Andrey Razin: biography and personal life

Andrey Razin: biography and personal life
Andrey Razin: biography and personal life

Andrey Razin is the shark of Russian show business, a successful entrepreneur and politician. His name is known in every corner of our country. An active, enterprising person and just a strong personality - these words characterize our hero of the article. Who is he? How did his activity begin? These and many other questions are of interest to a large audience - fans of his talent.

andrey razin biography
andrey razin biography

Andrey Razin: biography

On September 15, 1963, Andrey Alexandrovich Razin was born in the city of Stavropol. The father of our hero comes from the city of Grodno in Belarus, and his mother is from the Stavropol Territory. Razin's parents died in a car accident. After that, he ended up in an orphanage in Svetlograd, Stavropol Territory. The cloudless days are over for him. But he didn't give up. In the orphanage, Andrei began to engage in creative and organizational activities.

In 1978, Andrey Razin entered GPTU No. 24, where he mastered the profession of a bricklayer. In 1979, our hero graduated from college and, in the direction of the Komsomol, was sent to work in the regions of the Far North. There he spent several years of his life.

The start of the journey

In 1982 Razinreturned back, where he entered the Stavropol "Cultural Education School". A year later (in 1983), our hero left to serve in the army. Having repaid his debt to the Motherland, he got a job at the Ryazan Regional Philharmonic as a deputy director. He worked there for a very short time. His character did not allow him to stop at the achieved result and sit in one place.

In 1986, he changed his position as deputy director of the Philharmonic Society and took the place of deputy chairman for supply at the Sverdlov collective farm in the village of Privolny, Stavropol Territory. He also stayed at the new place of work for a short time and in 1988 went to Moscow, taking with him the money intended to buy a new tractor for the collective farm.

In Moscow, Andrei Razin, with the legend that he was Gorbachev's nephew, easily got a job at the Record recording studio, where he was looking for new talented performers, and negotiated the supply of the necessary equipment.

Group "Tender May"

Andrey Razin affectionate May
Andrey Razin affectionate May

And then one day, in search of talents, Andrey finds the group "Tender May" in Orenburg. This team was very interested in him, and Razin went there with a briefcase on which the inscription "Ministry of Culture" flaunted. Posing as an employee of the ministry, he persuaded Sergei Kuznetsov (the founder of the group) to move to Moscow with the team for further cooperation.

After that, the guys started touring constantly, recording new hits and albums. The main hits of "Tender May" were written by Sergei Kuznetsov,who led and maintained discipline in the team. The group was promoted by Andrey Razin. "Tender May", thanks to his efforts, has gained immense popularity. Gradually, Kuznetsov stepped aside, and our hero began to do everything himself. The group gave four concerts a day. The record was eight performances in a day. Wanting to earn even more money, Andrey found doubles and arranged concerts simultaneously in different cities, to the soundtrack, passing off completely different people as members of the Tender May group.

In 1990 Andrey Razin released his first book en titled "Winter in the country of Tender May". He didn't stop there. A little later, the newspaper "Tender May" began to be published. In 1992, the group broke up. As Razin explains, this happened because of the desire of Yuri Shatunov to perform solo.

Now our hero has assembled a new team that works all under the same name. They are still touring all over the country, but with less success.

Razin's personal life

The name of the first common-law wife Andrey still does not disclose. It is only known that their son Ilya was born from their union. Razin found out about him when the boy was 17 years old. After that, the father took his son to Moscow to study as a stylist. Our hero assures that he is preparing a worthy replacement for the famous Zverev.

Andrey's first official wife was Natalya Lebedeva, with whom they lived for nine years, after which they divorced. The next wife of Razin was Faina, the owner of a Moscow restaurant. They had a son Alexander. And again failure. Spousesbroke up.

Razin's next lover was stripper Karina Barbie. The couple initially hid their union. But when Kareena's stomach became round, there was no point in denying their relationship.

Andrey Razin and Karina Barbie
Andrey Razin and Karina Barbie

In 2013, on November 7, Andrei Razin and Karina Barbie became the happy parents of little Aurora, whom our hero promised to present with the AR media holding. The girl was named after the Great October Revolution. In addition, she was born at dawn, and in Latin "Aurora" means the morning star.

Andrey Razin - singer

During his work at the recording studio, Razin began working as the administrator of the Mirage group. Sometimes he, as a singer, together with the team performed at concerts. The listener liked them. Razin performed the first songs in a duet with E. Semenova.

andrey razin singer
andrey razin singer

After our hero devoted himself to work with the group "Tender May", where, with the help of its creator Kuznetsov, he recorded several songs, which were then included in the second album of the ensemble.

Political career

When the group broke up, Razin became involved in politics, business, science, and culture. In 1993, Andrey Razin tried himself as the rector of the Institute of Contemporary Arts in Stavropol.

andrey razin
andrey razin

In 1996, in the presidential elections, he was G. Zyuganov's confidant. In the same year, he headed the Stavropol Cultural Fund, was the head of the company.

In May 1997, Razin was elected chairman of the board in the StavropolCultural Foundation. This was not the end of his work. In the same year, he was elected to the Duma of the Stavropol Territory of the second convocation. Razin was elected to this position more than once.

In 2000, Andrei tries himself as an adviser to the President of Karachay-Cherkessia V. Semenov and is his authorized representative in the Republic of Belarus.

Also, Razin becomes an active supporter of the United Russia party.

Today, no one can think that once this well-known throughout the country and beyond its borders, producer, politician and singer Andrei Razin, whose biography began very tragically, achieved such heights thanks only to his strength and strength of character.
