A touching story written by Andrey Platonov. Summary: "Cow" - a work about people and animals

A touching story written by Andrey Platonov. Summary: "Cow" - a work about people and animals
A touching story written by Andrey Platonov. Summary: "Cow" - a work about people and animals

Writer Andrey Platonov was born in 1899, on September 1st. His father worked as a mechanic in the railway workshops of the city of Voronezh and as a locomotive driver. Therefore, the writer knew the basics of this profession from childhood. It is not surprising that in his story "The Cow" he introduces the reader to a boy whose father was a traveling watchman. Vasily himself - the hero of the story - knew how to make sure that the locomotive did not skid on the rise; knew how to determine by the noise of the brakes whether they were in good order. Andrei Platonov talks about this. A summary (a cow of the Circassian breed is one of the main characters of the story) will give us some idea of \u200b\u200bthis touching work.

The beginning of the story. Andrey Platonov, "Cow": summary

Platonov. Summary of "Cow"
Platonov. Summary of "Cow"

A boy comes to his cow in the barn, talks to his pet, wants to hug her, but she is indifferent to affection. She chews drygrass and thinks about his own. The thoughts of the animal that day were directed towards the son - the calf. He choked, began to feel bad, and the boy's father, Vasya Rubtsov, took the calf to the station to show the doctor. Vasya loved his cow, he stroked her udder, which gave milk. It is from this episode that Platonov begins his story. The summary (“The Cow”, as it is already clear, is a touching story about love for animals) takes the reader to the station. Since Vasily's father was absent, his mother asked her son to meet the train. He immediately agreed and went to wait for the composition. But the boy really wanted the train to arrive faster, because it was time to do homework. He studied at a seven-year school and was a diligent student. Studying gave the child pleasure, as he learned something new every time.

And finally, the train appeared. He walked with difficulty, as the road went uphill. The driver's assistant poured sand under the wheels so that they would not slip. These are the subtleties in the work of steam locomotives Andrey Platonov describes.

Summary ("The Cow" is a rather sad story), unfortunately, cannot fully reveal the character of the boy Vasily. However, we can get a general idea of it.

Description of the character of the main character

Summary of the story "Cow". Platonov
Summary of the story "Cow". Platonov

Vasya approached the driver's assistant and told him to get into the cab, and he himself would pour sand on the rails. And so they did. The assistant driver looked at the child with respect and thought that if he had not had his son, he would have adoptedthis boy. Vasya himself liked this kind of work. Not only that, he gave good advice, saying that you need to order a larger sand box from the tinker, since this one does not fit enough. Then Vasily was asked to see if the brakes were stuck somewhere in the car. He coped with this task too. Here is such a business guy that Platonov draws for us. The summary ("The Cow" is a story that speaks of the serious nature of this little man) allows us to present the character of the boy in general terms.

Platonov "Cow" summary [1]
Platonov "Cow" summary [1]

Tragic denouement

The cow often mooed plaintively, as if calling her son. Vasily's father came only the next day and alone. The son asked him where the calf was. The father said that the doctor helped the calf, but he sold it for meat for a good price. All this time the cow mooed plaintively. She did not eat the bread and s alt that the boy brought her. Then the summary of the story "The Cow" proceeds to the saddest moment. Platonov writes that the family sometimes plowed the land on the animal. Since her son disappeared, the cow has become indifferent to everything. She looked for him, often went to the railroad tracks and walked there. One day she was hit by a train. Platonov speaks of this tragic incident in his work.

Summary: cow died - what happened next?

Father and son sold her for meat, the boy wrote about his favorite in a school essay. Vasya wrote that the cow plowed, gave them milk, gave them a son, and then her own meat. The story ends here…
