Actor Yegor Pazenko: biography, personal life, films

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Actor Yegor Pazenko: biography, personal life, films
Actor Yegor Pazenko: biography, personal life, films

Video: Actor Yegor Pazenko: biography, personal life, films

Video: Actor Yegor Pazenko: biography, personal life, films
Video: Как живет Павел Деревянко и сколько он зарабатывает Нам и не снилось 2024, June

Yegor Pazenko is an actor who gained fame thanks to the on-screen image of a charming villain. The role was fixed for the artist for a long time, making him a hostage of militants. But over time, his characters acquire a duality of character, becoming fighters for justice. A striking example was the role of the abbot in the film of the same name. In life, Yegor Pazenko is an exemplary family man and a real man. As the actor says: “And everything in my life is determined not by what I have planned, but by how I act in relationships with others, loved ones…”.

Actor biography

February 25, 1972 in the family of actors of the regional Gorky Theater, Stanislav Fedorovich Pazenko and Margarita Georgievna Bondareva, son Yegor was born. At that time the family lived in Simferopol. When the boy was 7 years old, he moved to Kyiv, where Pazenko spent his childhood. Curious and agile, he often did not do his homework and skipped school, but he could play any situation like an actor, for which he was a favoriteteachers. Acting skills and a theatrical background at work parents made the choice of profession obvious.

Immediately after school, an ambitious young man from the first time enters the Moscow Art Theater School on the course of A. Leontiev. The performance in the graduation performance impressed Oleg Nikolaevich Efremov, who invited the young actor to the troupe of the Moscow Art Theater. Nevertheless, in the biography of Yegor Pazenko there was a case that could have caused the end of his acting career.

real emotions
real emotions

He was 21 years old when, running across the Garden Ring, Yegor got hit by a car. The amputation of the leg was questionable, but the doctors did their best. As a result, a month and a half in hospital wards, two years on crutches. And again, help came from Efremov, who offered small roles and paid a salary. After the death of Oleg Nikolaevich, Pazenko's theatrical life underwent a major crisis, which became the beginning of a depression. The feeling of uselessness was filled with alcohol. At that time, Yegor took on any job: starred in commercials, voiced films, even went into business, although not very successfully. Work in the cinema helped to get out and believe in yourself again.

Theatrical work

Egor Pazenko's acting career began with the theater. He played more than 10 bright and impressive roles. Rozhnov in "Boris Godunov" by Efremov, the groom in the production of "Hoffmann", the knight Lancelot in V. Mirzoev's entreprise "Dragon" fell in love with the viewer. In all his roles, a silent integrity and masculine strength are read, which fascinates, attracts, excites the imagination. Now the actor does not play in the theater, but those roles that have already been playedlet him appreciate his talent.

Films of Yegor Pazenko

The film debut took place in 1995 with the comedy "Eagle and Tails" by George Danelia. The actor played a security guard. And in 1996, Pazenko already auditioned for a role in the Hollywood film The Saint, starring Elisabeth Shue and Val Kilmer. In the course of working on this film, Yegor encountered a situation that taught me a lot. He wanted to do the stunt himself, but the film's stuntman asked that his job not be taken away. Also, if something went wrong and the actor got injured, he would jeopardize the entire movie with a huge budget. Since then, Pazenko has been of the opinion that everyone should do their job.

In "The Disappeared"
In "The Disappeared"

The next film, shot in 1998 by Roman Balayan, "Two Moons, Three Suns", where Yegor played a policeman, secured the role of a negative hero for the actor. This was followed by work in more than 20 series. Basically, these were the roles of dishonest law enforcement officers, guards, bandits. The actor became popular thanks to the series "Ice Age", "Heartbreakers", "Death of an Empire" and others. Of course, all actors dream of acting only in feature films, but Yegor never shied away from working in TV shows.

The piggy bank of foreign works was replenished with the British TV series Treasure Seekers with Keira Knightley, the American adventure film Cast Away with Tom Hanks. But the most famous and the prize of the 10th International Orthodox Film Festival "Pokrov" was brought by the main role in the series "Rector". In total, the filmography of Yegor Pazenkohas over 50 films. At the moment, the actor is working on the film "Ilya Muromets".

Such a different Pazenko
Such a different Pazenko

Private life

Egor Pazenko's first marriage was concluded shortly after the end of the Moscow Art Theater with Yulia Prokhorova. In 1995, the son Stepan was born. After 10 years of difficult family life, the couple divorced. The second wife of the actor was Alena Sidorenko, for whom this is also the second marriage. Alena's children from her first marriage, Anastasia and Nikita, Pazenko adopted and brings up as his own. In 2013, the common daughter of Alexander was born. With the advent of Yegor Alena in his life, his career took off sharply, as his wife is actively involved in the affairs of the actor, being his director. Egor Pazenko carefully guards his personal life from outsiders, and about his chosen one he says that Alena is his destiny for life.

Happy together
Happy together

Sports and hobbies

Sports began in childhood. Pazenko was seriously engaged in water polo until he entered the Moscow Art Theater School. In this sport, he has the first adult category. Later he mastered mountain skiing, tennis, surfing. Sometimes he plays football with his son Nikita, skates with his family. In 2011, he became interested in ballroom dancing as part of the Dancing with the Stars program. Yegor loves dogs, which he visits his father-in-law and mother-in-law with.

With faith in life

Yegor Pazenko is a deeply religious person. The serious illness of Nikita's son forced him to come to God. The boy was not helped by traditional treatment, and the couple began to go to church, put candles, and attend services. There were people who tried to help. Then there were trips to monasteries, meetings with the elders. According to Pazenko, the church is an amazing world that wonderful spiritualized people live in. Egor consulted with the ministers of the church about work. He was always offended by the role of a negative hero. And then one day, after consulting with Father Ephraim in the Vatopedi Monastery on Athos, he received the answer: “Listen to your heart.” The heart did not want more negativity and, as if by magic, the roles began to take on a different color.

As a priest
As a priest

The actor's dream is to become popular all over the world. This is Pazenko's most sincere wish. Yegor has a strong and strong-willed character, and if he decides something for himself, he will definitely achieve it. For example, he suddenly got rid of bad habits and lost 25 kg. And his roles are filled with charisma and great meaning.
