Film: "The Tribe of Krippendorf": actors, plot

Film: "The Tribe of Krippendorf": actors, plot
Film: "The Tribe of Krippendorf": actors, plot

In 1998, the adventure comedy "The Krippendorf Tribe" was released. The actor, which will be discussed below, played the role of a mad scientist who went on a long journey in order to find the last representatives of a wild tribe. The plot of this film is set out in the article.

krippendorf tribe
krippendorf tribe


The main role in this film was played by Richard Dreyfus. It was he who played a fanatical anthropologist named Krippendorf. The tribe he dreamed of for so long turned out to be non-existent. That is why the protagonist decided to present to his colleagues quite civilized people. The unfortunate had to play the savages from the Krippendorf tribe. Actor Gregory Smith played the role of one of them. It is described in more detail below. Other Krippendorf Tribe Cast: Jenna Elfman, Carl Michael Lindner, Natasha Lyonne, Jacob Handy.

Richard Dreyfus ("The Krippendorf Tribe")

The actor as the obsessed scientist was pretty convincing. But this is far from his best film work. The climax of Dreyfus's career came in the middleseventies, when he played in the film "Goodbye, dear." For his role in this film, he was awarded an Oscar.

krippendorf tribe actors
krippendorf tribe actors

Gregory Smith

This actor played the role of the protagonist's son in the movie "The Tribe of Krippendorf". Gregory Smith was born in 1983. She played her first role at the age of seven. The actor is known for the films "Soldiers", "Patriot", "Homeless with a Shotgun".


So, what is the movie "The Krippendorf Tribe" about? Respected anthropology professor James Krippendorf (Richard Dreyfuss) has been awarded a large sum of money. His story about the last tribe of savages living in the Guinean jungle impressed the entire scientific community. These funds he must spend on his research.

The scientist is going on an exciting trip and takes with him three children (daughter and two sons), who are raised alone after the death of his wife (together they were searching for an ancient tribe). Having spent a lot of time, Krippendorf, unfortunately, did not achieve a positive result. But he skillfully spent all the money for the needs of his tomboys. How now to report to colleagues who hope that Krippendorf is close to a scientific discovery. He does not want to admit that his mission failed.

krippendorf tribe actors and roles
krippendorf tribe actors and roles

But the resourceful man found an original way out of this desperate situation. The whole trick was that the members of his family for some time should themselves play the role of the natives. The professor's children (Edmund, Shelley and Mike) were delighted with this brilliant idea. The combination of the first letters of the guys' names will give the name to the new tribe "Shelmayedmusam".

So, James will shoot the film near his house, right in the backyard. As a decoration, the scientist specially built huts in which he will settle his little mischievous people. It remains to dress up the household in the clothes of primitive people and apply war paint to the face and body. The children did an excellent job. Many representatives of science believed that the record was genuine. Thus, the scientific council clearly saw that the mysterious inhabitants of the jungle actually exist. James' hoax is a great success, the film was even shown on television. There were also sponsors who became interested in the achievements of Krippendorf. Money appeared, and James has no choice but to shoot the next episodes from the life of … his tribe.
