How to draw an apple: learning to see beauty in the ordinary

How to draw an apple: learning to see beauty in the ordinary
How to draw an apple: learning to see beauty in the ordinary

The art of composing and depicting still lifes requires sufficient perseverance and certain knowledge from the artist. However, all masters recommend starting with drawing ordinary … apples. This can be done quite simply and quickly and at the same time "fill your hand" for more complex work. How to draw an apple with a pencil or paints? Find out now!

First of all, it should be said that you can move on to drawing still lifes only after studying the rules of chiaroscuro and training in the image of basic figures. These are the basics of drawing, without which it is almost impossible to develop in this direction. In this case, we first need the ability to draw a ball - in shape, an apple most of all resembles this particular figure. In this article we will look at how to draw an apple with a pencil and paints.

Pencil drawing

To understand how to draw an apple, it is best to start with a simple pencil drawing. This will allow you to feel the shape of the fruit, convey itvolume.

how to draw an apple
how to draw an apple

1. Mark on the sheet the place where your apple will be located. Remember that a real fruit cannot be perfectly shaped, so a regular ball should have a few "humps", curved lines, etc.

2. Mark the spine. Immediately decide which side the light is coming from.

3. First of all, we are working on the darkest places (the opposite end of the apple, notches near the spine, etc.).

4. Next, we work on the penumbra. This is the area at the bottom of the apple and the area near the shadow. Shadow and penumbra on average occupy about 1/3 of the picture.

5. Let's designate the lower edge of the fruit and outline with a soft pencil (4B) a shadow on the plane cast by the apple. The shadow also gradually changes: near the apple itself, it will be most saturated, and gradually dissipate with distance.

6. The main tone should not be too bright. We convey it with the help of light strokes. We designate the “ribs” of an apple with the help of thin stripes a tone darker than the surrounding plane. For example, if the bend is in the penumbra zone, it must be indicated using the shade of the shadow.

7. Slightly darken the areas near the edge of the apple and emphasize its lower part.

8. Make all colors more saturated. If you need to draw a wall behind the apple, the outline of the fruit must be made darker. Gradually, just like on the table, the shadow should dissipate. Be sure to leave at the point where the light hits the apple at an angle of 90 degrees, the so-called highlight - a small bright spot, a reflection.

draw an apple
draw an apple

And if we add colors?

Many people will be interested to learn how to draw an apple with paints. The layout of light and dark areas and the drawing order in this case will be about the same. However, there are a number of nuances to consider:

  • To truly paint a drawing, don't limit yourself to the colors you see. For example, if an apple is completely green, you can use not only different shades of saturation, but also mix the main color with yellow, bluish, even red.
  • Don't be "afraid" of paint. Take a look at your "nature" - a real apple: nature has not stinted on colors. And so you shouldn't. The drawing should look as if you can bite your teeth into it and feel the sweet apple taste.
  • Another rule in how to paint an apple is not to leave the highlight completely white. It should be the lightest shade of the main tone (for example, if the apple is red, you can use soft pink or rose yellow).
  • No abrupt transitions! But it’s not worth “blurring” the whole picture either. The shades should be clearly visible, but as if they “flow” one into the other. Moreover, this should be achieved not by rubbing the borders with a wet brush, but by successfully applying different colors to each other.
drawing basics
drawing basics

As you can see, drawing an apple is very easy! I hope you find this article helpful.
