We draw flowers with a pencil

We draw flowers with a pencil
We draw flowers with a pencil

Drawings made with a simple pencil always look sophisticated, stylish, gentle. Similar canvases are sometimes found among the works of famous masters, but you can recreate them yourself. Anyone who is predisposed to this type of art can draw flowers with a pencil. Well, those who have not previously tried their hand at painting can try our instructions.

Basis for drawing

First we need a photograph of a plant or a live flower. Drawing is always easier, since not every person, even one with talent, can accurately convey the whole essence of the picture that is in his mind. Nature or photos give a real opportunity to sketch every detail exactly, without missing anything.

pencil flowers
pencil flowers

Marking the area of the picture

Before you start drawing flowers with a pencil, you need to divide the sheet into zones. Select the place where the bud will be located, outline the area of \u200b\u200bthe stem below. If your plant has leaves, mark them on the sketch. It is worth noting that when drawing such preliminary contours, it is important to convey the shape of the further drawing. If you intend to portray a lily, then the bud should be elongated, slightly expanded upwards. If there is a daisy or a rose in the picture, then make this area round or slightly oval. It is clear that the stem should have an elongated, characteristic shape for it, from the very beginning.

pencil drawings for beginners flowers
pencil drawings for beginners flowers

Easy but accurate sketch

Now pay attention to your sample: count the number of petals, measure their proportions, determine how far apart the leaves are. Flowers are drawn gradually with a pencil, so the next step is to apply the main details to the paper. You need to circle each petal, give thickness and shape to the stem, make the leaves look like themselves, not circles. Now look at your sketch from afar, and if it is proportional, the composition itself is not shifted to one of the sides of the sheet, then go to the next step.

simple pencil drawings flowers
simple pencil drawings flowers

Precise detail work

Next, you need to depict the flowers in pencil in all details. To do this, carefully draw each petal, each leaf. On them, in turn, veins, stripes should be visible. Some of them may not be ideal - keep this in mind. Thanks to such details, the drawing will look more interesting. After such a study of the details, again look at the sheet from afar. Fix various bugs. Next, proceed to the finishing steps.

A few finishing touches

To make the work look complete, you need to get rid ofall auxiliary lines. In this case, these are the edges of the petals that hide behind others of their own kind. After that, you need to give the picture volume. With the help of the play of light and shadows, even pencil drawings for beginners acquire a lively and believable appearance. Flowers are easy to shade, just shade the base of the petals, that is, the middle of the bud, do the same with the leaves. The sketch itself will show you where to direct the stroke line, so shadows shouldn't be a problem.

In fact, drawings with a simple pencil are simply and quickly recreated. Flowers are the easiest to depict, as they can be drawn from nature. They do not change their position (unlike a person whose portrait can be copied), so it is easier for the artist to catch every line, every bend.
