Learning to draw a sketch. It is interesting

Learning to draw a sketch. It is interesting
Learning to draw a sketch. It is interesting

Table of contents:


If you have an irresistible desire to learn how to draw, you should start with sketches. A sketch is a sketch, a sketch, any drawing and even a picture begins with it. Before creating a work of art, most creators had complete sketchbooks that showed what each character in the picture would look like, their environment, layout plan, and color palette.

After all, a sketch is a kind of artist's notes, fixing thoughts about the life around him in general and some future work in particular. A good artist always goes with a notebook so that there is where to draw a new impression.

This article will tell you how to choose the right object, what tools you need, give tips and show examples for a beginner sketcher.


Anything goes well for sketching, even a napkin and a toothpick soaked in espresso. But since we are learning, it is best to take thick paper (for drawing) A4 format, no more, pencils of different density, an eraser.


Of course, anything can become an object for a sketch, but first you need to choose an objectfixed, independent of natural light sources, accessible. That is, you should not choose animals (the first sketches will be created for a long time, the horse will not withstand so much).

sketch it
sketch it

Houses, benches, sculptures are also not a good choice for a first sketch. Drawing sketches involves placing light accents, and what if a cloud suddenly comes running in or, on the contrary, suddenly clears up?

The best option is a mug, a toy, a flower on your desk under a lamp. You can also take a finished image, picture, photograph and try to draw it, for which you also first need to make a sketch.

how to draw sketch
how to draw sketch

The tools are ready, the object is selected, we can start.

How to draw a sketch?

Imagine your subject without details, as if you were looking at it in the dark. You can practice by turning off the lights. What remains the main thing? What lines, contours, shadows indicate that this is a mug, and not a bucket or a cactus? Got a performance? Go!

Determine the center of the sheet, draw two lines through this point - a vertical and a horizon.

Now determine the approximate center of your sketch (after all, the subject can be asymmetrical and stand above or below the horizon line), so draw two lines. Now you won't get lost in space.

Starting to the image of the actual object, its contours. For starters, you can draw not even lines, but dots or dotted lines.

sketch drawing
sketch drawing

When the dotted lines reflect the shape of the object, circle them inmain.

Further refine your sketch by adding unique details.

The next step is placing shadows on the object and defining it in space. The example shows the creation of a sketch of a fictitious girl (character), but if your mug is on a pedestal, it has a chipped edge, and behind it is an openwork napkin, all this - albeit in general terms - should be clearly visible.

sketch example1
sketch example1

Even a fantasy hero on a sketch should have all the details worked out, because a sketch is an instruction for creating a drawing.

If there is a desire or need, you can finish the sketch with color accents. You can paint with anything, do it in sufficient detail or just apply color spots.

Regular classes will certainly lead to the fact that soon you will get original, original, informative sketches, and most importantly - very quickly!

sketch example2
sketch example2

Another "five line" exercise - allow yourself to depict an object with only five lines or less. Trying to fulfill this condition is better when you already have some experience. Choose objects that you see fleetingly (from the window of a minibus, passing in an elevator) - train your visual memory.

Try and don't give up, sketching is fun!
