The gramophone is Definition, features, history and production

The gramophone is Definition, features, history and production
The gramophone is Definition, features, history and production

Some sophisticated music lovers prefer vinyl records to CDs. Why? This question should be asked directly to the musical gourmet. But the devices for playing these very records are extremely entertaining. Everyone has probably heard about gramophones, but the word "gramophone" causes indignation and absolute misunderstanding among many. Gramophone - what is it?

What is a gramophone?

The person talking about the gramophone usually refers to the portable version of the gramophone, which got its name from the French company Pate. It was she who, in Soviet times, imported these devices to the territory of the Land of Soviets. The device existed in order to play vinyl records. The mobility of this version of the player was ensured by the fact that it was arranged like a suitcase with a handle that allows you to carry it without much difficulty.

the gramophone is
the gramophone is

History of the gramophone

According to historical sources, they tried to automate music playbackback in the 11th century in ancient Persia, there was an organ that worked due to hydraulic force, invented by the scientist-brothers of Banu Musa. Some time later, these same brothers invented a mechanical flute capable of making sounds without the participation of a musician. Reliable descriptions of the mechanism of this invention have not survived.

Since then, there have been many attempts to create a device that can make sounds without much help from the human hand. The most successful was the attempt of Thomas Edison: in 1877, the phonograph was invented. It was a completely imperfect machine, producing poor quality sound, and the platter it was recorded on was short-lived.

The sound was recorded on a wax roller with a thin metal needle, which could not provide good playback quality. Despite all these shortcomings, it was a real breakthrough. Since then, a huge number of different phonograph configurations have appeared, which were successfully used until the thirties of the twentieth century.

how much does a gramophone cost
how much does a gramophone cost

The first gramophones were massive and impractical. Due to the lack of a volume control, listening to music in small rooms was even dangerous due to the high volume of the reproduced sound.

The very first gramophone appeared in 1907 thanks to one employee of the Pate factory, who suggested moving the gramophone horn inside the case, which ensured small dimensions. Portable gramophones were put into mass production by DEKKA in 1913.

The word "gramophone" on the territory of the Soviet Unionis used incorrectly. You can often hear that the gramophone is a portable version of the gramophone, but the main problem with this statement is that these devices have a different principle of operation. Speaking of what people usually think of when they say "gramophone", we are really talking about a portable gramophone. The principle of operation was taken from the gramophone, and the appearance was taken from the device, whose name was borrowed.

Large factories that produced this device in the USSR:

  • "Hammer" - in Vyatka meadows.
  • Moscow Gramophone Factory.
  • Leningrad Gramophone Factory
  • Gramplasttrest's Leningrad plant.
  • Kolomensky Gramophone Factory.

Over time, gramophones and gramophones began to be replaced by more modern electrophones.

Gramophone device

Inside the gramophone there is a mechanism with a spring, responsible for the rotation of the substrate for the records. The sound amplifier was a bell hidden inside the case. The pickup consisted of a membrane, the vibrations of which transmitted sound, and a needle. The membrane was the conductor of sound in the bell. The sound comes out of the hole under the metal pickup head. The engine had a centrifugal speed controller; one factory was enough to play one side of the record, less often - two sides.

How to use a gramophone correctly?

It is important to understand that a gramophone and a gramophone are not the same thing, so it is impossible to play a gramophone record on a gramophone, and vice versa. Records should always be wiped of dust, because dust interferes with a clear sound.records. It is also recommended to replace the stylus after every listening session, because a dull stylus can scratch the record, inevitably resulting in a "crack" that is recognizable as a vinyl record.

gramophone music
gramophone music

In no case should the needle be set perpendicular to the record - connoisseurs believe that the reference will be a deviation of 45-50 degrees, but this depends solely on the model of the player. The smoothness of the tone arm is not superfluous - if you push it when folded, it should give in and move. The weight of the tonearm also plays a role in the reproduction, as too heavy an arm can put too much pressure on the record, distorting the true sound.

So similar yet so different

People often cannot immediately tell the difference between a gramophone and a gramophone. The main difference is in the way the records are played. Gramophone records are played from the edge to the center, while gramophone records - on the contrary - from the center to the edge. There are also differences in the method of recording directly records.

gramophone gramophone
gramophone gramophone

Average price of a gramophone

How much a gramophone costs is a moot point. Currently, the average price may vary depending on a number of various factors: country of origin, year of manufacture, condition. Online stores that specialize in these music players can inflate their prices significantly, and you can save a lot of money if you buy these vintage rarities on platforms that offer listings directly fromlive sellers, with whom you can also negotiate a discount.

old gramophone
old gramophone

Buying an old gramophone with all the accessories can really hit the budget of the average citizen. The average price for the device is twenty thousand rubles, for the same amount you can get a variety of music records.

If you want to sell the device, then how much the gramophone costs will depend only on you, the condition of the gramophone and the availability of a solvent buyer who is eager to purchase the device from you.

We cried, loved and danced to it…

In the USSR, the gramophone was an integral part of various events: dancing to the music played by the gramophone was popular. It was an indispensable attribute in every home, which was put in a conspicuous place for everyone to see. There are a huge number of poems, songs and books about this device. The story "How a gramophone saved a rooster from death" comes to mind. In each work, he plays a special role.

gramophone story
gramophone story

The gramophone is a device that was ubiquitous in the early twentieth century and now awes junk dealers. And despite the fact that time passes, technology becomes obsolete, representatives of the older generation will remember with special love those times when they started a record in the local house of culture, danced, fell in love and had fun to the sound of gramophone music.
