Sergey Vysokosov: biography and creativity

Sergey Vysokosov: biography and creativity
Sergey Vysokosov: biography and creativity

Sergei Vysokosov (Borov is the nickname by which his friends and fans know him) is a Soviet and also Russian musician. He realized himself as a songwriter and composer. In the period from 1984 to 1998, he participated in the Metal Corrosion group. Since 2016, he has been performing as a guitarist in Laptev's Epidemia. The musician was born in Moscow on October 17, 1966


Sergey Vysokosov musician
Sergey Vysokosov musician

Sergei Lvovich Vysokosov gathered his first group in 1981 and called it "Indicator". After leaving school, the future musician began working at Mosgorgeotrest and organized discos there.

In 1984, he made acquaintance with Sergei Troitsky, the latter in the indicated period assembled the Metal Corrosion group. In 1985, a young man got a job at ZhEK No. 2 on Sretenka as a janitor.


Sergey Lvovich Vysokosov
Sergey Lvovich Vysokosov

Above we mentioned where Sergei Vysokosov worked. It was in the Housing Office, in the red corner, in Daev Lane, that the debut concert of the Corrosion of Metal band took place. After him Sergey temporarilyleft the band and formed his own band in 1986 under the name Metalcrash.

In 1992, the NIL-62 project was created. "Research Laboratory" - this is how the name of the project is deciphered, in which experiments were reduced to communication between people involved in creativity. The NIL-62 style is characterized as improvisational meditative music, which is born through telepathic internal contact between the band members.

Using the experience of folk, jazz, rock and other musical movements, the team takes the usual forms to a new level and opens up previously unknown ways of development. The group's work includes compositions from NATO projects, "Natalia Medvedeva's Tribunal" and new versions of the songs "Metal Corrosion".

Along with the musicians, the project involves video artists who shape the creative process, using new systems of fine and light art for this. In 1993, Igor Chumychkin and Sergei Vysokosov planned to make their own project, bassist Denis Kanov also participated in it. It was in this team that "Paskuda" and "Chernaya Metka" were born.

After the death of Chumychkin, these works were handed over to Konstantin Kinchev. Sergey recorded these compositions on the album of the Alisa group called "Chernaya Metka". The musician in the same period performed the harmonica part for the song of the KPP group called Deaf for Your Prayers. This work was released on Metal from Russia.


metal corrosion group
metal corrosion group

Sergey Vysokosov in 2003 as part of the projectunder the name Young Dreels became a participant in the festival, held in the French city of Rennes. Between 2004 and 2006, he played with the Animal Cops. In 2006, Sergei created the Boroff Band, which included bassist Konstantin Lipatov, guitarist Vlad Alisov and drummer Alexander Bondarenko.

The composition of the team changed in 2010. After that, drummer Vasily Kazurov, guitarists Vlad Alisov and Alexander Avduevsky, bassist Vadim Mikhailov played in the Boroff Band. In addition, for some time, Maxim Laiko, who was the guitarist of "Corrosion of Metal" in the late nineties and early zero years, performed in the group. In 2011, the composition of the Borov Band changed again.

From that moment on, the team got the following look: Sergey Vysokosov was responsible for the vocals and guitar, Roman Nazimov took over the drums, but soon Andrei Shatunovsky replaced him, Andrey Guklenhof got the bass guitar. Currently, work within the framework of the project is not being carried out due to lack of staff. In 2016, Sergey became a member of the metal opera Laptev’s Epidemia.

He got the role of the band's guitarist. In the same year, the classic composition of the Metal Corrosion team came together with the exception of the Spider. In 2017, Kostyl, Lizcher and Borov played an hour and a half concert in St. Petersburg at the Mod club, starting the tour, which was called Korrosion.


sergey vysozosov borov
sergey vysozosov borov

Vysokosov, together with the Metal Corrosion group, released the following studio albums: Order of Satan, Cannibal, Sadism, Computer - Hitler.

Musician recorded singles:"Hold the Train" and "Scar Man". Sergey's compositions were included in the collections: "Venus", "Dancing Heaven and Hell", "Beat the Devils - Save Russia", "Legends of Russian Rock", "In Paradise", "Unreleased Songs", "Hunger", "Power of Evil".

Concert albums of the group: "Life in October", "In the power of October", "Debosh in the Eaglet", "Infernal Concert", "Ugar in Polyarny". The musician released the following video clips: "Kanibal Tour", "Sadism Tour", "Iron March 7", "Bryntsalov Tour", "Eat Alive", "Power of Evil".

In addition, Sergey is related to the creation of works by other groups: “All this is rock and roll”, “Black Label”, “She sang to the King of Egypt”, “And they had a passion”, “XX century. Chronicle of the Penultimate Summer", "Order of Satan", "Rock Prophet", "Metal", "Democracy", "16 Tons", "The Lost Temple of Enya".
