Reviews of the movie "Cracks", list of actors, plot

Reviews of the movie "Cracks", list of actors, plot
Reviews of the movie "Cracks", list of actors, plot

Cracks is an atmospheric drama by Jordan Scott based on the novel of the same name by Sheila Kohler. The film "Cracks" in Russian was first shown in cinemas on September 11, 2009. The movie will appeal to fans of stories about teenage girls who have fallen under the influence of the cruel world of unbalanced adults. The unique charm of the picture is perfectly conveyed by the trailer of the film "Cracks", which, although it reflects the atmosphere, does not spoil, much less gives a clue to what happened.


The film is set in the 1930s at an English boarding school for girls. In the center of the plot are six girlfriends who idolize the teacher Miss Gee, performed by the charming Eva Green. One of the students named Dai has a special love for her. Miss Gee, with very feminist views, teaches girls to reveal their talents and inner world, following their feelings and impulses. In her amazing stories, she tells her students about her past full of exciting adventures and exciting journeys.

crack movie actors
crack movie actors

Life in a boarding house goes on as usual untila new pupil from Spain, the beautiful Fiamma, does not appear on the threshold. Despite her he alth problems, Fiamma has an innate grace and charm. She has traveled a lot and knows as much fascinating stories as Miss G. Even her asthma makes her special among other girls. Dai is very jealous of the new student for her beloved teacher and for the other girls who listen to her amazing stories with bated breath.

crack movie in russian
crack movie in russian

The relationship with the new student and Miss G herself do not add up. First, Fiamma discovers that Fiamma stole the letters from her package. Secondly, she catches the teacher in a lie, because one of her exciting stories turns out to be the plot of a novel that Fiamma was reading. Despite all the attempts of the new girl to explain to the girls that they are being deceived, no one wants to listen to this, because everyone is so in awe of the teacher and her stories.

Miss G tries to befriend Fiamma but fails. The wayward Spaniard does not want to hang out with liars. Over time, the teacher realizes that Fiamma sees through her, which causes her extreme irritation, which she begins to take out on her pupils.

Dai is the first to notice something is wrong. But her love for the teacher makes her consider Fiamma guilty of all troubles. Having agreed with the rest of the girls, she makes the new girl run away from the boarding school. After a short time, the police return the fugitive, because in a foreign country she simply has nowhere to go. Fiamma's big heart lets her know that girls are just victims.manipulated and not guilty of anything, and she even manages to make friends with them.

For Miss G, this is the last straw. She is afraid that now her lies will be revealed and everyone will know that she has never been abroad and did not have the dizzying romances that she talked about. She, like other girls, was brought up in this boarding school, then she began to work there. And all her stories are just her own dreams, which she tried unsuccessfully to turn into reality with her stories. The naive pupils believed her, and Fiamma, who really traveled and loved, ruined everything with her appearance.

crack movie actors what
crack movie actors what

Then Miss G contemplates the massacre. The girls are having a night party. The teacher waits for them to get drunk and takes the helpless Fiamma to her room. Dai is watching all this, but even now he cannot believe in the depravity of his idol, blaming the Spaniard for what happened. In turn, Fiamma is shocked by the violence and the accusations. At this time, Miss G incites the girls to "teach" the naughty girl, who beat Fiamma in a mob. She has an attack, the girls run for help, only Dai remains with her. Realizing her mistake, she tries to help, but then Miss G appears, who sends Dai for help. The teacher lets Fiamma die, Let her see it, and finally, she comes to the realization of all the horror that is happening around.

The girl tells her friends about what happened, they go to Miss G and announce that they no longer want to be her pupils. Dai even reportsmurder to the headmistress, but she does not want to raise a fuss, to make rubbish out of the hut. Miss G is sent on a forced vacation, where she is left alone with the real herself, which turns out to be very painful. Shocked, Dai escapes the orphanage and sets out on an adventure in a new unexplored world that Fiamma has seen and told about.

The actors of the film "Cracks"

Young and talented actresses are selected with great care. The trio of Eva Green, Juna Temple and Maria Valverde fit perfectly into the entourage of the picture.

movie crack trailer
movie crack trailer

Reviews of the movie "Cracks"

As is the case with all films of this genre, the opinions of the audience about the film were divided. Reviews of the film "Cracks" are very contradictory. Most of them are positive ratings. Many claim that they started watching the film only thanks to Eva Green announced in the cast. The percentage of positive reviews for the film "Cracks" is a clear indication that it is a must-see.

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"Cunning at its finest"…

It is with these words that one of the reviews of the film "Cracks" begins. The author of these words fully reflects the character of the main character and the essence of the film as a whole.
