The influence of art on a person: arguments. Examples from life and literature

The influence of art on a person: arguments. Examples from life and literature
The influence of art on a person: arguments. Examples from life and literature

Everyone is aware that medicine and education have a strong impact on us. We are directly dependent on these areas of life. But few people will admit the idea that art has an equally important influence. Nevertheless, it is so. It is difficult to overestimate the importance of art in our lives.

arguments for the influence of art on man
arguments for the influence of art on man

What is art?

There are many definitions in different dictionaries. Somewhere they write that art is an image (or the process of its creation), which expresses the artist's view of the world. Sometimes a person cannot put into words what he can draw.

In another interpretation, this is the process of creativity, the creation of something. Realization of the need to make the world a little more beautiful.

Also, art is a way of knowing the world. For example, for a child who, by drawing or singing songs, memorizes new words.

On the other hand, it is a social process of human interaction with society and with himself. This concept is so ambiguous that it is impossibleto say in which part of our life it is present and in which it is not. Consider the arguments: the influence of art on a person is noticeable in the spiritual sphere of our life. After all, it is under its influence that what we call morality and education is formed.

the influence of art on a person arguments from literature
the influence of art on a person arguments from literature

Types of art and its impact on human life

What's the first thing that comes to mind? Painting? Music? Ballet? All of these are arts, like photography, circus, arts and crafts, sculpture, architecture, stage and theatre. The list can still be expanded. Every decade, genres develop and new ones are added, as humanity does not stand still.

Here is one of the arguments: the influence of art on human life is expressed in love for fairy tales. One of the most influential types is literature. Reading surrounds us from childhood. When we are very little, mom reads fairy tales to us. The rules of behavior and the type of thinking are instilled in girls and boys on the example of fairy-tale heroines and heroes. In fairy tales we learn what is good and what is bad. At the end of such works there is a moral that teaches us how to act.

At school and university we read obligatory works of classical authors, which already contain more complex thoughts. Here the characters make us think and ask ourselves questions. Each direction in art pursues its own goals, they are very diverse.

the influence of art on human life
the influence of art on human life

Functions of art: additional arguments

The influence of art onman is vast, he has various functions and purposes. One of the main goals is educational. The same moral at the end of the story. The aesthetic function is obvious: works of art are beautiful and develop taste. Close to this hedonistic function - to bring pleasure. Some literary works often have a prognostic function, remember the Strugatsky brothers and their science fiction novels. Another very important function is compensatory. From the word "compensation", when artistic reality replaces the main one for us. This often refers to emotional trauma or life difficulties. When we turn on our favorite music to forget, or go to the movies to escape from unpleasant thoughts.

Or another argument - the influence of art on a person through music. Hearing a symbolic song for himself, someone can decide on an important act. If we move away from academic significance, then the influence of art on human life is very great. It gives inspiration. When a person at the exhibition saw a beautiful painting, he came home and started painting.

Let's consider another argument: the influence of art on a person can be seen in how actively hand-made is developing. People not only imbued with a sense of beauty, but are also ready to create masterpieces with their own hands. Different styles of body art and tattoos - the desire to create a work of art on your skin.

the influence of art on human life
the influence of art on human life

Art is all around us

Have you ever thought, when decorating your apartment and thinking through the design, that at the moment you can notice the influence of art on you? Furniture creationor accessories - part of arts and crafts. Color matching, harmonious shapes and space ergonomics are exactly what designers are studying. Or another example: you are in the store, choosing a dress, gave preference to the one that is correctly tailored and thought out by the fashion designer. At the same time, fashion houses are not modest, trying to influence your choice with bright commercials. Video is also part of the art. That is, watching advertising, we are also under its influence. This is also an argument, the influence of genuine art on a person, however, is revealed in higher spheres. Consider them too.

the meaning of art
the meaning of art

The influence of art on a person: arguments from literature

Literature influences us endlessly. Let's remember how in the brilliant work of Leo Tolstoy "War and Peace" Natasha Rostova sang for her brother and healed him of despair.

Another elegant example of how painting can save a life was described by O. Henry in the story "The Last Leaf". The sick girl decided that she would die when the last ivy leaf fell outside the window. She didn't wait until her last day as the leaf was painted for her on the wall by an artist.

Another example of the influence of art on a person (arguments from the literature are very revealing) is the main character of Ray Bradbury's "Smile", who saves the painting with Gioconda, believing in its great significance. Bradbury wrote a lot about the power of creativity, he argued that only by reading books, a person will become educated.

The image of a child with a book in his hands haunts many artists, in particularthere are several wonderful paintings under the same name "Boy with a book".

the influence of art on human life
the influence of art on human life

Correct Influence

Like any impact, art can also be negative and positive. Some modern works are depressing, do not carry great aestheticism. Not all films are good. We need to be especially careful about content that affects our children. The right selection of things around us, music, movies and even clothes will provide us with a good mood and instill the right taste.
