Molly Hooper by Louise Brealey

Molly Hooper by Louise Brealey
Molly Hooper by Louise Brealey

Molly Hooper is one of the most talked about characters in the famous TV series Sherlock. She won the hearts of the audience with her kindness, sincerity and modesty. Few people know that at first the role was conceived as an episodic one. But the talented actress Louise Brealey played Molly so professionally that the creators of the series gladly made her an integral part of the story about the famous detective.

Brief biography of the actress

Louise Brealey (Molly Hooper) was born in March 1979 in the UK. Since childhood, the girl did not even dream of becoming an actress, so after graduating from school she entered the University of Cambridge at the Faculty of History. After graduation, the future celebrity was visited by the idea of acting, and she left for New York to make her dreams come true.

molly hooper
molly hooper

After graduating from the Institute of Theater, the girl begins to actively conquer the stage. So, in 2001, the girl made her debut at the Royal Court Theater in London, where she played a teenager named Sophie. In 2005, she received an offer to play in the play "Arcadia". After the overwhelming success, the girl began to be invited to such performances as "Little Nell", "Stateinspector" and others.

Movie roles

After conquering the theater scene, Louise Brealey began to master the film industry. Her first work was the series "Catastrophe", then the girl was invited to the film "Bleak House", where she played the role of Judy Smallweed. Then Louise tried on the role of an actress, screenwriter and producer at the same time in a BBC documentary. Starred in the movie "Frankenstein". But the real popularity of the girl brought the role of Molly Hooper in the series "Sherlock".

Molly Hooper

At first, the character was conceived for an episodic role in one of the first episodes of the famous series, but, having appreciated the excellent acting of the actress, the scriptwriters immediately wrote Molly into the story of the famous detective. Molly Hooper is a sweet and very modest girl who works as a pathologist. The combination of a gentle nature and an unimaginable profession made Molly one of the most talked about heroines of the series. With each new season, she reveals more and more. From a "gray mouse" turns into a self-confident girl.

molly hooper actress
molly hooper actress

Molly is starting to have her own opinion and is no longer ashamed to express her position clearly. For many women around the world, Molly Hooper (actress Louise Brealey) has become a real role model. The character personifies the image of a devoted woman, a modest pathologist, full of hidden emotions. Also, the viewer cannot help but notice the tender feelings experienced by Molly Hooper. Sherlock becomes her secret love. And although the detective does not understand her feelings, she always tries to be there and is the first to showinitiative.

Molly Hooper and Sherlock Holmes

Molly is hopelessly in love with Sherlock, and he is so passionate about his work that he is not able to feel the full depth of her experiences. She is always there in difficult times and even provides full access to the laboratory in which she works. Sherlock Holmes himself is not a police officer, so the famous detective would hardly have been able to carry out his observations and experiments without the help of Molly.

molly hooper sherlock
molly hooper sherlock

The girl sees Sherlock differently than the others. For his environment, he is eccentric, strange and unsociable, but Hooper finds in him a sincere person with a very vulnerable soul. It is not known whether these two characters will be made into a loving couple in future seasons, but one thing is clear: the girl will not give up trying to win the attention of a famous detective. Even in episodes where Sherlock Holmes tactlessly hurt her feelings, Molly always found excuses and never ceased to admire him.

Interesting facts from the life of the actress

  • Louise is an active Twitter user, she often answers fans on a variety of questions and participates in discussions, including about her character Molly Hooper.
  • Lu is a feminist, she does not hide it at all, on the contrary, she actively voices her position.
  • Loves to watch football, is an active Arsenal fan.
  • Louise Brealey can make sounds similar to the cry of dolphins, and considers this her most outstanding talent.
  • The actress tried herself as a journalist. Interviewed celebrities and wrote articles formagazines.
  • Louise Brealey is a frequent guest at events dedicated to various significant events and holds reading evenings.
molly hooper and sherlock holmes
molly hooper and sherlock holmes

Molly Hooper (actress Louise Brealey) truly captured the hearts of viewers. It is impossible not to note the talented acting game of a celebrity. It is thanks to Louise that her heroine does not remain in the shadow of the protagonist, but actively develops as a person and spends more and more time in the center of events. Molly helps Sherlock everywhere and even tried to replace his companion in one of the episodes. With each season, the heroine is revealed from a new side. Therefore, fans are looking forward to new changes from Molly. It should be noted that Louise is very similar to Molly. She put her most prominent features into her character, which fascinated not only the audience, but also the creators of the series.
