Bettie Page is the harbinger of the sexual revolution

Bettie Page is the harbinger of the sexual revolution
Bettie Page is the harbinger of the sexual revolution

Today, shooting girls, including famous ones, in the nude is no surprise. On the contrary, the stars in this way try to draw attention to their person. And some consider nude photo shoots to be such a kind of demonstration of their inimitable forms and feminine beauty. This is all happening today, and in the late fifties and early sixties, photographs and shooting even in swimsuits were an occasion for condemnation by people from a decently educated society, as well as the cause of great scandals.

Bettie Page
Bettie Page

Hard childhood

Despite everything, at all times there were people who challenged the established order, moral standards and life conventions. Such was the inimitable Bettie Page - one of the most famous girls of those years.

She was born on April 22, 1923 in the United States of America, in the small town of Nashville, Tennessee. Already at the age of ten, Betty May Page felt the hardships of life. After the parents divorced, the mother, trying to feed her family, grabbed any job, and the children had to survive in the orphanage for about a year. Betty has been taking care of her sisters the best she can all this time.

Despite everything, the girl graduated from high school with good grades. The next step in her life was going to college with the goal of becoming a teacher. But at the same time, in the fall of 1940, Bettie Page entered acting school, and dreams of teaching faded into the background.

Road to fame

In 1947, the girl moved to New York. To somehow feed herself, she works as a secretary and at the same time tries to prove herself in acting productions.

Three years later, by chance, Betty met police officer Jerry Todd, who, in addition to work, was passionate about photography. It was he who suggested that the girl take pictures in the pin-up style. The image of a beautiful half-naked Betty on posters and postcards began to be bought up with great speed. Her photos regularly appeared in magazines, playing cards and record sleeves. Thanks to them, popularity quickly overtook Bettie Page. The biography of the girl from that moment has ceased to be flawless, as before.

Playboy Star

Posing nude, Betty quickly became a famous model in the style of erotic pictures. Her pictures were published in the most famous magazines of those times.

Bettie Page, biography
Bettie Page, biography

For five years, starting in 1952, the girl worked as a model in New York. At that time in the United States of America, she was one of the most sought after in her profession. In 1955, Playboy magazine, celebrating the anniversary of its existence, published photographs of Betty. They hadA model is shown wearing only a Santa hat. These pictures brought Bettie Page even more popularity. Shortly after the release of her numerous photos in lingerie and swimwear, the model received the well-deserved title of "Miss Pin-up USA".

Truth or rumors

There is always a lot of gossip around famous personalities and it is not clear where the rumors come from. The sexy Bettie Page was no exception. Films with her participation, in which there were elements of eroticism, even more gave rise to mixed reviews about the actress. And today it is not always clear where was the truth and where was fiction.

Obscene Bettie Page
Obscene Bettie Page

One of these rumors appeared after the publication of an article in the English newspaper Sun, which spoke of Betty's erotic relationship with Marilyn Monroe. However, this scandalous news only reinforced the growing interest in the person Paige.

Also, many believe that the sexual revolution that swept the United States in the sixties was started by Betty.

Charming, spontaneous and sensual girl has repeatedly inspired both men and women. Several books have been written about her life and two films have been made. In 2004, Bettie Page: Dark Angel was released, and in 2005, Obscene Bettie Page was released.

Personal facts

bettie page movies
bettie page movies

Incredibly charming and at the same time restless girl was married four times, and twice - for the same man. They became her college classmate Billy Neill. These twomarriages took place in 1943 and 1960. Between them there was another one - with Armond W alters, which lasted about five years. Betty's last chosen one in 1967 was Garru Lear. But this relationship also did not last long.

Unfortunately, Paige's hectic life led to her having a nervous breakdown in 1979. The diagnosis of "schizophrenia" thundered like a sentence. She spent the next year and a half in a psychiatric clinic under the constant supervision of doctors. And only in 1992 the actress was rehabilitated.

Sixteen years later, in 2008, Betty was hospitalized with a heart attack in a Los Angeles clinic, where she fell into a coma after some time. Five days later, the relatives decided to turn off the artificial life support device - and the wonderful actress and model was no more. She was eighty-five. Just as Bettie Page wanted, she will forever remain young and beautiful in people's memory.
