What was the name of Charlie Chaplin's hat and what is its history?

What was the name of Charlie Chaplin's hat and what is its history?
What was the name of Charlie Chaplin's hat and what is its history?

Of course, everyone has seen films with one of the most brilliant comic actors of all time. And we associate his image very strongly with the appearance of his hero - both a tramp and a gentleman - and especially with his headdress. But what was the name of Charlie Chaplin's hat?

What was the name of Charlie Chaplin's hat?
What was the name of Charlie Chaplin's hat?

Many people immediately recognize her bowler hat - a symbol of Britain. This masterpiece of art was created in the middle of the 19th century by two brothers named Bowler: Thomas and William. They made it specifically at the request of rangers, hunters and foresters who needed a special headdress. He shouldn't have come off his head like a top hat when twigs clung to him.

When we talk about what Charlie Chaplin's hat was called and why the great actor wore it, we must not forget that it was made from durable felt. Elasticity and durability were imparted to it by impregnation with a special solution of mercury. When the first buyer checked the ordered headgear, he even stood on it with his feet to make sure it was strong. ButWhat was the original name of Charlie Chaplin's hat? Cox - by the name of the first buyer. And then it was called by the name of the company that took up their mass production. This is “Bowler (in English “bowler”) and son.”

charlie chaplin hat
charlie chaplin hat

This hat became the favorite hat of bankers, then the military, who put on a civilian dress in the city. Until now, the etiquette of officers of the royal guard of Her Majesty obliges them to wear a bowler hat. This type of hat itself has become one of the signs of everything “true English” - like tea at five o'clock in the evening, a London umbrella and a spleen. Even some dandies f altered and switched from cylinders to bowlers. Women were also fond of this dress - both riders and suffragettes, fighters for the rights of the "second sex".

What was the name of Charlie Chaplin's hat in other countries where it also became popular? In France and Germany - "melon", and in the USA - "derby". In America, a comfortable hat has become a favorite headdress of various social strata - "villains" and sheriffs, millionaires and laborers. And in Bolivia, it has become so fashionable that women of Indian tribes - Quechua-Aymara, for example - do not even go out without it.

Chaplin hat
Chaplin hat

They say that this headdress "came" to the Latin American country to be worn by workers from Italy. But the sizes turned out to be small for them and came up only for Indian women. Since then, they have been wearing bowlers with pride. But in the African country of Nigeria, only men wear these hats - perhaps in memory of the English colonization.

Fashion for this headdresspersisted until the 1960s. Then she became more ceremonial than everyday. But the bowler does not give up! Chaplin's hat turned out to be even part of the uniform - English policewomen wear a slightly modified version of it. And some firms - permanent participants in the world's haute couture shows, such as Hermes - have made it one of the glamorous accessories. And psychoanalysts assure that the bowler hat suits original and eccentric people. The original Charlie Chaplin hat, along with the great actor's cane, were sold for a lot of money at a Los Angeles auction in 2012. They were bought for 62 thousand dollars.
