How to draw a doll: step by step process

How to draw a doll: step by step process
How to draw a doll: step by step process

Dolls are human-shaped toys made from different materials. There are souvenir dolls, amulets, and dolls for games. When playing with dolls, girls and boys learn about motherhood and fatherhood. In this article we will analyze how to draw a doll with a pencil.

Tools and materials

In order to draw a doll, you will need a blank sheet of paper, an eraser and a simple pencil. If you want to color the drawing, then you also need to prepare colored pencils / felt-tip pens or paints, brushes and a jar of water in advance. If you have everything you need to draw, let's get started!

How to draw a doll step by step

Let's draw a Lol doll.

  1. Start drawing with hair. We depict curls going to the right and down and twisting at the tips. From the beginning of the curls, from the bottom point, we continue to draw the head. We depict the left side of the hair and the ear. We also draw lines for the neck.
  2. Go to the torso. We start with the left hand, after we depict the body itself and the second hand. We finish drawing the hands and the outfit of the doll Lol - jumpsuit.
  3. The next step is drawing the legs. Leading themfrom the bottom of the overalls drawn earlier. We also depict shoes. Now let's see how to draw a doll's face. The most important thing in the puppet face is big luminous eyes. To do this, in the center, half of the face, draw two circles - future eyes. Inside them we depict the pupils necessarily with highlights - to show their brilliance. Add eyelashes to the eyelids. From above we reproduce the eyebrows - they should be straight, without kinks. We draw the nose and mouth completely scanty, so that the main attention is paid to the bottomless eyes.
third stage
third stage

That's it, the Lol doll is ready! We discussed how to draw a Lol doll, now let's try to color it.

Coloring the doll Lol

In order to color the Lol doll, you will need felt-tip pens/colored pencils/paints in brown, orange, yellow and black.

The body of the Lol doll is painted brown. Hair - in yellow, overalls and bows - in orange. The pupils are painted black.

lol doll
lol doll

Chucky Doll

Now let's see how to draw a Chucky doll.

1. We start with a small dash, on both sides of which we draw nostrils. Then - we depict the wings of the nose and the back. Above the back we draw a horizontal line - a wrinkle, on both sides of it we draw eyes. Just below the nose, we place the mouth. We draw Chucky's teeth so that he seems as scary as possible.

chucky one
chucky one

2. On both sides, from the top of the wings of the nose, draw wavy lines to the left / right and down, depicting wrinkles and giving itface even more horror. Next, we draw the contours of the head and proceed to how to draw the torso of the Chucky doll. We depict the base of the neck, from it we lead to the sides and down a figure resembling a rectangle. We will draw Chucky in pants with suspenders. On the front, on the chest, it has a pocket. Also add two buttons

chucky two
chucky two

3. Next, draw the pants with a collar. We paint sneakers. Moving on to the image of the hands

chucky four
chucky four

4. On the pocket, which is located on the chest, we write Good Guy, which translates as "Good Guy". The final touch is the hair. They reach Chucky's shoulders.

chucky five
chucky five

Here is the drawing and ready. If desired, you can color the guy. We dye our hair red, overalls - blue. His blouse, like the collars, is multi-colored: blue, green, pink red, gray. The eyes are gray-blue, and the boots (sneakers) are brown. Buttons on red overalls.

Lalaloopsy Doll

Let's see how to draw a Lalaloopsy doll.

First draw a big circle. If you can’t make it neat, you can simply circle something round: for example, the bottom of a glass. We divide the head in half, leaving a little more space at the bottom, with a slightly curved line - this will be a bang. On the right on the bangs we draw a bow on the rim, and from it we lead curls to the right side. On the face of the doll we draw two buttons: a circle, a border inside, four small circles on each side and connect them with a plus sign. Draw eyelashes to the eyes. Draw two ovals at the bottom of the face– cheeks, as well as a kind smile

lalalupsy one
lalalupsy one

2. Now let's figure out how to draw a doll body. From the head we lead down a small figure similar to a rectangle, only with smooth sides. Down from the "rectangle" we draw a skirt resembling an umbrella. In place of the collar, draw a bow. On both sides of the body we depict thin arms, and below, under the "umbrella", the same thin legs. On the legs we draw shoes with buttons, and above the shoes - leggings. If desired, to heighten the effect, you can draw peas on the dress.

lalaloopsy two
lalaloopsy two

That's all, Lalaloopsy doll is ready! Now you can color it.

Drawing with kids

The previously shown dolls are unlikely to be able to portray small children. Therefore, now we will discuss and see how to draw a doll if the artist is still quite a baby.

First of all, draw a big circle. From it we lead down a figure resembling a triangle in shape. This will be the doll's head and dress

doll one
doll one

2. The next step is hair. We draw a horizontal line in the upper part of the head, which will serve as the outline of the bangs. We draw sticks - hairs in this part from top to bottom. On both sides of the head we make ponytails: first we draw two small ovals, by which we mean elastic bands for the hair, and then the tails themselves. On the face we depict eyes and a smile. We paint on the collar and buttons on the dress.

doll two
doll two

3. The final stage is the limbs of the pupa. On both sides of the dress we depict handles. Below - legs in boots.

doll three
doll three

That's it, the doll is ready! For the first time, it is better to draw with the child, showing him the reproduction of each detail separately. After the baby draws the doll, you can give him colored pencils / paints / felt-tip pens to color his creation.
