Understanding how to draw a pear

Understanding how to draw a pear
Understanding how to draw a pear

Any creativity brings only positive emotions and great benefits. Someone masters the basics of knitting or embroidery, someone tries to sculpt or draw. Each person finds something to their liking, and very often it develops into a profession or a favorite hobby.

In this article we will talk about how to draw a pear. This may seem like an easy task to some, but making this fruit realistic is not so easy. Try to draw not from your head or from a picture, but from nature. This is a very exciting process.

Let's look at how to draw a pear step by step.

Stage 1. Choose the nature for the picture

When choosing a pear for your drawing, try to find a fruit that is not perfectly even, let it be a little “humped”. This will make it a little more difficult for you to learn how to draw a pear, but it will add personality to the work.

Stage 2. Outline the pear

Place a beautiful juicy pear in front of you, just don't eat it until the end of work. In order to make it easier to understand where to start drawing, break the pear into separate shapes. First, draw a circle, this will be the bottom of the fruit. Try to keep this circle the same size as the bottom of the pear. This is how your eye is trained. You can draw a vertical center line from which you will build. Finish the upper half in a way convenient for you.

how to draw a pear
how to draw a pear

See if the top of the pear is tilted, perhaps it looks a little to the side, how the stalk is located in relation to the central axis. Move away from the drawing and look from the side, if necessary, correct the outline. Erase all auxiliary lines with an eraser.

Stage 3. Moving on to color

Here we will not only look at how to draw a pear with a pencil, but also try to make it realistic. We will do this with colored pencils. If you like to experiment with materials, try pastels or crayons.

how to draw a pear step by step
how to draw a pear step by step

In our case, the pear is yellow-red, and we will start applying the color with a yellow pencil. Before starting work, pay attention to the places where the light falls. These are glare, it is better not to paint over them. They can be lightly marked with a simple pencil for your convenience. Alternatively, at the end of the work, such highlights can be made with an eraser. But not always an eraser can erase colored pencils well enough.

how to draw a pear with a pencil
how to draw a pear with a pencil

First, gently go over the yellow color, making a light background. Then, with more intense pressure, draw places in the shadows. Connect other colors. Simulate the volume of a pear.

how to drawpear
how to drawpear

Stage 4. Shadows

In order for your pear to become more "alive", you need to make accents. You should already have highlights, it remains to make a few strokes with a darker color, for example, brown. Draw a stalk, on the pear itself, make darker the place where it comes into contact with the surface on which it stands. And, of course, do not forget to draw a shadow that will fall from it.

how to draw a pear
how to draw a pear

That's it, now you know how to draw a pear to make it look realistic. If you did the job easily, try drawing a background around it, and next time make the task more difficult, draw a cut pear.
