Biography of Nyusha - singers of the younger generation

Biography of Nyusha - singers of the younger generation
Biography of Nyusha - singers of the younger generation

Many have heard songs such as "Above", "Alone" or "Angel" sung by singer Nyusha. The biography of this young performer is not known to everyone, although fans are more often interested in her. At 23, she is the owner of many awards. Today we will talk about this talented person and learn a little about her life.

biography of Nyusha singer
biography of Nyusha singer

Childhood of a young vocalist

The real name of the singer Nyusha is Anya Shurochkina. She was born in 1990, on August 15. Her hometown is the capital of Russia. From an early age, parents noticed the musical abilities in the baby, which she inherited from her father, a former member of the Tender May group and her mother, who previously performed songs in a rock band.

Together with dad, the girl studied music and songs. The efforts were not in vain: at the age of five, Anya visited a recording studio for the first time and recorded her first track - “The Big Dipper Song”. She was so interested in creativity that when Anya went to the village to her grandmother, she herself organized a concert there!

Biography of Nyusha, the singer who conquered the younger generation

singer nyusha biography
singer nyusha biography

At the age of nine, the girl entered the children's dance theater "Daisies", thanks to which she visited many cities of Russia and performed at the Kremlin Palace. During this period, her father hired her a teacher of solfeggio and piano. As a result, at the age of eleven, Anya became a member of the Grizzly children's group, with whom she first went to perform in Germany.

At the age of twelve, the father gave his daughter the best gift - he wrote her several compositions. It was they who gave the girl the opportunity to sign a contract with Interscope in London. However, Anya refused this offer.

At the age of fourteen, the girl really wanted to get to the "Star Factory", but because of her age she was not accepted. Anya did not get upset and decided to get on stage in a different way.

Nyusha's dream of creating a hit comes true

In 2007, the performer officially changed her pop name to Nyusha. The victory in the competition "STS Lights a Star" inspired her. In 2008, the girl decides to participate in the New Wave competition and takes seventh place in it. However, most of all she wanted to create her own hit.

In 2009, the biography of Nyusha, a singer who continues to believe in herself, was replenished with important events. She finally created the hit "Howl at the Moon", thanks to which she received her first awards. The girl became a laureate in the "Song of the Year-2009" and "God of the Air-2009" contests, and also performed completely new compositions at "Europe Plus live-2009". The vocalist continued to create one hit after another. After a while, the album "Choose a Miracle" was released, whichtook the first positions in all rankings.

2012 was even more successful for Nyusha's career. She not only continues to develop her creative abilities, but also does not refuse the role of the host in the TopHit-Chart program on the MUZ TV channel.

Personal life of the performer

the name of the singer Nyusha
the name of the singer Nyusha

The girl does not like to talk about her personal life. Therefore, the love biography of Nyusha, a new generation singer, is based on rumors. It was said that she met with Aristarchus Venes, who starred in the series "Kremlin Cadets" and "Kadetstvo". Then she had another gentleman - Alexander Radulov (hockey player). Now she cares about Vlad Sokolov.

The singer promises to inform fans about her marriage. She also really wants all people to believe in her example that miracles happen: you just need to strongly believe in them and be able to wait. Then all the wishes will surely come true.

Here is a biography of Nyusha, a singer who truly believes in miracles.
