowed the negative qualities of Bersenev.

Ivan Nikolaevich Pavlishchev
Ivan Nikolaevich Pavlishchev

Sword of Mercy

This is an attribute for the ceremonies associated with the coronation of monarchs in the UK. Historians suggest that the swordmercy was the property of Edward the Confessor. Its peculiarity lies in the fact that the blade of the sword is broken, which is why it is called shortened. In ancient times, it was considered an honor to carry a sword before the king, which was an act of mercy. According to legend, the tip of the sword was torn off by an angel to prevent an unjust murder. The sword of mercy was also used for knighting.

The movie "The Sword of Mercy" was filmed in 1918, its premiere took place in Kharkov in 1919, on January 31st. The film is a psychological drama produced by the Ekran film publishing house. The director of the film was Azagarov Georgy, the screenwriter was Blazhevich Olga. Bersenev Ivan Nikolayevich plays the role of a young handsome Voite, the son of Count Stefan Tsikhovsky. Unfortunately, the film has not survived to this day.

sword of mercy
sword of mercy

Bersenev's contribution to theatrical art

With the advent of the wonderful director and wonderful actor I. N. Bersenev, the theater on Malaya Dmitrovka has become one of the leading theaters in Moscow.

Theatre. The Leninist Komsomol brought up excellent actors from Russia and the Soviet Union, but when Ivan Nikolaevich left in the prime of his life and creative talent, he literally "orphaned". For many years, various leaders were replaced, but they did not leave a special trace, memory and bright events and performances.

Bersenev acted in films unfairly little, but his roles are leading, bright and memorable.

Ivan Nikolayevich Bersenev made a huge contribution to the development of Soviet theatrical art, for which he was awardednumerous government awards.

Russian actors can be proud that they had such a wonderful teacher, a role model. Blessed memory of this wonderful person!
