Ekaterina Fedulova: biography, filmography and personal life of the actress (photo)

Ekaterina Fedulova: biography, filmography and personal life of the actress (photo)
Ekaterina Fedulova: biography, filmography and personal life of the actress (photo)

On November 5, 1979, the modern actress Fedulova Ekaterina Olegovna was born in Lyubertsy near Moscow. The girl grew up as an absolutely yard child, regularly rescuing her friends and buddies from the police. Basically, Katya spent time with Anya, her older sister, on the street in a cheerful company of peers. The future actress studied at the most ordinary school and attended various circles.

Ekaterina Fedulova
Ekaterina Fedulova

The most interesting thing is that the cherished dream of little Ekaterina was the desire to become a forester. The family of the future movie star treated animals very well, so there were always a lot of animals in the house. For the fact that one of the family members brought new living creatures, no one has ever scolded anyone. A little later, Katya decided to become a zoologist - in a word, animals attracted her very much.

However, Ekaterina Fedulova was fickle in her passions and very often changed her hobbies in childhood. Initially, the girl really wanted to dance, for some time she did just that. After that she wentto a music school to learn to play the piano. But she did not achieve success in this field, since the classes did not give her much pleasure. Nevertheless, the girl still graduated from all five classes of the music school. Her grandmother followed her classes quite strictly, so Katya had to play all the assigned pieces two or three times a day.

Over time, young Ekaterina Fedulova became interested in equestrian sports, but this did not last long. The girl liked the classes, but the club was located too far from home, so the girl had to leave the classes. Katyusha also tried to visit the fitness room, but the monotonous physical exercises did not attract her at all. So this hobby was safely forgotten.

Ekaterina's parents

Ekaterina Fedulova's father was an artist and painted pictures, and his beloved mother was a process engineer by profession. Parents are quite educated and democratic people, and as a result, raising their children, they preferred not to limit them in anything. Katya always felt a high degree of freedom, her parents never forced her to do anything by force, only sometimes gently hinting at how she could do better. The pressure was felt only from my grandmother, who was once a very strict teacher.

Ekaterina Fedulova
Ekaterina Fedulova

Movie actress debut

Ekaterina's forestry dreams are a thing of the past thanks to her older sister Anna. Seeing in Moskovsky Komsomolets an announcement about a casting for the filming of a new film among children aged 9-11, the girl decided to persuade the youngest to auditionlittle sister. Ekaterina Fedulova absolutely did not count on anything and agreed to try herself in cinema just “for fun”. Nevertheless, Katya was nevertheless approved for one of the roles in the film "Whistler". The girl liked acting in films so much that she immediately finally decided on the choice of her future profession.

Hard years of youth

Ekaterina Fedulova did not part with her new dream and after graduating from school she went to enter a theater university in Moscow. However, the capital did not meet the girl with open arms - Katya "successfully" failed. Deciding to try her hand next year, Catherine prepared hard - but again, failure. For five years, the future actress tried to enter - she "stormed" GITIS, VGIK, Shchukin and other universities, but to no avail.

"Katya did not want to sit on her parents' neck," so she tried to earn extra money - either as a salesman, or as a secretary, or as a waitress. At the age of eighteen, the girl lost her parents. Within one month they passed away - the mother died of a serious illness, the father of the actress died. Ekaterina's only support was her grandmother and older sister, whose support she remembers every day with tenderness and warmth.

Ekaterina Fedulova
Ekaterina Fedulova

Acting career - where did it start?

However, Ekaterina Fedulova is an actress, whose “fighting spirit” was only strengthened by all the trials that fell out, instilled in her the confidence that she would definitely achieve her goal. In the end, she still managed to enter the actingdepartment of the International Slavic Institute. Despite the fact that the university was paid, the competition was very big, so the girl had a hard time. Ekaterina was financially supported in her studies by her older sister.

During her studies, Katya starred in the TV series Turkish March and Russian Amazons, as well as in several commercials. In institute educational performances, Catherine was given a variety of roles - both comedic and tragic. However, the actress liked the comedy roles much more.

"Piter FM" - a picture that brought success

Ekaterina Fedulova
Ekaterina Fedulova

Ekaterina graduated from the university in 2004 and almost immediately got the main role in Oksana Bychkova's film "Peter FM". The girl received the main role of a DJ named Masha on general terms - after passing the casting and photo tests.

In order to look as realistic as possible in the image of her heroine, the actress had to train for two weeks on the radio "Maximum", take master classes, and this was not in vain. Perfectly getting used to the role, she literally made the audience believe that she really is a real DJ.

Other famous films

Fedulova Ekaterina Olegovna
Fedulova Ekaterina Olegovna

Almost in parallel with the filming of the film "Peter FM", Ekaterina took part in such successful TV series as "Kukotsky's Incident" and "Tourists". Immediately after the filming of Peter, Ekaterina was invited to play the lead roles in the films Forty and Temptation.

2009 brought fame to the actress in the film "Tender May", which describes the history of the famous pop group. In this filmCatherine got the role of Lily - the girl of Andrei Razin. The romantic plot and the success of this film inspired the actress to even greater perseverance in the field of acting. And in the same year, Fedulova starred in several more films - "Landing", "Governess" and "Lapushki", in order to play the role in which (investigator Nedelko) the actress has to learn the basics of martial arts.

Influence of theater

Ekaterina Fedulova husband
Ekaterina Fedulova husband

Work in the theater, according to Ekaterina Fedulova, is simply necessary for a real actor. as it is excellent training. However, due to filming, the actress had to skip all the sets to the theater. But the girl's friends were still able to help - thanks to their support, having returned to St. Petersburg, Ekaterina very quickly got involved in the work on "Study, study, study …" - an interesting enterprise performance. Over time, Katya met the director of the Tsaritsyn Youth Theater, who invited her to his new play called Upside Down.

Today, the actress regularly participates in enterprise projects. The musical performance "The Bat" and two performances with the participation of Lyudmila Gurchenko - "The Accidental Happiness of Policeman Peshkin" and "Visit Sabinyanenov" helped the actress learn to get used to the trusted role on the screen much easier and faster.

Full filmography

So, the full filmography of Ekaterina Fedulova is quite extensive. Summing up, it is worth noting that starting from her first film "Whistler" and to this day, the actress has gone through a difficult, but very interesting path. In addition to the aforementioned well-known paintingsthe girl starred in the films "Airport-2", "Homecoming", "Operation Gorgon", "Courier from Paradise", "Ahead of the Shot", and also voiced the role of Connie in the poetic fairy tale "Night at sunset".

Actress's personal life

By the way, the talented actress Ekaterina Fedulova, whose personal life has not yet been arranged, is absolutely not worried about this. Katya believes in the possibility of friendship between a man and a woman, although she does not deny that friendship can sometimes develop into something more. Today, Ekaterina Fedulova, whose personal life is an older sister with her husband and two children, claims that she is not going to get married yet.

actress Ekaterina Fedulova personal life
actress Ekaterina Fedulova personal life

However, of course, the actress has fallen in love. The girl met her first love when she entered the institute. This romantic story dragged on for several years. The actress believes that this was the most touching part of her life, because the first love, according to her, is something quivering and exciting. The love of young people was mutual, so Katya had exceptionally pleasant memories of this period. Then there were a number of novels, however - nothing serious.

Today, as Ekaterina Fedulova says, a husband is not a problem, however, there is no point in planning your family life. You need to really love a person, feel the desire to be always with him, and most importantly, he must feel similar feelings for a partner. Since at the moment the girl has not yet met such a person, she has not yet marriedin a hurry.
